Important Note

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I know I haven't updated in ages, and I know this isn't a new chapter, but I feel like I need to let you guys know whats been happening.

I have had an absolute shit week. There was a death in my family. That was the first blow and it has been a horrible time for me. The second blow was Zayn leaving one direction - I know for some of you that might seem like a pathetic and trivial thing, but it really hit me hard.

Yes, I have done a lot of crying this week.

Hence the lag in updates. I want to write for you (or the few of you that actually read this), but whenever I sit down to write I am either too tired or too sad.

I don't know how long it will take for me to sort my shit out and get the next chapter out, but bear with me. My school holidays are coming up so hopefully I can dedicate more time into finishing this fanfic.

Although there are only a handful of you that regularly read this, I appreciate every single one of you more than you will ever know. Thank you so much for every little vote and comment - it brightens up my day immensely to see you respond to my writing.

I love you all so much xx

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