Chapter 1

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Hello! Tysm for clicking on my story, it means so much to me that people actually read this random fanfic I decided to write for fun. Before you start reading:

> Eila is pronounced Eye-lah
> I don't actually live in London, so some details about locations and stuff may be vague or incorrect.
> This story gets better as you go on so don't give up on it! I promise it's different from other Joe fics out there.
> Small, minor details of the characters personalities and real life events may be overlooked to work with the plot.
> Finally, the characters and events are totally fictional. None of this is based on real life asides from the appearance of Joe & other youtubers and some of their attributes.

The main youtube protagonists of the story are Joe and Caspar, however there will be appearances from other youtube stars such as Zoe, Alfie, Dan, Phil, Tyler etc.

Please enjoy the story, it's my first fanfiction on wattpad and the first of many more to come!

Eila's POV

The streets of london are especially busy during midday - so many cars tooting, people yelling and a completely overwhelming blur of faces. I find it very easy to get lost in this city, to forget who I am for a little while. The constant hum of the urban symphony never fails to lull me into contentment.

As I stroll through the streets of this wonderful city, it occurs to me that I should probably make my way to my potential apartment, where a landlord is waiting to give me the tour. I have been anticipating this for months - a new flat, a new city, a new life. Ever since I had decided to study abroad and fly the coop I've felt nothing but excitement for what lies ahead. Little old New Zealand had become to small for me, I needed to spread my wings and take off.

I finally reach a tube station and find the route I'm looking for. Navigating this system has proved difficult for the last few days - however I feel a buzz of excitement as I realize that I will soon get used to it. Now sitting on the tube, I pull out my phone and begin mindlessly scrolling through twitter. I'm not really processing what each tweet says - until I see Joe Sugg's familiar face pop up. The tweet reads: "I think someone new is moving into out apartment block - hopefully we can be friends! :P" My heart does a pathetic flop as I reread the tweet. He... He's not talking about ME, is he? I think with doubt clouding my mind. No, surely not - there's 8 million people living in London, and I have no clue where he and Caspar even live!

I calm myself and face the facts that I'm not going to be living next door to Caspar and Joe, although that would be a dream come true. I sigh loudly as I picture Joe in my mind - so gorgeous and absolutely hilarious. Recently I'd developed an addiction to the youtube community - the whole lot of them: Joe, Zoe, Caspar, Marcus, Tyler, Troye etc. I was subscribed to all of them and often went on marathon watching sessions. I knew that it was a little bit embarrasing - I mean, I am 19 years old and supposedly 'mature'. I laugh inwardly at that statement as I know I am anything but.

I finally arrive at the front door of my soon-to-be home. Ringing the buzzer, I stand back and start to hum under my breath. I barely have to wait 10 seconds and the door opens, revealing a friendly face and crisp black suit.

"Hi, you must be Eila! I'm Dion and I'll be giving you the grand tour!" Dion's voice is friendly and he has eyes that seem to smile at you. I immediately feel welcome.

"Yep, that's me! I'm glad to finally be here, living out of a suitcase hasnt been fun, I'm ready to settle down." I laugh as I walk into the main lobby, taking in my surroudings. I meant what I said - I was really looking forward to settling in and building a little nest for myself. There is only so long you can stay at a hotel for.

"Yes, well I'm very glad we could help you with that." Dion smiles and gestures for me to follow him. "I'll show you where your place is."

Dion takes me to a lift and presses floor three. In no time at all we reach our destination, and I step out into the hallway. To my complete and utter shock, walking towards us from the opposite end is Joe Sugg. I barely have time to react before he is meters away from us - I force myself not to gasp as I appreciate how shockingly gorgeous he is. I can already feel my heart beating out of my ribcage, and I can feel my hands becoming sweaty. As he approaches us he looks at Dion and gives a chirpy "Hey mate." He then looks at me and a grin slowly spreads across his adorable face.

"So, you must be the new person! I'm Joe Su-"

"I know who you are - I watch your videos!" My voice sounds slightly breathless, and I curse myself inwardly for being such a crazed fangirl.

His grin is still wide. "Well, it's an absolute pleasure to be watched by someone as pretty as you."

My insides are squirming and my brain is literally on fangirl overdrive, however I manage to formulate a sensible reply - "Thanks, although you never know, Mila Kunis might watch your videos." His sexy chuckle rings out and it makes me want to die, right then and there.

"I can see you really are a ThatcherJoe fan! Hey, listen, Cas and I are in apartment 2B, after Dion's shown you around come on over." He smiles once more and gives Dion a little head flick as he starts to walk away.

"Gosh, I'm not dealing with another thatcherjoe fangirl am I?" Dion chuckles as we start to walk further down the hall.

"What? I'm not a fangirl, I just happen to enjoy his videos!" I try to defend myself, but I can tell Dion sees right through me.

"Yeah right, I could tell you were getting all flustered back there - Don't worry, I have two daughters that always beg me to take them to the flats so they can see him. Being a landlord for ThatcherJoe isn't easy sometimes." Dion winks so I know he is kidding around. I laugh with understanding, and look up to see that weve arrived at my new apartment.

Dion shows me around, and I'm surprised to find that I absolutely love it. It's spacious and cozy at the same time, the furniture complimenting each space. I can't wait to add personal touches and make it my own. Upon finishing the tour, Dion gives me a handshake and hands me my very own set of keys. It's that moment that reality hits - I'm here in London, in a beautiful apartment, right next door to Joseph Sugg! I resist the urge to scream, and instead I hurredly run to the bathroom and fix up my hair. I need to look my best if I'm going to be hanging out with Joe and Caspar, two of my absolute favourites. I still can't believe this is real, so I allow myself a little jump and squeal. After fiddling with my hair for a while, I proceed to burst out the door and make my way to apartment 2B.


I've never done this before, so If it's really bad I apologise! I just wanted to give it a go, hopefully I can get some votes and reads.

This is the first chapter I guess, hopefully soon more will be added - I have quite alot of the story already written out.

If you got this far I'd really appreciate a vote and a comment. It always helps :) xx

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