Chapter 13

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Beep. Beep. Beep. The dreaded sound of an alarm clock rings out through my whole apartment. My eyes bleary and mind disorientated, I cover my ears to the terrible noise.

It's time to go to Uni.

After some considerable effort, I leave my cocoon of warmth and stumble into a shower. It's I wander I manage to actually wash myself, get changed and do my hair - I feel like a zombie.

I get some cereal and check the time - 8:00, class starts at 9:30. The trip on the tube only takes about ten minutes, so I have heaps of time.

I recieve a text from Joe. "Morning sunshine ;) I decided to put our video up next sunday, I want people to be anticipating this." My stomach flips as I think about all the people that will soon know who I am. Scary.

When I leave my apartment, class schedule and notebooks in hand, the hallway and lobby are totally deserted. Jeez, it must be early.

The tube ride passes uneventfully - I spend the entire time looking out the window at the occaisional lights flashing by, thinking about Joe. I wander if I'll make any friends at Uni - I really hope so.

I arrive with ten minutes to spare. The university is huge - however I'm only in the commerce block, a small fraction of the entire campus. It's a beautiful place - the buildings are old and majestic, they make the city seem to be much grander than it really is. There are park benches and flowers everywhere, students milling around them laughing and chatting.

I get to my first class early. It's in a grand lecture hall, with wooden oak benches and what looks like space for a thousand. It makes me feel very small. Already there are people beginning to file into the hall, and soon enough the place is packed. I knew commerce was a popular course - but this is insane!

I'm sitting next to a guy thats already scribbling furiously in his notebook, his head bent over the page. All I can see is a mop of sandy blonde hair. I'm really tempted to ask him what the hell he's writing about, but before I can I hear a jolting whip sound coming from the podium.

In all the hustle and bustle, I hadn't noticed the lecturer walk in. He is quite tall, dressed in a smart black suit. His glasses suit him, and he has brown hair with streaks of subtle grey. Even though he looks business, he has a huge grin on his face that shows off his pearly whites.

"Sorry about that, I just really like using this thing." He does another whipcrack and earns a few laughs from the audinece.

"So. Commerce. I take it you all enrolled in this course because you want to be something in life. A CEO. A bigshot. Someone who makes alot of money. Well, I'm here to tell you that the only person who can help you with that is yourself. It's a cut throat world out there. I'm here to help you set the foundation blocks for becoming successful..." Everyone in the room is entranced by his speech, hardly a single word uttered. I'm on the edge of my seat, straining to hear each word he says.

"This guy is incredible." I look to my left and see blondie has looked up from his notes. I must admit he is pretty adorable - he has the bluest eyes, tan skin and very cute dimples. However, Joe is mine now - he's the best I could ever hope for.

"I know - he's such an amazing speaker." The guy looks me in the eyes, grinning so his dimples pop out.

"It's Zach by the way, and you are?"

"Eila. Nice to meet you." I flash him a friendly smile, glad to be making friends already.

The rest of the class passes quickly - the lecturer (who's name is Professor Adams) makes every minute entertaining. Something I never thought would be possible in Commerce.

As he dismisses us, the noise level in the hall ascends until I can barely hear myself think. I cover my ears and Zach is grinning while he collects all his notes.

"I'll see you tomorrow then!" He shouts over the din.

"Yeah, see you!" I shout back, supressing a laugh. I join the throng of the crowd that's descending the steps of the auditorium, leaving Zach behind.

Outside the hall, I check the time and am surprised to find 2 hours has already passed - god, that lecture felt like it was 10 minutes long! My stomach is grumbling, I need to source some food immediately.

Luckily there's a canteen on campus, so a sausage roll will have to do for today. While munching on my food, I wander around the commerce block. Something catches my eye on my travels - a pinboard with a multitude of posters, all advertising university clubs. I scan them quickly, and spot one that looks interesting.

It reads; "Media Club! Into movies, music, videos, editing, acting? We want you! Meeting this monday! 12:00, Arts Block, 18C" I feel a buzz of excitement. This group might be exactly what I need to kick start my youtube career. If I can learn more about video making and editing, I won't have to interupt the busy schedule of my newly found youtube freinds for their help - I can learn on my own!

I pull out my university map from my bag and locate the arts block. Luckily it's not too far from here - I should make it in time for the meeting.

After a stressful and confusing 10 minutes of map reading, I arrive at my destination. Thankfully there's a poster saying "MEDIA CLUB" on the door of the building I'm looking for.

I timidly open the door, already quite nervous. I'm usually a confident person - but this is something I've never done before.

The room I'm in could probably be classified as a Youtubers paradise. Theres an entire corner of the room dedicated to filming - a green screen, sophisticated lighting and a very expensive camera all on show. There's also a circular table with about 5 iMacs on it and comfy looking office chairs all around. In another corner I also spot a recording booth, equipped with all the latest music technology. In front of me is a large bean shaped table that's low to the ground, a number of bean bags surrounding it. Most of the seats are occupied by people - all of which look really excited to be here.

Everyone looks up as I enter, the chatter in the room dying down. I gulp, realising that these people probably all know eachother already.

"Hi! Welcome to Media Club. I'm Natsuko, but call me Nat. You are?" A japanese girl with straight, jet black hair and cute nerd glasses has come over to me.

"Eila, nice to meet you. This room... Is amazing." I look around in awe and she nods in agreement.

"We were so lucky to get this space - it's the most sophisticated media room in the whole university. This is where the elite students come." She winks and I laugh. She gestures for me to take a seat on an empty beanbag. I'm assuming she's the organiser for the club.

I sit down on a comfy red beanbag , at the very end of the long bean table. Nat claps her hands loudly, causing the chatter to slowly die down.

"Hello, welcome to Media Club. As you all can see, we've nabbed the best facilities on offer. Let's have a collective round of applause." Nat grins and claps, everyone else follows suit enthusiastically.

"Now, down to business. Some of you might know what I like to do when we get new members - the NAS game!" A few people groan, and Nat chuckles. I'm already starting to like this girl.

"Every. Single. Time." One guy is moaning.

"Oh shut up Elijah, just because you've been in the club since the start." Nat snaps playfully. "Now, as is customary, even old members must partake in the NAS game. For those of you who don't know, NAS stands for Name, Age and Story. Tell us about you, your passions, your life, your hobbies. We're a tightnit group round here." She grins and playfully gives Elijah a noogie. Something tells me those two have a thing going on.

Looking around the room, I count up around 15 people. Everyone here looks so 'hipster', rocking the vintage clothes and giant nerd glasses, some of them have headphones around their neck or a large camera sitting in their lap.

The NAS game begins, and many people reluctantly stand up and tell the group basic details about themselves. For most people, jokes are shouted at them throughout, and I assume they're old members who are already with the group. Pretty soon the girl next to me starts talking - she has straight ginger hair and adorable freckles. "Hey, I'm Sophie, I'm 18 and I'm kindof a fangirl." This earns a few chuckles from the group. "Like, name a fandom and I'm in it - HP, Starkid, Divergent, TFIOS, TMI, Youtube... Pretty much everything. Oh and I'm from New Zealand." A few people yell out "Sweet as Bro!" In terrible kiwi accents

I grin, knowing that I could probably get along with this girl - kiwi, and a fangirl! Her oufit is really cute - she's wearing a starkid shirt with some denim shorts and converse. Her eyes are a really striking blue and her lips are rosy red. My turn finally arrives.

"Hey, this is actually going to sound a bit repetitive, but I'm Eila, I'm 19 (almost twenty) and I also hail from NZ!" The response to this is some enthusiastic cheers and a grin from Sophie. "I love singing, I'm doing a degree on commerce and I'm thinking about starting my own youtube channel!" People nod approvingly. A girl with crazy hair and a few piercings says "Go for it - all it takes is creativity and you'll make it big." Everyone mumurs in agreement.

A little while later, everyone in the group has shared their stories. Nat once again claps before she starts to talk. "Allright, the second stage of the NAS tradition is the best! Talk! Be sociable! Old members, meet the new members. Off ya go!" She kneels back on her knees and chats animatedly to Elijah.

I turn to Sophie. "Wow, what are the odds - two kiwis finding eachother in a huge english univerity!" I say, smiling.

"I know right! It's amazing. I thought I'd be surrounded by poms all the time, but now I have you!" She grins cheekily. "Hey, you mentioned you were thinking about starting up Youtube?"

"Yeah, I had a thought. Maybe a singing channel." I smile nervously.

"That would be amazing! You know, I'm pretty good at filming and editing - I could help you out." She offers kindly.

"Thanks for the offer! I'll let you know."

She smiles. "I'm just obsessed with youtube right now - I'm subscribed to so many. I love all the brits, Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Ryan Higa, Dan Howell..." She goes off listing a huge amount of youtubers. I almost tell her I'm good friends with most of them, but decide against it. That might cause a bit of havoc, especially if everyone in the room hears.

Sophie and I soon get bombarded with friendly people introducing themselves so we are seperated. Everyone here is really nice, and chilled out. I can't wait to make friends with these people.

Eventually Nat does her familiar clap and everyone ambles back to their seats. "Gosh, you lot sure can talk! I hope we all got acquainted with our new members." She smiles warmly at me. "And now, the real fun begins." She grins and I feel excitement build up inside me. It's time to dive head first into the world of media.


Sorry there's no Joe in this chapter - be patient young ones :)

I was pretty happy with this as a chapter, stayed up till like 1:30 writing it so yeah :D

Sophie is a character based of a really good friend of mine in real life ;) x

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