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Joe's POV

Eilas face is lit up, eyes wide and mouth open. It's crazy that Youtubers are this important to her - it makes me want to burst out laughing. To me they're just ordinary people.

I look over at my computer screen and see that the video has now exported 20% so it's slowly chugging along.

"Eila, would you like anything to eat? It's almost 1:30." I ask.

"Sure, but I'll get it. I'm sure I can find my way around." Sure enough Eila makes herself at home in our kitchen - I can hear her banging pots and opening draws for a little while but then all goes quiet except for a satisfying sizzling noise.

At 1:45 she returns, holding a plate piled high with ham and cheese toasties. "These were my favourite as a kid - I hope you guys like em'" she plonks down and grabs one.

Caspars eyes widen and a grin spreads over his face. "I love these! Eila, you should live here and make them everyday."

The sandwiches are delicious and the entire supply is demolished within a number of minutes. Soon after lunch, Eila has to leave to get a few things done in her flat.

"So I'll see you two at seven then?" She winks as she heads out the door.

"Can't wait!" I call to her as she leaves.

After she's gone, time passes in a blur of editing, breif table football matches, junk food scarfing and finally we decide to head to the shops. We need to prepare for tonights party!

Caspar and I venture into London and manage to purchase some decent things - alcohol, alot of snack food, a bunch of DVD's just incase, and some extra bean bags. We both know how our friends like it - chilled at first but wild later on.

Upon arrival back at the flat, I discover that Zoe's left us a message. I play it over speakerphone so Caspar can hear.

"Hey Joe, just letting you know that Dan and Phill are also invited - we can't exactly exclude them! Plus they're a great laugh. Alright, see you tonight!" The answer phone beeps as the message ends.

Caspar drops our shopping bags at his feet. "Yay, Dan and Phil! Love it!"

"I know, this is truly going to be kickass." I nod, already feeling the excitement build up inside me. I grab our shopping bags and pull out everything. "It's time to get this place looking party-fit"

About half an hour later Caspar and I have laid out an insane feast, chucked the bean bags around the floor, placed all the beers, wine etc on the kitchen counter and made sure the WiFi password is disabled.

"I think... We're all set for a bloody brilliant youtube party." I smile and look around, admiring our good work. Caspar's also wired up the stereo to connect to his ipod and is blasting some Flume.

"Gotta crank dem beats, ya know what I'm sayin?" Caspar's american accent sounds terrible, and I burst out laughing. Glancing at my clock, the time is 5:30 - Still a little while to get myself looking suave.

I take a hot steaming shower and find myself singing Thinking out Loud under my breath. I decide that song is my favourite because it makes me think of her. As the water streams down my body in rivets, I gradually sing louder and louder. Soon enough I hear Caspar banging on the door shouting at me - "Shut up, I'm sick of hearing that song!"

I grin and realise that I'll probably never get sick of it.

Eila's POV

I'm so excited for tonight that I can barely sit still - I can't occupy myself with one thing for longer than 5 minutes. Luckily I got changed and ready half an hour ago - back when I was slightly more focused.

It's All About You ⌘ Joe Sugg ✓Where stories live. Discover now