Chapter 35

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Eila's POV

My hands pause at the zip of Joe's shorts - they're trembling slightly, frozen in place by Caspars horrified glare. Joe is looking straight at him, his mouth open but no words coming out. There is then a moment of silence in the room that seems to stretch on for eternity - until I hear Laura cough loudly and grasp hold of Caspars shirt roughly, pulling him out of the doorway. The slamming of the door causes me to jump, which in turn makes Joe gasp - I'm still literally sitting on top of him.

My cheeks still feel fiery as I climb off his lap and hurriedly pull on the baggy clothes I was wearing previously. Joe has sat up now, with his forehead sunk in the palm of his hand.

"Joe... I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me..." I hastily try to apologize for my raging hormones, but he reverts his gaze to me while frowning deeply.

Unexpectedly, he stands up from the bed and moves to grasp the sides of my arms. He pulls me into his embrace and I fold into his arms gratefully.

"Don't apologize, I'm pretty sure I would have done the same thing to you if it wasn't considered harassment for a guy..." He snorts and chuckles, so I feel the rumbling of his laughter on his chest.

"I'm just pissed off that Caspar walked in... And that we had to do that in such a stupid place." He says grimly.

I nod against his chest, the soft fabric of his shirt creasing as I move. Despite his reassurances I know that all of this was most likely my fault - first of all, I never told him I was having a shower in his bathroom and second I was the one that threw myself on him like some kind of animal.

We stay still for a while, his arms wrapped firmly around me. I didn't want to disturb the silence, nor did I want to go out of Joe's room to face the inevitable embarrassment. Joe however made the decision for me.

"As much as I wish we could stay in here forever, we should probably go out there..." He mumbles into my hair, to which I respond to by nodding and pulling his arms off me. He walks to open the door and lets me out first, and I glance around nervously looking for Caspar. It appears him and Laura may have gone up to the lounge - perhaps they thought we were still doing something in there... Shit.

Joe follows behind me quietly while I ascend the stairs I have grown to love - but it feels as if now they are leading me to hell.

We both shuffle into the lounge awkwardly, and Caspar snaps his head away from Laura upon our entry. Joe rubs his hands together, an action he frequently does when nervous or stressed. "Uh, sorry you had to see that Cas and Laura..."

Caspar frowns momentarily and then a smile twitches at the corner of his lips. Suddenly he is laughing, a deep hearty laugh that echoes through the whole apartment. Even Laura joins in a little bit, occasionally giggling. I crack a huge grin, despite still feeling really embarrassed.

"Look, I honestly don't care if you guys are um, fucking - just please, shut the door if we're around." Caspar tries to say in a steady voice after his laughter had died down some. That one word in his explanation is enough to wipe the grin off my face and make my cheeks return to a shade of beetroot - but Joe just shrugs it off and rolls his eyes.

"Where the hell have you guys been anyway? We thought you were passed out on a street somewhere!" Joe says in a somewhat angry tone towards Caspar - however him and I both know Caspar isn't that stupid.

"We just came back to my apartment..." Laura says quietly, yet loud enough for us all to look in her direction. She turns a deep shade of red, and despite efforts my mind can't help but wonder about what those two got up to last night. Whatever the case, both Caspar and Laura go quiet and I take that as a signal to move on from this conversation well and truly. The events of last night shall remain buried, thankfully.

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