Chapter 14

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The high tech facilities are a dream come true - I've never been so excited to be in a club.

For the remainder of the meeting, Nat shows us the features of the room that I could only glance at before. I wonder idly why there aren't more people signing up for this club. I suppose it isn't for everyone.

After showing us the mechanics of the recording booth and filming area in great details, Nat calls everyone to order with her familiar clap.

"So that's it for our first Media Club meeting. Next one is this Friday - be there or be square!" A few people moan, me included. Even though I'm definitely gonna be there.

I say my goodbyes to all the new people I've met. When I finally energe back onto the open campus, excitement is building up inside me. My first day at Uni has been amazing - I've made aquaintance with so many people, and my first Commerce lecture was totally gripping - the opposite of what I expected.

Media club ran on for longer than expected - it's now 2:30 and most students are making their way off campus for the day. I pull out my phone and plug my headphones in - it's time to blast some music to get away from the world.

Absorbed in my soundtrack, I notice far too late that I'm about to walk headlong into someone who isn't paying attention either.

On collision I clumsily drop my phone and a few folders I had been carrying. I'm about to bend over and pick them up when I realise who I bumped into.

Zach is smiling a dazzling smile, with his dimples showing in all their glory. "Eila, right? I'm so sorry about this... Let me get that." He politely stoops down and collects my stuff.

"No, I'm sorry - it was me that was lost to the world. I should've paid more attention." I smile at him. He really is gorgeous - he's kindof a cross between Luke Hemmings and Harry Styles. However there's no way I'd want to be unfaithful to Joe - he's mine now, something I never thought possible.

"I guess I'll see you around." Zach says, winking at me as he strolls away.

Since there isn't anything else for me to do here at Uni, I decide to get some coffee and board the next tube out of here. Joe has texted me - "I miss you :(".

Even though it's only been a day I have an ache for his prescence also. I'll have to surprise him when I get home.

Sipping on my coffee, the tube ride takes less time than usual. I get off the tube and head back to our block. Hopefully Joe and Caspar are actually home.

Before knocking on their door I quickly dump my backpack and coat at my own apartment. I let my hair out from the lose bun it was in - time to relax.

Knock. Knock. Knock. I wait patiently, hearing some incoherent shouting from inside. No doubt those two are arguing about who should get the door.

Finally I hear footsteps trudge into the entry way and the door swings open to reveal a bored looking Joe. His face soon lights when he registers it's me. I grin and he pulls me into him for a bearhug that crushes my ribs and a quick kiss on the lips.

He's wearing a snapback and a loose black tshirt. He looks so gorgeous - I can't believe I even thought Zach measured up to him for one second.

While still in his arms I just can't resist - I reach up to run my fingers through his lucious hair. He smiles softly and tucks his finger beneath my chin.

"How was you're first day at Uni?" He asks me.

"It was... Amazing. My lecturer was brilliant, I made a few friends and even joined a club!" I say as Joe leads me into the lounge, his arm draped over my shoulders.

"That's awesome - I'm so happy for you." He beams at me.

I extract myself from his arms and flop onto a bean bag - it's been a long day.

"I could use some coffee..." I hint, grinning when Joe rolls his eyes at my request. "I should make you get it yourself." He says cheekily even though he's halfway to the kitchen already.

"I have something to show you..." He says, coming back with a steaming cup of coffee. He's also carrying his open laptop and he sets it down on my lap.

It's our video - finally edited completely, polished and ready for everyone to see. I watch it thoroughly, once again getting lost in our voices.

"Joe... We sound amazing." I look up at him.

"You don't sell yourself short do you..." He teases. I reach up to smack him in the arm.

"I guess I was talking more about you when I said amazing."

Joe frowns and removes the laptop from my lap. He gestures for me to move over on the bean bag and I oblige. I can feel my heart pick up a few beats when he sits down next to me, draping his arm over my shoulder. We both turn to face eachother, pupils dilating, mouths slightly open. It's strange how much he actually affects me - every touch is enough to make me feel on fire. 

Torturingly slowly our lips move closer, until his mouth is pressed to my own. This time is different than every other time - our lips move more urgently, as if we're desperate for eachother. My cheeks heat up as the kiss deepens - before I know it I'm on his lap while he wraps his arms around me. The heat from his body is so comforting, and theirs a fire inside me as I press myself closer to him. That's all I want - too eliminate the space between us.

We part, breathless. I want so desperately to carry on, but how could I? Even if Joe and I have hit it off brilliantly, we have still only been on one date. He really does affect me like crazy, but I want to get to know him before we get intimate with one another. He looks into my eyes, his breathing heavy and hair all over the place.

"I know what you're thinking..." He says. "And I agree. It's quite odd, but I actually... barely know you properly, asides from that long chat we had at your apartment the other day,"

I grin, nodding as I loosen myself from his grasp. I wish I could've stayed in his arms, fueling the passion inside me but I know that's not how things are meant to go in a relationship. 

"Joe... we should go on some more dates. And stop the kissing... for now." I wink at him.

"I agree with you... about the dates. But the other thing will be difficult." He smiles cheekily as he drapes his arm back over me. The fire inside me has turned into embers - mostly I'm just happy to be around him. He's so comfortable to hang around with - him and I just get along. I guess you could say we 'clicked.'

I don't believe in love at first sight, but I know that the moment I laid eyes on Joe in real life I wouldn't be able to resist him. My mind flashes back to that first night in the apartment, when Joe and I had kissed in a rushed flurry of passion that made no sense to me. Now that we've become good friends as well, things are so easy between us. I've never been in a relationship that's progressed this quickly, usually things take time.

Joe and I are different.

Joe's POV

With my arm over Eilas shoulder and her body so close to mine it's hard not to let my mind wander - especially so freshly after that passionate display of ours. When she pulled away I wanted so desperately to pull her right back to me, but the rational part of my mind was telling me to stop. I don't want this to be all passion - I would like to get to know her in a deeply emotional way before we progress to that.

When she suggested more dates I felt excitement buzz through me. Just spending time with her is so relaxing and easy for me - it's my escape from the sometimes overwhelming life I lead. Even if we don't know everything about eachother, or we've only just met, there must be some chemistry between us that most people never find in their whole life.

I don't want to jump the gun and say she's my soulmate - but I feel like I've never fallen into a relationship this effortlessly with another girl before.


So I felt like "Jeila" moved awfully quickly when I read back on this, so I just wanted to clearly say why that happened by using their thoughts and dialogue. To be honest when I wrote the first chapter of this story I had no clue what it would become, no plan whatsoever.

Thankfully now it's progressing into something a bit more detailed, and I have lots of drama and more Jeila for the future planned out.

Please continue reading, voting, commenting. It always helps a tonne. Also, 700 reads :D Let's get this to 1k y'all - share with anyone you think would enjoy it.

Soz this is a long AN lol xx

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