Chapter 68

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The next day arrives and I find myself sleepy but content after a night with Joe in the gigantic hotel bedroom. I lie quietly in the messy bedsheets, basking in the warmth that radiates from Joe's still sleeping body.

Although there is nothing I would rather do but stay in bed, I crawl out of the comforting sheets and slump my way to the ensuite bathroom. I can already feel my heart fluttering slightly in my chest in anticipation for the meet up I am doing today and the public QnA with all of the other British Youtubers. It's the first time I've attended anything like this and the thought of seeing so many viewers all in one place is insanely scary to me. I don't know how my boyfriend and friends cope with it.

I go about my business in the bathroom and carry out my daily makeup and skin care routine. After that I carefully select an outfit from the bag of clothes I brought with me, until finally I am prepared to meet potentially thousands of people that know who I am.

The thought is daunting to say the least.

Even though it takes over half an hour to complete my preparation, Joe doesn't even stir during that time. His lips are still slightly open and he looks so innocent, like a little boy. I walk back up to the bed and ruffle his soft hair, trying to gently wake him up. I hear a low groan escape from his open mouth and it shatters the illusion of Joe as a young boy - instead he sounds ridiculously sexy with a croaky morning voice.

"Oh my god, what's the time?" Joe croaks, taking in my polished appearance through his sleepy eyelids.

"Don't worry we've still got an hour until the meet up. I just wanted to be prepared." I say sheepishly, tugging on my pencil skirt.

"You look so good babe." He says, a crooked smile on his face as he gives me a once over. I ruffle his hair again, telling him to get a move on or else we actually will be late, considering how long Joe usually takes to do his hair.

I sit patiently on the bed scrolling through twitter and occasionally retweeting/favouriting tweets sent to me while I wait for Joe to get himself together. My stomach rumbles slightly and I realise that I haven't even thought about breakfast yet - hopefully it's provided because I cannot go about my day without a full stomach.

Eventually Joe emerges from the bathroom, his hair style upwards in a quiff just the way I like it. He's wearing some cute jean shorts and a loose singlet that really does emphasize his muscular chest. I feel a flare of jealousy as I am reminded of all the girls that will undoubtedly get to eye fuck him today.

The perks of having a really hot youtube celebrity for a boy friend.

"How do I look?" Joe asks, a cheeky smirk on his face as he flexes his bicep. I fan myself and raise my eyebrows dramatically, and he responds by laughing out loud.

"Shall we get going then? I think we're meeting everyone over at the event hall." Joe says, grabbing both of our authorized name tags that were given to us yesterday by the management team. I nod and try to ignore the lump forming in my throat as I follow Joe out the hotel room. Pretty soon I will be coming face to face with actual, real life people who watch my videos.

I need to stop panicking. It's not like they're going to cry when they see me or anything stupid. They are just normal people who happen to know who I am.

I follow Joe down the hallway and into the lift. He presses the button for ground floor, the point of access for the event building. I can feel my self beginning to sweat even though the air is air conditioned - it is definitely being caused by nerves rather than the temperature.

Joe seems to notice my fidgeting, nervous behavior because he reaches for my hand and grips on tightly. "You're going to do great, trust me." He reassures me as the lift comes to a stop. Even as we are walking through the lobby he doesn't loosen his grasp on my hand.

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