Chapter 11

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Eila's POV

I have never felt this hungover in my life.

My head is pounding, throat absolutely parched and if I try to sit up I feel super dizzy.

I wake up to light streaming through curtains that aren't mine, my clothes are lying in a pile beside me, and Joe Sugg is sleeping next to me (shirtless, I might add).

I have no recollection of how I even got here. The last thing I remember of the party last night was the crazy game of twister... Even that is a bit blurry.

I roll over in my sheets, groaning as I stretch. I don't think I want to get this drunk again - it's really not fun. As I'm stretching, I feel Joe shift slightly in his position. His back is facing me, and I have an irresistible urge to run my fingertips over his spine.

My breath quickening, I reach out to place my fingers on the small of his back. I feel him shiver slightly, and suddenly he turns to face me - his eyes are barely open and his hair is dishevelled. But oh my does he look sexy.

"Morning gorgeous." He says in a deep, croaky voice that I hear often in my darkest fantasies.

"Joe, that voice gives me a serious lady boner." Even though I'm feeling like shit I manage to sputter out something a bit cheeky for his amusement.

His chuckle is extra sexy in the morning, and I can't believe I actually get to hear it. I wonder how many girls have had this moment as their own fantasy.

"How did I end up in your bed...?" I ask, my own voice croaky as a frog.

"Well... You were pretty drunk. So I just took you to my room and tried to put you in bed - except you thought we were doing something else..." He chuckles softly as his cheeks turn crimson.

"Oh god... What did I do?" My eyes open properly for the first time.

"Well lets just say you weren't so drunk that you couldn't strip..." Joe reaches up to tousle his hair and his cheeks burn even brighter.

I then look under the covers and see myself wearing nothing but laungerie. I immediately feel mortified, but slightly excited by the fact that Joe saw me in my underwear. Which is totally inappropriate...

"You know I would never take advantage of you Eila..." He has now scooted closer to me and has grabbed my hand in his.

I nod, my head resting on the plump pillow. My temples still pounding and throat is still aching but I want nothing more than to stay here forever.

"There's something I never got to ask you properly..." Joe clears his throat and a look of seriousness is on his face.

I catch my breath slightly. He's leaning on his arm now (bicep alert) and looking deep into my eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Joe asks in almost a whisper as he inches closer to me.

"No." I grin slightly as we get closer. Joe looks momentarily shocked, but then a cheeky chuckle escapes his lips.

"Come here you..." Joe grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me over him, so our bodies are close and he has me in a tight embrace. "I won't let you go until you say yes." His arms are tight and secure around me - I have to admit it feels incredible.

"This... Is a really bad method of torture." I giggle, my breathing in heaves because of the constricted space.

Joe laughs with me but suddenly stops. Without any warning, he gently cups both my cheeks and pulls me towards him. He presses his lips firmly on my own - even though I know without a doubt I have cracked lips and morning breath. It's the most tender and loving kiss I've ever experienced.

When we part for air I manage to reply in a whisper. "Yes Joe Sugg, I'll be your girlfriend."

He smiles a dazzling smile. "Brilliant. Now I think we can both agree to retry that kiss after some teeth brushing." He winks as I erupt in laughter - I swear sometimes he reads my mind.

I don't stay laughing for long as my head starts to give me greif. I press my hand to my temples and grimace. "Joe, I feel like shit..." I manage to say over my pounding head.

"Ssssh. You'll be ok, you just need some coffee." Joe gently kisses my forehead and flings the covers off. "I'll go get you some."

I watch him run out the door, bare shoulders exposed and wearing nothing but grey trackpants. His body is so toned, his muscles pop in the dim light.

About 5 minutes of head throbbing later, Joe arrives back carrying a steaming hot moccachino, my favourite. I take a tentative sip of the coffee - it feels so smooth as it trickles down my throat.

"Aaah, thanks Joe that's perfect." I smile as I breathe in the tendrils of steam coming from my mug.

One cup of coffee later, I'm feeling mounds better. I flip the duvet off and shiver as the cold air hits me. "Shit, I'll get you something warm." Joe quickly rummages through his cupboard and pulls out some sweat pants and a hoodie.

I shimmy into the clothes, which are slightly baggy but still very warm. "How do I look?" I strike a pose, the sweatpants hanging of my body in a very unattractive way.

Joe grins and pretends to take some photos. "Like a supermodel. Literally."

"Oh shut up." I laugh, tucking my hands into the pockets of the hoodie. "Let's go upstairs, I can hear some commotion going on up there."

Joe grimaces. "I'd dread to think. Let me just put a shirt on." I make a sad face, but he quickly slips on a tshirt.

Joe and I hold hands as we head up the stairs. In the lounge, a slightly tragic sight awaits us. Tyler and Troye are both slouched over beanbags, hair in a state and playing with their phones. Zoe and Alfie are snuggled on the couch, whispering and laughing occaisionally. Both of them look just as hungover as I do. Caspar is nowhere to be seen - still in bed no doubt.

"Morning sunshines!" Joe shouts, looking pretty cheerful for a 'morning after'.

Both Tyler and Troye grimace - "Joe, mate, you're gonna make my ears bleed." Troye croaks, hands clamped over both of his ears. Tyler just gives Joe an intense death stare, his glasses crooked and hair a mess.

Zoe looks up from her whispering. "Joe, since it's your house, you're obligated to make us all breakfast." Joe groans, but starts walking to the kitchen anyway.

"He made me coffee this morning." I say, smiling at everyone.

"Please, spare us. We don't want to here about your love life." Tyler teases from his beanbag.

"Is that... My brothers hoodie...?" Zoe asks, a look of shock on her face. Alfie whistles and does his signature laugh.

"What did you two get upto last night?!" Zoe is still looking a little bit panicked - typical protective sibling.

"Zoe, I was too drunk to walk last night - nothing happened, trust me." I laugh at her worrying.

"Zoe, stop being nosy anyway. It's none of your business." Joe calls from the kitchen as he lays our some cereal and toast.

Everyone slowly gets up from their comfortable positions and ambles over to the bench. After breakfast, the mood in the house becomes a little more energetic as people start feeling better. Eventually, Caspar emerges from his den. I swear he is the worst morning person I've ever met - but it's still amusing to witness.

"Joe. Get me some cereal." Caspar grunts, his eyes still half shut and hair looking like naruto.

"Jesus Caspar, you're acting like a little bitch!" Tyler shouts, laughing at Caspars unpleasantness.

"Whatever." Caspar barely manages to mumble as he flops onto the couch - his body taking it up entirely.

I glance at Joe, who's chuckling as he pours a bowl of cereal for his friend. I guess he's used to Caspars moodiness.

After everyone is fed and Caspars looking a bit more lively, we all lounge around on the bean bags talking about the party.

"I think... The best part was when you two announced your singing video." Troye smiles as he eyes both me and Joe. We're sitting on a bean bag, me snuggled into Joe who has his arm over my shoulder.

"Shit... What day is it today?" Joe asks, looking alarmed.

Everyone checks their phones and confirms that it's Sunday. My tummy flips as I realise the significance of today.

"It's Sugg sunday!" Alfie shouts. "Mate, have you edited your video yet?"

Joe looks slightly frantic. "No... Shit, I should've done it yesterday. And I missed Sugg Sunday last week as well."

I turn to him and grab his hand. "Joe, you're veiwers aren't going to mind. Just put it out on Monday - this is Tyler and Troyes last day in London. We need to make the most of it. Plus, you just put a video out on Friday..." I blush, remembering how funny he was in that QnA. Like always.

Zoe nods in agreement. "She's right. Plus if your viewers know it's an extra special video they won't mind the wait."

"I don't want to give away the surprise..." Joe's forehead furrows for a second but then he smiles. "I'll just tweet a bit of a hint out..."

Joe pulls out his phone and I lean back on his chest to watch him. He opens twitter and writes a new tweet. "No video today... However, tomorrow there's going to be an extra special upload ;)"

Joe sends the tweet, and about 10 seconds later he is mentioned in Zoes tweet. "You're all going to love this. I'm so excited!!" I look up at Zoe whos giggling. "I couldn't help it, sorry!"

Joe shakes his head at his sister. "You're going to give it away soon!"

 Zoe rolls her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, ya wanker." Everyone else in the room starts laughing in surprise - Zoe doesn't usually use that word. I guess it's just harmless sibling banter.

The conversation gravitates towards my life, interests, hobbies and childhood. I tell them all about my favourite dog as a kid - Penny, a loyal sheepdog that was killed in the road. Everyone's really interested in NZ culture - the slang, rugby, pavlova, tramping - all of it. Joe's already been there, he says his favourite part was the naked bungy jumping in Queenstown.

Tyler perks up when he hears this. "I wish I was there..." He waggles his eyebrows and talks seductively. I can barely contain my laughter as Joe rolls his eyes in embarrassment.

"Tyler, you should really go to New Zealand - you have alot of fans there. As a matter of fact, all of you do. It was my friends that got me started on your videos." I look around at everyone happily. I can't believe these people are my new friends.

After some intense rounds of table football in which Joe came out on top, everyone starts to feel hungry. Caspar and Joe say they know an awesome place that does the best pizza, and everyone seems pretty keen.

"I'll just ring chummy and Matt, they can come along too." Zoe says as she dials Louise's number.

"Let's also invite Dan and Phil along!" Alfie says too Zoe while she's on the phone.

While everyone's getting ready to go, I run downstairs into Joes room. Looking in the mirror, I still look a right state. I hear footsteps approaching the door, and Joe suddenly appears.

"You ready to go gorgeous?" He asks, his eyes on me intently.

"No... Not like this. Mind if I have a quick shower?" I say as I gather up my pile of clothes.

"Not at all, but make it really quick." He smiles at me as I head to the bathroom.

I have a knack for taking really quick showers - in no time at all I'm feeling totally fresh and clean, back in my own comfortable clothes.

Zoe and Alfie take their own car to the restaurant with Tyler and Troye in the backseat, which leaves Joe, Caspar and I to go in a taxi.

Inside the cool leather interior of the taxi I sit in between Caspar and Joe. It's a tight squish, but I feel so comfortable with these guys that it really doesn't phase me anymore. Caspar is typing away on his phone, and Joe is playing some silly little game. When the taxi pulls up at the restaurant, I'm eager to escape and get some pizza in me.

When we enter the restaurant we see everyone already seated at a huge table. Louise, Matt and Darcy are already here - that baby is adorable! Dan and Phil are talking very animatedly to Tyler and Troye, and Zoe and Alfie are playing a game with baby glitter.

[This part is for @notyetphilsmum, thanks for always voting and commenting! xx]

I sit down in between Joe and Caspar again, and we're right next to Darcy, who's dressed in a gorgeous flowery dress with white buckle shoes. Joe looks at her affectionately and says "Hello princess, are you ready to have some pizza?"

"Yes Joe! Yes, yes, yes!" She's now bouncing in her seat, making alot of noise.

"Sssssh, we have to be nice and quiet in a restaurant, ok?" Joe is now leaning down, his finger to his lips as he hushes her. She smiles and ruffles up his hair, and starts giggling when he pulls one of his silly faces.

Watching Joe with Darcy makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. "Hello Darcy, my name is Eila!" I say to her as she looks up in curiosity.

"Eila!" She shouts, grinning a toothy grin. Louise, who's sitting next to her leans over to hush her.

"Look at you two! She likes you guys!" Louise says joyfully as Joe and I sit back on our chairs. "She's usually very shy around people she doesn't know - You must have the magic touch!" Louise says.

Since Joe knows the place, I ask him to order for me. This restaurant, these people and this day have all been amazing. I can't get over how lucky I am.


This one is quite long, hope you enjoyed!

Let me know in the comments whether or not you think Eila should get her own channel :D

Also, please share this story with other fangirls! It really motivates me to see people enjoying it :)

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