Chapter 60

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Smut warning

As Joe and I pack up the spread of bean bags, blankets, glasses and a discarded pizza box, I keep looking at my ring glinting in the light. It is such a beautiful piece, and the dates inscribed in the metal make it even more precious. My heart swells even looking at it.

I glance up from my finger and make eye contact with Joe. His eyes are boring into me so intensely it's almost like I can feel the heat of his gaze on my skin. Goosebumps rise on my arms and I know it's not from the cold. I catch my breath and continue gathering up the blankets, but I can still feel his gaze settling over me. I stand up with the blankets bunched in one arm and the beanbag dragged by the other. Joe is holding nothing but a picnic basket and so walks over to me with a smirk on his face. I can feel heat gathering in my cheeks as he drags the pads of his fingers down my arm and onto my hand, his breath tickling my face in the proximity.

He grabs the beanbag from me and smiles slyly as he moves away, my heart pounding in my chest from the tension. It's so thick I can almost see it crackling in the night air.

We say nothing but walk down the steps quite quickly, clearly determined to get back to the apartment. I can feel my palms sweating and skin tingling at the thought of Joe's hands, lips, arms...

By now my breathing is starting to quicken even though the steps are long over and we are approaching the lift. My heart hammers in my chest as the door to the lift opens slowly, and Joe shoots a spine tingling glance in my direction as we walk into the empty lift.

As soon as the doors slide shut Joe dumps his stuff on the ground and spins around to face me. I'm taken by heavenly surprise when he forces me back onto the wall of the lift and moulds his lips to mine, the unbearable tension making us desperate for one another. Our lips move together furiously and I feel his hips straining to get closer to mine, our bodies crushing together against the wall of the lift. I feel the blankets slip from my hand as I get lost in the kiss, and I subconsciously bring my hands up to thread them through Joe's soft hair, while Joe continues to rub his groin on my pelvic area, creating a glorious friction that sends waves of pleasure through my body. I realize that if we don't restrain ourselves we'll probably end up having sex in the elevator - I try to find it in myself to push him away, but the strength just isn't in me. I arch my back slightly to meet his hips even more and my grip on his hair tightens in a particularly furious movement of his hips, and a small groan escapes my lips between our deep kisses.

When the bell of the lift dings and the door slides open it takes me a few moments to realise, and I immedately jump away from Joe in case anyone is out there. Thankfully the hallway is deserted, and I sigh deeply while picking up my blankets. I squeal slightly as Joe squeezes my bum, his touch sending flurries of heat rushing through my already burning body. He smirks sneakily at me as he passes, knowing full well what he's doing to me. I just want to crash my mouth to his and erase that cheeky smile entirely.

I restrain myself for the entire walk down the hall to his apartment door, and as soon as he unlocks it I rush past him and fling the blankets on the couch before turning around. Surprisingly he has discarded his items on the floor and is much closer than expected, and I collide with his chest roughly in my haste to spin around. The two of us pause for a few moments just to breathe and appreciate one another. He looks so gorgeous - his lips are full and red, there is a healthy pink tinge covering his cheeks and his hair is ruffled up just the way I like it. I love this boy so much it physically hurts, and I desperately want to show him that by giving myself to him in every way possible. A few more seconds elapse and then my will crumbles - I reach for his shirt fabric and tug his lips down to mine.

He responds immediately and I feel the blazing inferno in me rage through my veins, causing my hands to roam frantically over his back. He wraps his arms around me strongly and I can feel my hips pressing onto his against my will.

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