Chapter 17

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The next two days of university went by much the same - class was interesting but hard, lunches with Zach were delicious and amusing. My assignments had begun to pile up after handing in that essay, and I'm finally starting to feel like a real student.

Joe and I haven't spoken much through the last two days, except to arrange a date this afternoon. For a while I was wondering if I did something wrong because it seemed like he was avoiding me, however I've been really busy with assignments so I kept myself occupied.

I'm milling around the front gates after a very intense lecture by Professor Adams. Zach had been acting odd all throughout the lecture -  a few times I had glanced over to catch him staring at me before smiling, his cheeks burning red. I kick the wrought iron gate in fustration - how many times do I have to reject him? Even though he is really funny, he still flirts like crazy. I like him, but it's as though what I said went straight over his head.

I sigh, looking up at the street where cars are crawling past at snail pace. Joe's meant to be picking me up here before we go on our date - I tried a little harder with my appearence today for that very reason. My dress is form fitting, but still subtly beautiful. I wander briefly if Zach was staring because of my outfit... Probably.

Speak of the devil, Zach is walking towards me with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"What are you doing out here, all by yourself? Is someone picking you up?" He stops beside me and his eyes travel down my body in an uncomfortable way. He needs to tone it down a bit.

"Yeah..." I don't elaborate more, I feel so uncomfortable I can barely speak. I don't want to straight up bum him out.

"By the way, you look exquisite today." His eyes are on mine, his lips curved into a smile.

"Look Zach... Um -" before I can finish my sentence, I feel his hand cup my chin and pull my lips to his in one quick motion. I barely have time to react and he has wrapped his arms around me, making it look like I wanted this to happen. I squirm desperately, trying to seperate my mouth from his.

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?" I hear Joe's voice booming from a short distance away. Zach stops kissing me, much to my relief. I breathe heavily, and turn to Joe who is staring at me with disbelief in his eyes. My heart jolts as I see the pain in his eyes, however it quickly reverts to anger as he looks at Zach.

"Why were you kissing her? She's mine you asshole." I always thought Joe was quite short until I met him in person - he's actually a decent height, and when he grabs Zach by the collar and forces him against the gate I can tell Zach is intimidated.

"I - I'm sorry..." Zach splutters, typical college boy, scared of a fight. I must say Joe looks pretty livid - I would probably react the same way.

"Stay away from her." Joe's voice transcends into a deep, scary tone that I've never heard before. Although Joe looks like he wants to punch him, he restrains himself and lets go of Zachs collar. He glances at me, still looking pissed off.

"Let's go." He says gruffly, grabbing me by the arm. Shit, now I'm going to have to explain myself to him.

Joe's POV

I'm absolutely fuming - she was kissing another guy, at what looked like her own free will!

I drag her to my car which is parked a short distance away. When we're inside I turn to face her, my blood still pumping with adrenaline.

"Why... Why on earth were you kissing that prick?" I try to sound calm, but my voice comes out sounding wobbly. I feel a pang in my stomach, knowing that I'm being a hypocritical bastard.

She looks like she's about to burst into tears. "He forced himself on me, I swear. I know it didn't look like it but it's true. He's been flirting with me all week." She confesses, her head hanging.

I feel my anger start to fade but I'm now frustrated. "If he was flirting with you, why didn't you just stay away from him?"

"I didn't have any other friends - besides he's really cool when he's not being a creep."

I feel jealousy wash over me as she says that. I wish this guy would just piss off, he has no business with my Eila. Joe... You did not just call her 'my Eila.' You've been dating her for less than a week - you don't own her for god sake.

"Well please stay away from him..." I say, looking at her pleadingly.

"After today that shouldn't be a problem." She looks sad, and once again my anger builds. This guy must of been an asshole to mess up a friendship with her - she's an amazing person. However, looking at her in this dress I'm not surprised Zach went in for a kiss. I'm sure any guy would if they had the chance, but there's no way in hell I'd let them.

I'm about to start the car, but then I remember my own dirty little secret. I gulp nervously, knowing that if I keep this from her it will forever be in the back of my mind and I will never wash away the taste of that girl.

"Eila... There's something I should tell you..." I look at her with apprehension, and she looks worried.

"Caspar and I went clubbing on Monday... And well, we got a bit drunk. While we were dancing this slut came onto me and kissed me - I was too drunk to do much about it at first, but then I remembered you clear in my mind and shoved her off me. It's been plauging me ever since." I wait nervously for her to respond. She swallows and blinks a few times before frowning and opening her mouth to speak.

"I can't believe this. You go out clubbing, get drunk and snog another girl and you think this whole Zach thing is bad?! Do you know how hypocritical that is?" She is almost shouting, even though it's only us in the confined car.

"I know, I was an absolute dick. I swear you were all I could think about at the club - even when I was drunk you were on my mind. After I pushed that slut off of me i dragged Caspar out of there and I went straight home. I've been feeling horrible for the last 2 days." My voice comes out sounding desperate, I just want her to forgive me. I can't believe it's only been a few days and something like this has already happened.

She looks hesitant to speak. "I can't believe you went on the piss and kissed... You didn't even tell me, why didn't you tell me straight after it happened?" She looks at me, her eyes look sad and it's almost enough to make me want to slap myself.

"Because I felt shit about it, that's why. I didn't want you to know, I thought maybe you would stop seeing me." I hang my head and pick at my jeans in shame.

To my complete surprise, I feel her hand close around my own sweaty, fidgeting one. I look up hopefully. "I can't stay mad at you... I can tell you feel really bad. And we're just as bad as eachother. Not even a week in and and already kissing other people." She shakes her head slightly. I breathe a huge sigh of relief.

"Still, what I did was worse than you..." I say, enclosing her hand in mine and squeezing tight.

"Maybe, but I'm willing to forget it if nothing like this happens again. You make me happy and I want us to continue." She is smiling her beautiful smile, and my heart flutters from her words.

"So do I, more than anything." I say, never feeling more sure of anything in my life. I bring my face closer to hers, feeling my heartbeat thrumming in anticipation. Every time her lips touch mine the world dissapates. Never mind that were in a car on a crowded London street with university students just outside. Never mind that people are rudely knocking on the window and whistling at us. I hold her face in my hand and move my lips with hers tenderly, just glad that she has forgiven me for my stupid actions.

Eilas POV

I sigh as I part from one of the best kisses I've ever had. I decide then and there that I don't want to feel anyones lips but his on mine.

Both him and I smile as we rest our foreheads on eachother. His breath mixes with mine and once again I'm left to revel at how natural we are together. Even with this little bump we were able to look past it, because we have an understanding for one another that is very rare between two people.

I lean back in my seat so Joe can start the car. "So, where are we going today?" I ask him, curious about what there is to do at 3 in the afternoon.

There's a glint in his eyes as the car engine rumbles to life. "Look in the back seat for a hint." I glance back and see a beautiful old wicker picnic basket perched on the black leather.

I laugh, excited to have another picnic with him. I wander what park we'll be going too as we finally break free of the traffic and get onto a wider road. He almost reads my mind.

"It's a surprise where we're going. I like to think it's an undiscovered part of London...My little patch of paradise." He winks at me, even though he's meant to have his eyes on the road. I roll my eyes.

"This had better be good." I tease.

"Oh, you'll see. You're gonna love it, I bet you."

We turn into a road surrounded by leafy green trees on either side. As we drive down, I admire the green feilds sloping away from us and giant oak trees that tower over all.

Joe finally pulls over next to an area of thicker woodland. There are no cars about, only a few people walking their dogs on the grounds. Curious, I slam the car door and walk over to the dense patch of trees.

To my surprise, I feel Joe come up behind me and tickle me at my waist. I burst out laughing. "Joe - Joe stop!" I screech as he continues to tickle me in my weakest spot.

He does his sexy chuckle and leaves me be. Picking up the wicker basket, he grins at me and gestures for me to follow.

The wood is denser than it first appeared - I find myself stepping over countless logs, manouvering around trunks and trying not to slip over throughout our entire hike. I feel exhilirated to be outside, in the fresh air of a forest. I feel a pang of homesickness as I remember the good old NZ bush walks I used to take with my cousins.

"We're almost there. Keep up will ya!" Joe teases as I pant, trying to keep up with him as he expertly moves through the bush. He is so goddamn fit - it's freaking unfair.

I'm starting to wander how long this wood goes for - London parks aren't usually this big, and I've never seen a wood of this size since I came here. I'm starting to speculate when it will end but I'm stopped by Joe. He has come to a standstill and I almost run into him because I'm looking down at my feet.

"I'm pretty sure this is the place." Joe sounds about 80% certain he knows where he is, I just hope he hasn't gotten us lost.

I raise my eyebrows. "Pretty sure? Oh god Joseph if you've lost us..." I threaten him, a slight playfulness in my voice.

"Nah, we're right on track." He grabs my hand, and my body starts to tingle from his touch. Stop acting like some kind of hormonal schoolgirl, I scold myself.

He leads me through a tightly packed cluster of trees that I assumed were unaccesible. I have to squeeze through some gaps, but Joe is patient. When we get to the other side, there's a gorgeous sight waiting for us.

It's a beautiful, crystal blue pond that's shimmering in the summer sun. The bank is covered in soft fluffy grass - the kind you want to lay your head in. I hold my breath and spin around the small clearing that is surrounded by thick trees, asides from the small opening we came through.

"Joe, this place is magical. How did you even find it?" I turn to him in utter awe.

"I kind of stumbled on it a while ago... I was just walking further into the woods for the fun of it, and somehow I just came across this." He grins and looks around the clearing. "Do you like it?" He asks.

"I... Love it. It's beautiful." I tread softly into the heart of the beautiful glade - I honestly cannot believe this is in the middle of a London park. It literally feels like I'm inside a fairytale.


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I couldn't have these two fight just yet, even if they both screwed up. Lol, I'm kindof attached to them now.

Ily! xx

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