Chapter 22

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I'm panting as I shove open the restaurant door. Glancing around wildly, I look for the bastard that's messing with my girl. He's strolling away, looking casual, as if he didn't just piss off the wrong guy.

As stealthily as I can, I run after him. I don't think he sees it coming - when I reach him, I grab him by the collar and spin him around. This pretty boy is a total nerd - I can tell he doesn't go to the gym, it would make his precious hair too sweaty.

I shove him back against the outside wall of Nandos. I'm breathing heavily, and I get a sick satisfaction as I see that same look of worry return to his face.

"Why the fuck are you messing with my girl?" I spit in his face as I talk, my blood rushing in my veins.

Even though he looks shit scared, he manages to come back with something that only fuels my anger. "Pfft, you think she's your girl? You're delusional. She wanted to kiss me, she's been having lunch with me all week at university. She flirts back. She doesn't want you..."

Before he can finish running his mouth and before I can think about what I'm doing my fist connects with his jaw. It hurts as I do it - but oh my god is it a good hurt. He squeaks as my fist crashes into his jaw, I don't think he saw it coming. I let go of him as I pull my fist away - he is now leaning against the wall, his palm pressed to a growing red welt on his face.

"What... the fuck was that for?" Oh my god he swore, something I never thought would come out of his 'perfect' mouth.

"You know exactly what it's for you little shit. Stay away from Eila, I mean it." Just like I expected, he doesn't try to fight me like a man. A part of me is annoyed about this, but the rest of me is glad. I take a moment to compose myself, and proceed to spit on the pavement where he is sitting. He looks up at me from the pavement, where he is slumped, hand still rubbing his face.

Before I let rage overtake me again, I turn away from the pathetic excuse of a man and storm away. I don't turn back, however I swear I hear his voice calling me from the distance.

"I can't promise anything..." I swear to god this almost tips me over the edge again, but I know the little prick is just messing with my head. Because the next time he tries anything I will not hold back, and I think he knows this. I cross my arms and keep walking, trying to block him out. I will not let him get to me or Eila again.

Eila's POV

Zach will not stop messaging me - It's getting so fustrating, he keeps trying to get to me in more ways than one.

"You know I can give you more than he ever can... I'm rich, smart, funny, good looking..." His latest message reads, and I scoff at how arrogant he is. He is not even half the man joe is, in all of those categories.

I tap out a reply, telling him to leave me alone, for the last time I'm not interested. He just doesn't know when to quit. I'm seriously tempted to call Joe, however I know he's at an important meeting for work. Zach is persistent, he responds to my reply with more totally arrogant claims. I roll my eyes and lock my phone - I'm not even going to read the messages anymore.

I keep myself busy for the next little while by doing some housework - but the whole time I have a sick feeling to my stomach. I just wish things with Zach could've been simple. I swear to god he is probably one of the most ignorant idiots I have ever met. It just goes to show that you should never judge a book by it's cover because his outside appearence gives the impression of a nice person.

While I'm doing a bit of ironing I hear my phone ring. I wonder who it could be, and my heart leaps as I realise it might be Joe. The caller ID is unknown, so I answer the phone a little warily.

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