Chapter 74

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Joe's POV

I felt wrong as I stood there in muted silence, my eyes locked on the undeniably private reunion unfolding before me. Every single sob that ran through Eila's body felt like a stab wound in my heart, and the room felt far too small and crowded for rational thought. It became too much for me, watching helpless as Eila cried every last tear from her no doubt exhausted body. I just had to leave.

Now I am out of the room, sitting on one of the hard plastic benches that line the walls of the hospital hallway. I press my head into my hands, feeling a stinging sensation start prickling in my own eyes. I won't cry - I can't cry, Eila needs someone strong right now. Except I'm not strong, I've always been weak little Joe, the kid who was picked on for being small at school, the kid who cried for a whole night when his parents split up. When it comes to things like this it's hard for me to stay resilient, but I will do what I have to for Eila.

I watch as nurses wheel trolleys of unmentionable dinners over the squeaky floor, their uniforms freshly pressed and their smiles automated. How can these people stand to work here, in this place that is so thick with the stench of illness and salty tears that it's somewhat suffocating.

I suddenly feel a strong need to leave this place, maybe just to go grab a coffee. I am just about to stand up from the bench and make my way to the lift when the door to Nathan's room opens.

It's Eila's parents. I look up at the two of them in surprise before hastily standing up to introduce myself. I almost smile a hollow smile at the completely unorthodox way I am meeting the parents of my girl. But then I realise that smiling right now would definitely not give the right first impression.

Eila's mother introduces herself as Margaret (or Margie for short) and her father introduces himself as Robert (or Rob). The two of them have similar features to Eila - tanned skin from years of exposure to sun; subtle dimples indenting their cheeks; beautiful green eyes that reflect their life in the country side. Eila's mother's hair is greying naturally from it's brunette colour, and her father's head is shaved almost bald.

"Eila's told me all about you Joe." Margaret says with a kind smile on her face, despite the guilt and sadness she must be feeling within.

"I could say the same for you two. It's great to meet you, even in such circumstances." I say while pathetically gesturing towards the door. The lump in my throat intensifies as I picture Eila bent over Nathans bed, her body shaking from sadness and fear.

"Yes, well..." Margaret glances towards the door and looks down at the floor, her bottom lip between her teeth. She blinks a few times, prompting her somewhat 'strong and silent' husband to place his hand on her back.

"I hope you're taking care of my baby." Rob says sternly, his gaze settling on me as he comforts his wife.

"I would say that she is the one who takes care of me. She is a wonderful person." I say quietly.

"Yes she is. She deserves the world, Joe. I hope you can look after her when all of this is over." Rob says as he flicks his head in the direction of the door. I nod solemnly, making an unspoken promise to both myself and Eila's father. I will never let her go, no matter what.

"Joe, I hope you are alright about all this. It's amazing that you agreed to fly over here with her, it's such a long trip to make." Margie says and to my immense surprise she reaches for my hand to encase it in her own. Her hand is cold, but it still feels comforting wrapped around mine. I smile at her, instantly knowing that this is the source of Eila's unwavering kindness.

"It's no problem Mrs Morrison, I love your daughter and would follow her anywhere." I realise far too late how cheesey I must sound but the words have been said and I can't take them back. Thankfully she just smiles at me, her dewey eyes clouded with emotion. She lets go of my hand after giving it a good squeeze - I find myself craving the feel of Eila's hand in my own, but she needs time. Time, and space to say goodbye to her childhood friend and first love. I can only watch from a distance and be here for her when she needs me.

It's All About You ⌘ Joe Sugg ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt