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ARE YOU DRUNK?✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Seraphina tied her green tie around her neck and once she had put on her robes she was ready for the first day of her fifth year. She walked out of the the fifth year girls dormitory and into the Common Room.

It was a dungeon like room with greenish lamps and rich furnitures that consisted of black leather sofas and dark wood cupboards. Despite being located underneath the lake it was by no means a scabby room. The colour green was of course everywhere as well as serpents slithering across tapestries and mats, but she supposed all common rooms were made to express house pride.

She exited the room and walked towards the Great Hall where she sat down at the end of the Slytherin table to start her breakfast. Not many people had entered the Hall yet and since she didn't have many friends in her house she opted for eating alone.

It wasn't that she hated her housemates, although she hated some of them, she just wasn't that close with anyone. Sera guessed she was at least an acquaintance to Severus through Lily. She didn't really like him, but she didn't hate him either.

"Well, well, well," a familiar voice said and Seraphina had to restrain herself from banging her head against the table, "Haven't you changed a lot during the summer."

"I wish I could say the same, Avery, but you are just as ugly as you were last year," Seraphina gave the boy a sarcastic smile and groaned inwardly when he sat down bedside her and Mulciber sat down across from them.

"Have you finally realised that your little Gryffindor friends aren't worth your time?" Mulciber asked.

"First of all, I'm truly flattered that you hold me at such high regard, Mulciber. Really," she said to him, "But unfortunately I seem to be too dense to understand why you would be more worthy of your time than my other friends."

She stood up, preparing herself to leave when Avery grabbed her arm, "You are just tricking yourself if you think they think of you as one of their own. In their eyes you will always be a snake."

She ripped her arm free and stalked away out of the Great Hall towards the kitchens because Avery and Mulciber had ruined the peaceful breakfast she had planned.

Deep inside she knew that they were right. She would never be one of them, not truly. James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Marlene, Dorcas and Alice were the best friends she had. But she knew deep inside that they didn't feel the same because they had each other. She was completely in her own world which was why she didn't hear the footsteps behind her.

Seraphina stumbled forward when someone jumped up on her back and if it hadn't been for the fact that this was a common occurrence she would have fallen to the ground. Which she had done many times before.

"Good morning, baby sis," James said in a jovial tone that didn't suit his hatred for mornings. He didn't let go of her either, clinging onto her like a monkey. "How is our favourite snake doing this fine morning?"

"Are you drunk? It's eight o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday," Sera exclaimed, shifting a little to keep her balance with the much taller boy still on her back. "What would your mother say about this Jamikins?"

"No, I'm not drunk!" James protested, "and don't you dare fill my mother's head with such nonsense. Not that she would believe you over me, her beloved son."

"She loves me more than she loves you," Sera snorted, "She said I'm like the daughter she never had."

"It's too early in the morning for you two to argue about who Mrs Potter loves the most," Remus yawned as he and the rest of the Marauders reached them, "It's Sephy."

"And this is why I love you the most," Seraphina grinned at the sandy brown haired werewolf.

"What about me?" Sirius pouted, looking half asleep still. None of the Marauders were known as early risers, not that she was much better. The only reason she dragged her ass out of bed early was that all her roommates took hours to get ready so she had to beat them or skip breakfast.

"You don't even make top ten," she told him, "Can I continue my morning now? I was heading for the kitchens and you know how I get when I don't get my breakfast."

"Why not just eat in the Great Hall?" Remus asked curiously, shifting his school bag on his shoulder as well as what she assumed was James bag he had dropped when he decided to tackle her.

"I'd rather avoid hexing Mulciber and Avery on the first day for annoying me," Sera said, sparing them the details.

"Lucky you that we came then," James told her, "TO THE GREAT HALL!!" he yelled like she was a horse.

"I'm too hungry and tired to even argue," she said, securing her hands underneath James legs so she wouldn't drop him as the five made their way towards the Great Hall.

"How come Prongs gets carried and not me?" Sirius whined, "If I had jumped on your back you would have backed full force into a wall."

"You know me so well," Seraphina said, "And what's up with those ridiculous nicknames? Moony I get, but the rest of them are just weird."

"Marauders secret, baby sister," James said flicking her nose with a smug smirk.

"First of all, I will purposefully trip backwards if you don't stop it," she threatened, "And second, why can't I be a Marauder then?"

The four boy started laughing and Seraphina scolded her expression to not show that she was slightly hurt by their dismissal. It was these kind of moments that made her feel like an outsider. An outcast.

"Whatever. I'm just glad you found a group name," she said, "James calling you the greatest foursome of all time was really starting to create some very disturbing rumours."

She entered the Great Hall once more but this time she seated herself at the Gryffindor table and James finally let go of her as they all started to dig into their breakfast when McGonagall approached them.

"Hello, Minne!" Sirius grinned, "Did you have a good summer? I mean as good of summer as one could have without seeing this face every day."

McGonagall ignored Sirius as usually, "Here are your timetables. And Professor Slughorn asked me to give you yours, Miss Weasley," she said handing out their respective schedules.

"Thank you, Professor," Seraphina smiled politely before allowing her eyes to scan her timetable. It was actually pretty good and for some reason that no one else could understand, Slytherin and Gryffindor had most classes together. It's like the teachers wanted spice up the already brewing rivalry.

"Oh, bloody hell," Sirius complained, "Double Potions with the Slytherins. No offence."

"None taken," Seraphina gave him a sarcastic smile, "And for your information, most Slytherins aren't very enthusiastic about having classes with you four either."

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