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Seraphina didn't know if she was supposed to be proud or disappointed about getting the Marauders back together since they had decided that they had to 'catch up' the time of pranking they had lost when they had been fighting. So for over one week the castle had been in utter chaos and the Marauders had managed to get themselves detention every night for the next months.

A week had passed since they went back to their normal routine of pranks, but everyone was still on high alert. Especially the Slytherins and Filch who had been a victim of most of their shenanigans. And while Seraphina had participated in some of the pranks on Filch, she usually avoided those directed towards her house.

The only time she would join the Marauders when they planned to prank a Slytherin was when it involved those who she believed deserved it; but never when people were pranked simply because what house they belonged to.

Joining the Slytherin table that morning, Seraphina plopped next to Regulus on the bench and poured herself some pumpkin juice. "Good morning to my favourite wizard in the Great Hall right now."

Regulus looked around the room that was almost full except for one glaring absence, "And if your idiot Gryffindor friends walk in?"

"Then you would still be my favourite," Sera grinned at him. "But you would be moved down to second place if Next Scamander walked in because he is awesome."

All she got in response was an eye-roll. Deciding to not bother him anymore, it was too early for that, Sera focused on her breakfast. That was until she heard hooting and looked up to see a swarm of owls flying into the Great Hall.

When a familiar one dropped a letter she skilfully caught it before it could ruin her breakfast and opened it. She scanned over the words quickly before folding the letter and placing it in her pocket.

I do hope you have bought enough Sugar Quills now when your O.W.L's are coming closer.

She turned to her attention back to her breakfast. Out of her peripheral vision she noticed a bunch of letters lying in front of Regulus and she narrowed her eyes at the one lying at the top.

"Who is that one from?" she asked curiously, before being able to stop herself.

"I beg your pardon?" Regulus looked at her weirdly.

"You only receive letters from three people on a regular basis," Seraphina stated. "Your father, mother and house-elf - which I find to be adorable. None of them has that handwriting."

Regulus looked at her like she had grown a second head.

"I'm nosy and I have been seated next to you almost every morning this year," Seraphina shrugged casually. It was something she had done since she was a child; sneakingly reading letters over her father's shoulder.

"Now when you've brought it up: why do you sit next to me every morning?" Regulus asked, grey eyes narrowed at her. "There are hundreds of other people you could sit with."

"Because I enjoy bothering you, Reggie," Sera shrugged her shoulders. "Don't change the subject. Who is that from? Do you have other friends? I feel betrayed. Is it a girl? Or a boy - I do not judge."

"What is it with all the questions?" Regulus said, a little defensively.

"I woke up this morning and chose curiosity," Seraphina told him. "Be grateful it's not violence." She smiled innocently, "If you answer my questions - truthfully - I promise I will not bother you for the rest of the day."

"I do not believe you," Regulus snorted.

Sera gave him her best puppy-eyes, "I promise. You will not even see me for the rest of the day." Now she was more curious than ever before just because he wasn't telling her who the letter was from.

"It's from a friend of mine," Regulus caved. "We have known each other since we were children - her parents are family friends."

Sera nodded, itching to ask for a name but she had promised not to bother him anymore and she was pretty sure follow-up questions classified as 'bothering'. Perhaps she could interrogate Sirius about it.

Almost like Regulus could read her mind, or perhaps he just knew her well enough, he said, "If I tell you her name, promise to never mention this to my brother."

"Deal," Sera nodded.

"Lyra Malfoy," Regulus told her.

"Malfoy?" Sera raised an eyebrow. "Like Lucious Malfoy?"

"His half-sister," Regulus said. "Will you let it go now?"

"For now I will," Sera promised. "For now."

. • ⚯͛ • .

While Hogwarts was a lively place during the day the castle was completely dead during the night. However, she was grateful for that when she snuck out of the Slytherin Common Room and through the corridors.

After having reached the second-floor she made her way over to the Gargoyle Corridor, the home of the Stairwell Gargoyle that guarded the entrance to the headmaster's office.

"Sugar Quills," Seraphina said and the salient gargoyle spun around to reveal a staircase that led up to the Headmaster's Tower.

Quickly, she climbed the stairs that also started to raise up until she reached the floor. There she jumped of and knocked on the grand door, only for it to crack open.

Taking it as an invitation, Seraphina stepped inside the large, two story office that consisted of a circular room. As usual it was filled with funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it rested the Sorting Hat.

In the corner she found a familiar phoenix resting. A truly magnificent creature with crimson feathers on his body and a golden tail as long as a peacock's. "Hello, Fawkes," she slowly walked over and when she was close enough, Sera reached out to pet him. "You are looking good, mate," she joked, "not as burned out as the last time I saw you."

She laughed at her herself before muttering, "I am talking to a bird and laughing at my own joke. That's not weird at all."

"Good evening, Miss Weasley."

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