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IT'S A STUFFED LION, DAD✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"How come I've never been to your house while you've been to mine several times?" James asked Seraphina as he dropped down on her bed in front of her. Three days had passed since she had arrived at Potter Manor and they were waiting for dinner to get ready.

"Because I don't have a house," Seraphina deadpanned.

"Of course you have," James scoffed.

"No. Arthur and Molly have a house that I'm allowed to stay in until I'm of age," Seraphina corrected him. "I'm like a guest staying in their house, and a guest can't very well bring another guest."

"You make it sound like they will throw you out on the streets by the time you turn seventeen," James said. "They wouldn't do that."

"No, they wouldn't," Seraphina agreed. Molly and Arthur would never throw her out but while newly graduated children could stay in their parents' house for a while, Seraphina felt like she was invading someone else's family. "But I suspect they will have at least one more child by the time I graduate and more will come after. I will only be in the way."

"Well, if they ever throw you out, you are always welcome to stay with me," James grinned, bumping his shoulder with hers.

"With your parents, you mean," Sera snorted. "Or at best, a house paid for by your parents."

"Continue like this and I won't let you stay here," James told her.

"Oh please, your mother would take me in even if you didn't want to," Seraphina smirked. "She said it herself, I'm like the daughter she never had."

Of course, Seraphina would never push in on the Potters. She didn't want to impose when they always had been so very kind to her.

A pop alerted both of them to the presence of Polly, the Potters' house elf. "Master James, Mistress Seraphina, Mistress Euphemia wanted Poppy to tell you that dinner is ready."

"Thank you, Poppy," Seraphina and James chorused.

"I will race you to the dining room," James challenged her and he attempted to get a head start but Sera was quick enough to grab his ankle, making him stumble as he tried to not faceplant the ground.

Meanwhile, Seraphina took advantage of it and raced past him, out the door and through the hallway. James shouted something incoherent behind her and she could hear his footsteps as she raced through the hall. After having skipped down half of the staircase she made a daring jump over the railing.

Because of that she was able to walk the last few steps into the dining room and still get there before James who arrived seconds later, crashing through the door and came skidding to a halt before crashing into Sera.

"James Fleamont Potter! There is no running inside my house!" Euphemia scolded her son.

"But Sephy-"

"No buts, James. The dinner is getting cold."

"It looks really good," Seraphina said as she sat down in what had before her regular seat next to Mrs Potter and across from James.

"We will have to thank Polly for that," Mrs Potter said while she started to put some mashed potatoes on Seraphina's plate. One thing she and Molly had in common was their insistence to always give everyone food.

As they started to eat thunder roared outside and the rain whipped against the windows. It had been raining all day but now it was growing more intense for every passing second.

"How is it fair that it has to rain during the few weeks we have summer break?" James complained.

"To be fair, it rains all the time," Seraphina pointed out. "The weather doesn't really care about the school year. And I actually like the rain."

"How can you like it?" James asked in disbelief.

"For starters, I'm not scared of thunder-"

"OY! I'm not scared of thunder," James said defensively.

"James, darling, it's nothing to be embarrassed about," Mrs Potter assured her son.

"Not being able to go to bed during a thunderstorm without your stuffed cat, however, that's embarrassing," Fleamont added.

"It's a stuffed lion, dad," James said confidently. "So jokes on you."

"I still think it's jokes on you, Jamikins," Seraphina smirked. "Isn't the lion called Lila or something."

"No, it's Lulu," James muttered.

"Lulu the Lion," Seraphina smirked. "Do you also have a Dora the Dog?"

"Lizbeth the Lizard?"

"Catherine the Cat?"

"Guinevere the Guinea pig?"

"Frederick the Frog?"

"Tony the Toad?"

"Okay, I get it. You two are really clever," James ended Seraphina and his father's little game. "Sera the Serpent."

"Fitting, isn't it?" Seraphina smirked in return.

"And I don't actually need Lulu any longer because I'm not scared of thunder anymore-"

A few rapid bangs rang through the house, making James almost jump out of his seat while squealing loudly. "I think it was the door, Jamikins," Seraphina rolled her eyes at his dramatics. "I will go and see who it is."

"Are you sure, dear?" Euphemia asked.

"Yes, no problems," Seraphina assured the older woman. "I'm the only one who has finished eating."

She left the dining room and walked through the Potter Manor towards the front entrance. Seraphina didn't know what she expected when she opened the door.

But one thing she definitely didn't expect was finding Sirius Black standing at the doorstep, drenched from head to toe, shivering while looking at her with tearful eyes.

"Black?" Seraphina frowned in confusion at both his appearance and that he was there. She tried to make out if the water running down his cheeks were tears or simply raindrops because it felt so out of character to see the great Sirius Black crying.

Then before she could react Sirius wrapped his arms around her tightly and buried his face in her hair. He was shaking and at first she believed it to be the cold. But then he whispered a broken, "I had to leave," in her ear and Seraphina immediately understood that he was in fact crying.

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