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IT'S WRITTEN IN AN EXTINCT LANGUAGE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Summer break passed by quicker than Seraphina liked. However, this time it wasn't that she dreaded the beginning of a new school year filled with stress and homework. She simply didn't want her seventh year to begin because it would be her last at Hogwarts. Everything she did that year would be for the last time.

The last opening feast...

The last Quidditch Cup...

The last House Cup...

To dampen her growing anxiety, Seraphina decided to do what calmed her down the most: book shopping. She'd already bought the necessary supplies for her seventh year at Hogwarts. Now she wanted to find something to read for fun. For her seventeenth birthday she had received a few books - from Regulus, Remus and the Potters - but unfortunately they did not last long.

Regulus gave her a book about the moons of Saturn – in French – which to many might seem like a weird gift considering her very limited knowledge in the French language. Yet Seraphina found the gift to be very nice because Regulus would often speak in French around her to tease her and the gift had a hint of humour to it not shown too often by the youngest Black brother.

The Potters – Fleamont and Mia that is – gave her a copy of The Noble Sport of Warlocks by
Quintius Umfraville in 1602. There were not many existing original copies of that particular book since it was so old and Seraphina truly treasured the gift even though she at first had been a little uncomfortable about receiving such an expensive gift no matter how much money House Potter had.

Remus continued their long-standing tradition of him giving her muggle books that he considered classics. Since his mother, Hope, was a muggleborn witch he got an insight into the muggle world she never had and grew up reading books Seraphina never would have discovered on her own. This year he gave her The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger.

Now Seraphina searched through the seemingly endless shelves of books inside Flourish and Blotts. Since the start of a new school year neared, it was a bit too crowded for her liking but luckily those who were there to buy school supplies mostly kept to those sections of the store.

"Miss. Weasley!" Mr. Bennett, the man who ran the store, said, gaining her attention.

"Mr. Bennett," Seraphina greeted politely.

"I saw you walking around the store and it reminded me that we've recently gotten a few new books about dragons. I know you often buy those," Mr. Bennett said calmly. Usually the old wizard would run around the store like a hen without a head, stressing about everything beneath the moon but for the first time in the many years she'd visited Flourish and Blotts he appeared calm. Like he'd taken some calming potion or something. "It's down in the basement, if you want to look at them."

"Thank you, Mr. Bennett," Seraphina said. Ever since she was a child, she'd wanted books about dragons for her birthday and Christmas, so much that it didn't shock her that the shop-owner knew exactly what she was searching for.

The basement inside Flourish and Blotts was a large windowless room containing a labyrinth of high bookshelves. Following the instructions she'd been given, Seraphina took a left turn first. Upstairs, countless students roamed around, purchasing the necessary books for their upcoming school year. This part of the shop Seraphina considered to be a hidden treasure. The only people she passed were older witches and wizards that fitted the age of the books. All the new editions could be found on the main floor whereas one ventured down here if they wished to find unique and limited editions.

After familiar pop Seraphina found her path being blocked by an elderly house-elf, "Tinker is so happy to see young Miss. Weasley again!"

"I'm happy to see you too, Tinker," Seraphina smiled at the old elf.

Tinker's tennis-ball-like eyes filled with fondness as she looked at the Weasley witch. "Tinker can't believe little Seraphina has grown so much."

The reason Seraphina had discovered the treasure in the basement was that once as a child, she'd snuck away when her father, Bilius and Arthur bought books. She was only about three years old and crawled away from the three men. Tinker was the one who found her down in the basement.

"Is there anything Tinker can help Miss. Weasley with?" Tinker wondered.

"Yes, Mr. Bennett told me that you've recently gotten in a few new books about dragons," Seraphina explained. "Could you help me find it?"

"Tinker would be happy to help Miss. Weasley," Tinker told her and began leading her through the labyrinth of bookshelves, easily locating the books Seraphina wanted to take a look at. "Now Mr. Bennett is calling for Tinker. It's been very nice seeing Miss. Weasley again."

"Likewise," Seraphina smiled down at the elf who then apparated away. She turned her attention to the bookshelves and scanned the spines for the right one. What made her stop was a spine with a text written in a foreign language. The words should not have made sense to her, yet Seraphina understood them at once.

The History of the Dragonlords

Pulling it out of the shelf, Seraphina had to bend her leg and rest the book on her thigh in order to hold it properly as she opened it. She involuntarily coughed when a cloud of dust invaded her lungs. Quickly turning the pages, Seraphina realised that it didn't only contain the history of Dragonlords but also information about their abilities and bond with dragons.

As her blue eyes quickly travelled over the pages, Seraphina felt a cramp in the back of her head. At first she barely noticed it as she continued to take in every single piece of information on the old pages. Then it grew more intense and on reflex, Seraphina's shields went up and her mind prepared itself to keep other people out. Suddenly, the weird feeling vanished.

"It's written in an extinct language."

Seraphina nearly jumped out of her own skin when hearing the smooth voice behind her, hand immediately going to the wand hidden in her sleeve. Spinning around she found herself facing a tall man with dark hair and pale skin - nearly too pale. It was clear this man had been handsome in his younger years but now they were gradually failing him. The robes he wore were dark and perfectly straight much like neatly styled hair.

"The Dragonlords spoke a magical language only understood by them and their dragons," the man clarified upon noticing her moment of shock. "A bit similar to Parseltongue that is spoken between a wizard and snake." A charming - yet cutting - smile stayed on the man's face as he spoke, one that Seraphina couldn't help to think hid something else underneath.

"That is interesting," Seraphina said, closing the book again. She wasn't supposed to understand the words written on those pages. Not if she wanted her heritage to remain a secret. Putting it back on the shelf Sera smiled politely at the man. "Although, pretty useless if you don't know the language."

"Indeed. Are you interested in the dragonlords?" the man inquired, arms folded behind his back. She felt another pull on her mind, like somebody tried to break down her walls and see into her thoughts.

"Dragons mostly," Seraphina shrugged, making sure to keep the shields up. Keeping other people out was rather easy for her, creating a faux layer of mentality she still had to work on doing. "Do you work here?"

"No, I do not," the man chuckled; for some reason it did not appear genuine. "I am simply here to purchase a book. Dragons are the most fascinating creatures, that is undeniable." Then he held out a hand for her to shake, showcasing a gold ring inset with a black stone engraved with some sort of crest. "Please excuse my lack of manners, I am Tom."

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