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SIRIUS BLACK IS SERIOUSLY BACK✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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After a wonderful Christmas it was time to get back to school again. Seraphina walked beside Sirius as the entered the castle and he shouted, "Sirius Black is seriously back!"

"Do you have to do that after every holiday or break?" Sera snorted. In response Sirius gave her a wink that made her roll her eyes.

After their kiss under the mistletoe they had come to a mutual understanding to pretend that it never happened. Sirius continued to flirt with her while Sera continued be half-annoyed and half-amused by his constant flirting.

"Yes, because Sirius Black is Sirusly Back," Sirius laughed at his own joke.

"Yeah, I'm gonna head to the Common Room," Sera said, "I think I've had enough of the two of you for this year."

"It's only January," James pointed out.

"Well - I will see you in a year then," Sera waved before making her way towards the Slytherin Common Room that was slowly starting to fill up with Slytherins that had arrived with the train.

After leaving her things in the Fifth Year Girl's dormitory she walked into the Common Room again and spotted a familiar boy in the corner. "There is my favourite Black," Seraphina plopped down on the couch beside him, "How was your Christmas, Reggie?"

Regulus looked up from his book for only a second, "Fine," he told her.

"This is the part where you ask me how my Christmas was," Sera snatched his book.

"Oi! I was reading that," Regulus tried to reach for it but she held it out of his reach. With a sigh he looked at her like she was the most annoying person on the planet, "If I may ask, how was your Christmas, Seraphina?"

"Wonderful, Reggie," Sera grinned, "Thank you for asking." She gave him the book, opening it back up on the page he had been reading.

"Why do you call me that?" Regulus asked her.

"What? Reggie?" Sera wondered and he gave her a small nod, "Because your name is Regulus," she deadpanned, "Hasn't anyone called you Reggie before?"

"No," Regulus shook his head. "Sirius calls me - or used to call me 'Reg'," he added and her heart clenched at the way he corrected himself.

"Well, friends have nicknames for each other," Sera told him in a matter of fact tone, "Like Reggie, Jamikins and Remmy."

"What's your nickname for my brother?" Regulus asked her.

"I don't have one," Sera shrugged, "We are not exactly on nickname basis. And we are not talking about your brother, we are talking about you. So - did you do something fun during the holiday?"

"Not really," Regulus shrugged.

"Did you get any interesting presents?" Sera wondered, crossing her legs and leaning her elbows against her knees.

"I guess," Regulus said, "But I doubt it would be of any interest to you."

"Try me," Sera told him.

"I got this book," Regulus said, handing the book back to her again. Sera turned it around to read the cover, a small smile breaking out on her face.

"I m wonder, do you Blacks start studying stars before you learn how to walk?" she asked teasingly, knowing the Astronomy was one of Sirius' best subjects.

"I told you it wouldn't interest you," Regulus mumbled, almost looking embarrassed.

"Now why would you think that? I will have you know that Astronomy is one of my favourite not-wand-using subjects," Sera told him, "Do you know all the constellations in this book?"

"Most of them," Regulus nodded, "But there is also the stories behind every constellation."

"When I was maybe seven my dad gave me a similar book," Sera told him, "But it only contained the twenty most famous constellations and for every constellation there was this small square where you were supposed to write the day and place you looked up in the sky and saw it."

"Did you see all of them?" Regulus wondered.

"No," Sera shook her head, a sad smile gracing her lips, "My dad and I always used to search for them together and when I started at Hogwarts we kind of drifted apart and then - well, he died. I think there is like three constellations left I've never seen."

The mood turned somber and she could have sworn Regulus looked at her with pity. She didn't like pity. So for the first time she was actually grateful when Avery plopped down on the couch in front of them.

"Had a nice Christmas, Weasley?" Avery asked, placing his feet on the table between the couches.

"Well, I didn't have to see your face for weeks - so what do you think?" Seraphina smirked.

"That it was miserable for you," Avery smirked back.

"Oh, you know me so well," Sera said sarcastically, "I hope the both of you are well-rested. I booked the Quidditch pitch tomorrow."

"Why?" Avery asked, "We don't have our game against Hufflepuff until May."

"For three very good reasons," Sera leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees, "One: that means that we have a little less than five months to prepare ourselves to absolutely crush those little badgers. Two: we have one game against Ravenclaw in February and even though I don't think we will have a problem winning, we still have to train. And three: the more we book the Quidditch pitch the less all the other teams will be able to practice."

"So you pretty much just want to ruin everyone else's practices to better our chances," Regulus looked at her pointedly, "What happened to winning because we are the best team?"

"It's easier to be the best team if the other teams don't get as much practice," Sera shrugged, "And it's not like I'm booking the pitch every single day. There are limits on how many times I can book it in a row - believe me. I checked."

"Any other clever ideas to how we will win the Cup this year?" Avery asked, leaning back in the couch.

"Except for killing the other teams?" she asked dead serious, "I have a few. The only really good player on Hufflepuff's team is Gwenog Jones so clearly we have to make sure that she doesn't get anywhere near the Quaffle. That's where you come in."

"Am I witnessing the two of you planning a murder?" Regulus asked, having given up reading his book completely.

Sera rolled her eyes, "You aren't witnessing it, you are an equal participant and if we go down you go down with us."

"I honestly don't know if you are joking or not," Regulus told her.

"And that's exactly how I like it," Sera winked at him before standing up, "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to eat."

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