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✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧Seraphina yawned as she walked through the castle from the library

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Seraphina yawned as she walked through the castle from the library. She had an essay she had to finish for Charms class but had spent her entire free hour that day helping a few First Years with their Transfiguration homework and therefore she was forced to finish her own essay after dinner. Technically the curfew had started but over the years she'd gotten quite skilled at sneaking around the castle and if she was caught by prefects she'd just take the punishment.

What she didn't expect, however, was that as she was walking back to the Slytherin Dungeon she'd suddenly get grabbed by the arm. Usually, her reactions and awareness of her surroundings were a lot better but the constant lack of sleep was truly getting to her head.

Seraphina winced in pain from being pushed up against a wall but her yelp was muffled by the hand covering her mouth. Her panic began growing when she realised that it was Rosier who had ambushed her. His lips were pulled into a snarl and his dark eyes narrowed into a glare as he stared at her while pushing her head into the wall.

"Weasley, fancy seeing you here," he drawled sarcastically, pressing up against her. It was probably to make sure she couldn't move around or kick him, but the action also served to make Seraphina's panic rise more. The hand that didn't cover her mouth seized her wrists in a tight grip.

Seraphina's answer was muffled by his hands as she struggled to get free. She tried to get out of his grasp but when it came to physical strength she was outmatched. Her magic tingled but Dumbledore's words to not let it free rang through her head.

"Just the girl I wanted to see," Rosier continued. "You must have heard that I spent some time in the Hospital Wing this week. Someone poured Polyjuice Potion into my drink. You wouldn't happen to know who might have done that?"

Seraphina's words were once again muffled by his hands and she looked at him pointedly when he simply stared at her like he was waiting for a response. "No?" Rosier asked, cocking an eyebrow mockingly.

His hold against her mouth was a bit looser so she took the opportunity to quickly shake her head, "How am I supposed to answer when you are covering my mouth, dimwit?" she snapped at him. "And I don't know who gave you Polyjuice Potion but I can promise you that it wasn't me. I would have chosen an animal that better fits your personality. A cockroach perhaps or a leech."

In response, Rosier slammed her back against the wall again, "Watch your tongue, you filthy little blood-traitor. Don't you think I know exactly who did this to me. Who humiliated me?"

"Let me go or I will make sure the Rosier line dies with you," Seraphina threatened, not even acknowledging his accusation or his insults.

"Those pathetic Gryffindor friends of yours were behind this," Rosier sneered. "Black, Potter and the other two. And you put them up to it."

"I am going to say this slowly so that your non-existing brain can understand it," Seraphina said, and then she slowly stated: "I. Didn't. Do. Anything." Quickly, she took advantage of how he thought she'd stopped struggling and head butted him. In shock, Rosier let go of her as he clutched his head. Unfortunately, Seraphina hadn't managed to go unharmed from the escape either and she felt pain radiate through her head. Although it was not nearly as painful as the bat a few weeks earlier.

"I should have known there is nothing but rocks inside your head," Seraphina groaned as she tried to stumble away from him. She tried to reach for her wand but before she could Rosier had recovered and threw it across the corridor.

"You will regret that," he snarled, slapping her across the face with a force that nearly sent her to the floor.

"I'd say you hit like a girl, but that's an insult to women," Seraphina laughed mockingly. It definitely wasn't the cleverest move in the situation since she wouldn't win much from angering him more. "But if you ever touch me again, I will make sure you regret it."

What happened next was that Rosier pointed his wand at her and said, "Expelliarmus," which sent her flying into the nearest wall. She hit the cold stone and fell down to the floor with her air knocked out of her. What she expected to follow was Rosier to grab her again or kick her. But nothing came.

Her head was spinning a bit as she tried to catch her breath again. In the background of the light buzzing in her ears she could hear grunts. She managed to turn around and was met by the sight of two figures throwing punches at each other. Slowly raising up to her knees, her disoriented and exhausted brain tried to make out the second person.

"Sirius," she muttered in realisation, recognising the dark haired man when he staggered backwards after getting punched in the face. Only it didn't make him falter even for a second and before she could react, the two boys were rolling around on the floor as they fought.

Sirius managed to gain the upper-hand and punched Rosier over and over again in the face, "Touch. Her. Again. And. I. Will. Kill. You."

"Sirius," she said again, this time louder. But he showed no sign of hearing her. Realising Sirius was completely out of it, Seraphina scrambled to her feet and once she was close enough, she called out, "Sirius you are going to kill him." It would be no loss for the world but she refused to let Sirius suffer any consequences from defending her against Rosier.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and Sirius immediately stopped his attack. His grey eyes that were filled with rage but softened when they met her Caribbean blue eyes. His nose was bleeding a bit from the fist colliding with his face but it was fair to say that Rosier was in a much worse state.

"He deserves it," Sirius said darkly, looking down at the older Slytherin with a murderous glare.

"True, but you shouldn't be the one to do it," Seraphina grabbed his arm. Only then did she realise how much her hands were shaking. What she didn't notice was the tears streaming down her cheeks but Sirius certainly did and it fueled his rage.

Sirius punched Rosier one last time before Seraphina managed to pull him back. "He's not worth it, Sirius. Please let's go."

The sound of her near broken plea finally managed to break Sirius out of his blind rage. When he no longer saw red he got to his feet and pulled a trembling Seraphina to his chest. At first she tensed up but there was something undeniably calming about his presence.

"Are you okay, darling?" Sirius asked worriedly.

Instead of answering, she mumbled, "Let's go," and grabbed his hand to lead him away from Rosier before anyone could see them there.

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