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"I don't get it, what is the Seeker supposed to do?" James frowned in confusion..

"There are no Seekers," Remus deadpanned.

"What about Beaters then? How are they supposed to knock people down without bats?" Sirius asked, looking just as confused as James.

Remus looked as exasperated as one could be without having a complete mental breakdown. He looked over at Seraphina for help but she just shrugged, amused by his annoyance. "There are no Beaters either," Remus explained slowly. "This is football, not quidditch. There are no brooms either."

"Then what's the fun?" James complained. "It just sounds like a boring version of quidditch that muggles play because they don't have brooms."

"To be fair, we don't have our brooms right now," Seraphina pointed out. Mrs. Potter thought it would be good for them all to spend some time without any form of magic. Needless to say that it had left them all quite restless. Since Remus had a muggle mother, he was the one tasked with finding them a muggle activity and so far all of his attempts had failed. The only one missing was Peter who had been grounded until he cleaned his room, which according to rumours was worse than the Owlery Tower. "Since we aren't in the air, does that mean we are allowed to tackle each other?"

"No," Remus sighed. "You are not allowed to tackle anyone, or jump on their backs, or anything else that you wouldn't do under normal circumstances."

"I jump on her back all the time," James pointed out.

"But there is a Keeper, right?" Sirius asked, bringing them back to the rules of the game.

"Yes, a goalkeeper," Remus nodded. "And much like quidditch, you get a point every time you kick the ball into the goal."

"Kick it?" James repeated. "Can't I throw it?"

"No," Remus rubbed his forehead in annoyance. "It's called football for a reason."

"So you are only allowed to use your feet?" Sirius wondered.

"No, you can use anything except for your hands and arms," Remus told them.

"Then why is it called football?" James frowned.

"Because everything-but-hands-and-arms-ball doesn't have the same ring to it," Remus exclaimed, taking a deep breath. "Can we just play now?"

"But the goalkeeper can use his hands?" James asked.


"So if I am the Keeper I can throw the ball into the goal?" James said victoriously. "And I can throw it in other people's faces."

"Why would you want to throw the ball in our faces?" Seraphina asked him.

"So I can win? Duh," James said.

"Okay, we will just do something else," Remus decided. "I honestly can't do this."

"I am bored," Sirius complained, dramatically falling down on the grassy ground. "If this is how it feels to be a muggle, I pity them all. A life without magic - it must be ghastly."

"It's only been an hour, Black," Seraphina kicked his leg playfully.

"The longest hour of our lives," James dramatically fell down next to Sirius. "Anything would be better than this."

The sound of an owl hooing as it flew over the yard caught their attention and then four letters fell from the sky. Seraphina picked them up and smirked slightly, "You tempted fate there, Jamikins. It seems our O.W.L:s results have arrived."

James and Sirius both groaned and Seraphina's amusement was enough to hide her own worry about receiving her results. She handed Remus his letter and then she threw James's and Sirius's envelopes down at them before ripping up her own. Better to just rip off the bandage.

The rest of summer break passed by quickly. The remaining weeks, Seraphina spent at the Burrow with her family and before she knew it, it was time to return to Hogwarts.

Ancient runes: O
Arithmancy: O
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: O
Defence Against Dark Arts: O
Herbology: O
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O

A smile spread across her face as she looked at her results. The practical part of magic had always come easy to her but she had studied a lot for the theoretical stuff. Regulus had been forced to suffer through a lot of study sessions that she had promised to pay him back with when he took the O.W.L:s next year. With these grades she would have no problem choosing whatever profession she wanted to.

The letter was snatched out of her hand and Sirius whistled when he read her results, "Bloody hell, Sephy. I knew you were smart but you are making the rest of us look bad." She rolled her eyes, but her smile grew wider and she took the letter from him.

Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Charms: O
Defence Against Dark Arts: O
Divination: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O

"These grades are by no means bad either, Black," Seraphina told him, impressed by how good grades he got even though he spent most lessons joking around. "I knew you were not just a pretty face."

"I totally should have gotten a better result in Care of Magical Creatures," Sirius joked. "I bet the examiner heard about that incident with the fire crabs in our Fourth Year."

"Or it could have been because you called her Mr. Murphy," Remus muttered under his breath, observing his own results with a satisfied smile.

"It was an honest mistake," Sirius exclaimed.

"And after making that mistake you should be grateful she didn't fail you," Seraphina snorted. "Here I was hoping that you guys would fail so I wouldn't have to share half my classes with you for yet another year."

"Instead, you will probably be stuck with me more than ever," Sirius smirked, throwing an arm over her shoulder.

"And I will be right there between you," James pushed Sirius away and pulled her into a side hug. "I have a feeling Sixth Year is going to be the best one yet."

Little did any of them know that their Sixth Year at Hogwarts would be nothing like any of them expected. It was a year they all would remember, both for the good memories and the bad ones. Calling it the best year of their time at Hogwarts would be as wrong as all the predictions James had done during Divination.

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