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Professor Filius Flitwick was one of the best and most knowledgeable Charms masters alive and one of Seraphina's favourite teachers. But this time he had truly dropped the ball. Assigned seats was a terrible idea, assigned partners was worse.

Especially when the Charms Professor got the brilliant idea to pair her up with Malcolm Corner, a firm believer that if you were placed in Ravenclaw it meant that your intelligence was superior to everyone else's. Every other sentence that came out of his mouth was patronising and between those sentences he was attempting to flirt with her. All Seraphina wanted now was to finish their essay on the Disillusionment Charm before she was thrown in Azkaban for murder.

"Are you sure that's correct-"

Without even looking up from the parchment, Seraphina turned pages in her Charm book and said, "Look at the third sentence in the second paragraph."

Corner was silent as he read and afterwards he said, "But are you sure you want to phrase it like that-"

"Yes! I am sure," Seraphina put her quill down and took a deep breath to not explode. "How about instead of reading over my shoulder, you could look up how to use the Disillusionment Charm to create invisibility cloaks."

They continued to work on the essay for another hour and as they neared the end Corner decided to ask, "So, do you have any plans after this?"

"Yes, I do," Seraphina told him, not looking up.

"That's too bad," Corner said, "I was thinking about-"

"It is nice knowing that you do know how to think."

Both Seraphina and Malcolm Corner's heads snapped up to see none other than Sirius Black standing by their table in the library, a taunting smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here, Black?" Malcolm spat, glaring at Sirius.

"Don't get too excited, Corner. I am not here for you," Sirius smirks even wider; that charming smirk of his that made girls swoon and boys want to punch him in the face. "Sephy, it's four o'clock and you promised to help me with my - project."

"I don't know if you can see, Black. But Seraphina and I are working on our Charms essay-" Corner started to say.

"You mean she was working and you are patronising her even though we both know that she is hundreds of times smarter than you are," Sirius scoffed.

Sera frowned in confusion, "How do you know what he was doing-"

"I don't see how that is any of your business-" Corner glared at him, standing up as if to intimidate him, which failed miserably since Sirius was taller and more muscular than him.

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