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I'M SCARED AND ALL ALONE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Since Seraphina stayed at Hogwarts last Christmas, she decided to go home for her Seventh Year. At first she considered staying in school for the holidays since it could be her last opportunity to do so. On second thought she decided not to because after graduation, Seraphina had no idea what would happen so she wanted to spend as much time as she could with her family.

The Weasley family alongside the Prewetts sat gathered in the decorated living room. In the background, the Christmas broadcast, by Mrs. Prewett's and Molly's favourite singer Celestina Warbeck, played from the old radio.

Percy had been sent to bed already but the two older Weasley boys were still awake. Bill sat on Seraphina's left, leaning against her side while her arm was wrapped around him. Charlie's head laid on her lap as the three chatted in low voices, none of them about to risk being scolded for talking in the middle of 'A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love.'

Across the room, Arthur sent her an apologetic look as a promise that it would be over soon. This particular Christmas tradition was enjoyed only by Molly and her mother. Mr. Prewett had even fallen asleep in an armchair, his loud snores prompting Molly to wave her wand to turn up the volume so that the music drowned out her father's snores.

"I hope I'm getting a dragon!" Charlie enthusiastically stated, looking up with his aunt.

"A dragon?" Seraphina gasped. "Where would he live?"

"In my room," Charlie said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And when he grows too big to get into the house?" Seraphina wondered, playing with a strand of ginger hair.

"The garden," Charlie explained just as Celestina ended her song on a very high-pitched note and loud applause issued out from the wireless, which Molly and Mrs. Prewett joined enthusiastically.

"Thank Merlin," Fabian muttered in relief.

"It's over," Gideon added.

"Bill, Charlie, it's time for you to get to bed," Molly clapped her hands together, seemingly having realised that her sons were still awake now when she no longer was entranced by Celestina Warbeck's voice.

"Nooo, I'm not tired," Charlie protested, like he hadn't been fighting to keep his eyes awake for the latest half hour. Bill was already slumbering against her, legs bent beneath him.

"Come on, Charlie," Sera said, knowing her nephews' rarely ever argued with her. "I'm going to sleep now too," she yawned for good measure, "so I've gotten lots of sleep to open my presents tomorrow."

Albeit reluctantly, Charlie and Bill agreed to go to bed. But only if Seraphina carried them upstairs which had been easy when they were both toddlers. Now, when Bill was seven and five, carrying both of them at the same time counted as an exercise.

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