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YOU DAFT PILLOCK✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"Merlin, you look like an inferi," Timothy Pucey blurted out when Seraphina descended the stairs the next morning. Admittedly, she did look more exhausted than ever before. Holding the magic inside her drained more energy than any use of magic ever could.

The bags underneath her eyes were more prominent than ever before and made it look like somebody had punched her in the face and was even more visible due to how pale she had become.

"Unless you want me to act like one, you better be careful," Seraphina warned him. Just her luck, she missed a step and stumbled down barely catching herself before face-planting the floor. Pucey just watched her with his arms crossed and raised an unimpressed eyebrow at her not so near death experience. "You were planning on letting me fall," she accused him. "Bastard."

"What do you do all night? Because it certainly isn't sleeping," Pucey told her, judgement mixed with concern lacing his words.

"Sometimes I read late," Seraphina bumped past him.

"You are clearly a hazard to yourself and others," Pucey told her. Without giving her much of an opportunity to protest, he had picked her up and thrown her over his shoulder.

"Bloody hell! Timothy Pucey, you let me down this instant or I will kill you!" she threatened, punching his back.

"Ow, ow, why would you do that?" Pucey asked as he began walking out of the Slytherin Dungeon; the pair earned quite a few strange glances from their housemates.

"I am wearing a skirt," Seraphina deadpanned.

"And dress robes," Pucey retorted. "I am doing you a favour here, Sera. First you nearly fell down the stairs and then you nearly knocked me over. Clearly are not in the state to walk."

"I purposefully knocked into you," Seraphina told him, hanging there upside down.

"What am I witnessing?" Avery asked loudly, gaining both their attention.

Seraphina looked up at the same time as Pucey turned around which ended with her head smacking against the stone wall. "Bloody hell!" Sera exclaimed for the second time that morning. "You daft pillock."

"I would say that somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning – but we've already established that you never went to bed in the first place," Pucey said snarkily, putting her back on the ground. His eyes widened when he realised that he hadn't imagined the sound of her head hitting the wall. "Oops."

Seraphina glowered at her friend, "Oops indeed," she snapped, rubbing her aching forehead. A shallow scratch on her head was bleeding a little. Not much, just enough to show that some skin had been scraped off.

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