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DON'T MISS ME TOO MUCH✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Seraphina felt uneasy about going out for the summer. An uneasiness rooted in concern for her friends — especially Regulus — who'd be returning home to a place where Death Eaters roamed freely.

Knowing the dark wizards posed little threat to Regulus — as well as Pucey and Avery — for as long as he shared their ideology did not do anything to quench her fears. What she feared did not relate to any of her friends being hurt physically as much as any of them doing something unspeakable that would haunt them.

The train ride back to King's Cross passed by at the speed of lightning and soon the train stopped at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Seraphina gave each of the three boys tight hugs as they said their goodbyes inside the compartment.

"Don't miss me too much," Seraphina told Regulus after pulling back. "And send my kindest regards to Kreacher."

Rolling his eyes, Regulus said, "I will."

"Miss me too much?"

"Give your regards to Kreacher."

Then they went the rut separate ways. Out on the platform Seraphina searched for the familiar ginger hair that always revealed her family members' location. Easter break repeated itself, however, when she caught Mrs. Potter's eye.

"Seraphina," Euphemia pulled her into a quick hug, forcing Seraphina to drop her trunk. "Please say you will come stay with us for a few days during the summer."

"Mum-" James tried to save her.

"We would all love to have you visit," Euphemia added with a motherly smile.

"I will have to talk to Arthur," Seraphina said, "but I'm sure a few days could work." Staying with the Potters now probably wouldn't feel the same as it did last summer but she didn't hate the idea. Maybe not living there but visiting for a day or two wouldn't be unbearable.

Smiling at Mr. Potter, Seraphina turned to the two boys ready to go home to the Potter Manor. James saved her from the awkwardness of choosing how to say goodbye when he pulled her into a quick hug.

Then it was Sirius's turn and he hugged her — mindful of the people surrounding them — and muttered, "Have a nice summer, Sephy."

Whilst his words were completely innocent and the hug couldn't be considered anything other than friendly, the way his warm breath fanned against her neck sent shivers through her.

Then it was time for Seraphina to actually locate her family and she soon found Arthur and Molly standing a bit away speaking to Fabian and Gideon. Molly cried happy tears as she embraced her younger brothers who now officially had graduated from Hogwarts.

Arthur was the first to notice her approach, "Sera!" He happily greeted her with a hug. "Only one year left, how does it feel?"

"Like I have one year to steal a time-turner and create a de-aging potion so it's possible for me to go back to my First Year again," Seraphina responded. "I'm just happy that I'm not officially unemployed and out of school now," she sent a smirk over at the twins.

Then she asked, "Where are the boys?" It was rare that both Arthur and Molly showed up to pick them up at the platform. Usually Arthur went while Molly stayed home with their sons.

"With my Aunt Muriel," Molly explained. Seraphina tried to cover up her grimace at the mention of that loud, ill-mannered woman that only ever searched for her flaws. Turning to her younger brothers, she added, "I just had to be here for your last ride on the Hogwarts Express."

"Poor children," Seraphina muttered. "Let's save them."

"Isn't it fun how we can all apparate on our own now except for you?" Gideon smirked.

"Which means that we can leave you here," Fabian added. "If you aren't nice enough."

"Do you think I will become nicer if you abandon me here?" Seraphina snorted. Luckily they did not leave her there. Her birthday wasn't until 9 July which meant she couldn't do her apparition test until she'd turn seventeen. Therefore she apparated with Arthur.

Instead of the Burrow, the group of five appeared in front of Muriel's cottage. Seraphina braced herself for the insults to come. Arthur spared her from having to drag her heavy trunk across the grass by levitating it.

Molly knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened to reveal the elderly woman, a scorn on her face as she looked at her niece and family. "Aunt Muriel," Fabian and Gideon chorused.

"Mhm," Muriel hummed, looking at them sceptically. When her scrutinising gaze fell upon Seraphina and scepticism was replaced by a full on scowl.

"Muriel," Seraphina greeted politely. With the old bat, it was much better to act polite so no one could fault her for being the rude one. Before the inevitable insult could come, Bill and Charlie came running.

"Aunt Sera!"

She bent down in time to wrap both of them in a tight hug. "My darlings!" Seraphina swayed, pulling the young boys with her, making them giggle.

"They could at least pretend," Gideon shook his head and crossed his arms.

"This is brutal," Fabian agreed.

"I've missed you both so much," Seraphina grinned, straightening up.

"We missed you more!" Bill grinned, showing off his missing front teeth.

"Your stories are the best!" Charlie agreed, practically bouncing on his feet. "Can you tell us the one about the talking dragon?"

"I will tell you tonight," Seraphina promised. "Now say hello to your uncles before they start crying." Whilst the two eldest Weasley boys greeted their uncles, Seraphina walked over to where Percy laid in a baby basket.

The one year old baby reached up and giggled at the sight of her. Picking him up, Seraphina placed Percy on her hip, "Hi there, Perce," she blew raspberries against his head. Percy giggled so much that he squirmed in her grip. "Have you missed your Aunt Sera too?"

Percy grabbed a lock of bright red hair and tugged at it, "Seia!"

"NO!" Gideon complained.

"Seriously!" Fabian added.

"Haha!" Seraphina said triumphantly. All of the boys had learned to say her name first. Even though they had some troubles with the 'R'. "I win. Again."

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