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Sirius Black had never been more afraid than the moment he saw Rosier swing Mulciber's bat with all the might he had, hitting Seraphina's head. Gasps and screams rang across the entire arena when the Slytherin Captain was knocked off her broom and fell unconscious to the ground.

His entire world stopped for a few seconds.

He was frozen.

His brain could not register what was happening around him and everything except for the unmoving body on the ground seemed blurry for him. She could only have fallen for a few seconds, but for Sirius it felt like an eternity watching Sera spiral towards the ground.

He did not know how long he simply sat there frozen until he was knocked out of his thoughts by somebody harshly shaking him, "PADFOOT! PADFOOT, LET'S GO!" James screamed, practically hoisting him to his feet.

Sirius's legs felt shaky and he might have stumbled had Peter and Remus not managed to stabilise him. When he turned back to the field, it was to see Sera being carried away from the field and that was all the motivation he needed to start pushing through the crowd alongside his friends.

They climbed down the bleachers and started sprinting up to the castle. Sirius and James - who due to years of Quidditch was a bit more fit than the others - got to the Hospital Wing first just as Professor McGonagall was exiting, the large double doors closing behind her.

"Where is Sephy? Is she alright?" James immediately started firing questions at the Head of Gryffindor. "We have to see her-"

"Miss Weasley is being treated by Madam Pomfrey," McGonagall said firmly, cutting him off. She was stone-faced as usual but was not able to hide the concern in her eyes. "You may wait here if you wish."

"Is she," Sirius swallowed, the words dying in his throat. He felt dizzy thinking about it. "Will she-"

"Madam Pomfrey is a very skilled healer," McGonagall assured him, words vague to not give any false promises. Then she left. Only then did Sirius realise that the others had arrived, all breathing heavily from the run up to the castle.

"She is going to be okay, right?" Marlene asked the others - knowing very well none had the answer. "I mean it's Sera." Her lip wobbled as she desperately tried to hold back her tears. Alice made no such attempt and was already crying; Lily wrapped an arm around her friend's shoulder while tears streamed down her pale cheeks.

It was highly unusual to see all the Marauders stunned into silence at the same time.

Remus somehow looked paler than he would the days just before and after a full moon. Peter looked possibly traumatised about what he had just witnessed and was still breathing heavily from the run. James continued to run his hands through his hair over and over again as he paced in front of the doors like he was waiting for them to open at any second.

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