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ALREADY A DRAMA QUEEN✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Rhea Black was born on 8 December 1979. The days following her birth Seraphina barely left her daughter's side. A crib had been brought into Seraphina's bedroom in the Malfoy Manor, allowing the new mother to have her baby close. Throughout the pregnancy, Seraphina longed for the day it would be over so she finally could walk around freely again but once Rhea was born, being allowed on a daily walk didn't matter any longer.

All that mattered to Seraphina at this moment was Rhea.

The first weeks that passed by were both the most exciting and terrifying weeks of Sera's life. Her mind went completely blank as she tried to remember what Molly did after bringing a baby home. She spent days second-guessing every decision she'd ever made, fearing that she'd drop the baby or something.

Lyra and Narcissa continued helping Sera with what they could, but unfortunately none of them had any experience with being a mother. In fact, Narcissa could instead take notes from Sera in a few months because after trying for a long time she was finally pregnant and due to give birth in June.

Seraphina hadn't didn't even realised it was Christmas until she walked down the stairs one day to see the minimal decorations inside the manor. The usual warmth of the holiday season unfortunately didn't survive in the cold environment of the Malfoy Manor.

Christmas Day felt like any other day. The only difference being that Narcissa — because of her baby hormones, Sera suspected — decided to buy Rhea some new clothes. Since Seraphina already felt like a burden to the Malfoys, she tried to refuse the Christmas gifts but in the end she relented. Mostly because Lyra threatened to set all the baby clothes on fire if she didn't shut up, which would have been a waste.

It wasn't until 2 January 1980 that Seraphina realised New Year's Eve had already been. Upon her discovery, Sera spent an entire day thinking about how different this year would be from the past one. A year from now Seraphina's goals for 1979 were getting one step closer to taking Voldemort down — but right now it didn't feel like she had made any progress.

The next day, Sera started leaving her room more. She realised that she couldn't remain hidden from the world outside forever. When Rhea slept during the day, Sera took walks around the manor with Lyra, always making sure a Death Eater meeting wasn't happening when she ventured outside.

"I used to be Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch Team," Seraphina complained as she ascended the stairs towards the second floor. "Now I get winded from going up one flight of stairs."

"I'm no expert on the human body but I think it could have something to do with you only leaving your bed to go to the loo for four months," Lyra said drily.

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