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IF I AM LUCKY, MY EARS WILL FREEZE OFF SOON✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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November passed and once December started a new atmosphere took over the castle - Christmas was nearing.

Seraphina absolutely loved the holidays. She loved the Christmas decorations, the cookies, the food and drinks. Ever since she was a little girl it had been her favourite time of the year. There was also no weather she loved more than snow; when the beautiful Scottish landscape was covered in a layer of glittering snow, Seraphina felt the most at ease.

Not even loads of schoolwork could bring her down...

The Slytherin Common Room would also be so beautifully decorated during the holidays. There were several large Christmas trees decorated with silver glitter, lights and gold and silver Christmas balls. Around the windows, that showed the Black Lake hung garlands with silver bows and golden stars.

"I can't understand your excitement," Regulus told her, unimpressed by her excited attitude when they exited the castle to walk down to Hogsmeade. It had snowed all night, so now it reached halfway up to their knees, which Regulus wasn't impressed by since his fancy shoes didn't offer the same protection as Seraphina's knee-high black boots. "It's just cold and wet."

"No, it's like a fluffy blanket that covers everything and brings serenity to my life," Seraphina argued.

"Blankets warm you up. They do not make you wonder if you still will have your fingers and toes left once you get back inside," Regulus shot back with a scowl. "I can't believe I allowed you to drag me with you to Hogsmeade. I have studying to do, you know."

"Fresh air will do wonders for your concentration," Seraphina told him in a matter-of-fact tone. "And you can't study all the time. Especially when it's-"

"If you say 'such a wonderful day' I will turn back this very second," Regulus warned her.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," Seraphina mumbled.

Regulus turned around and Seraphins quickly grabbed his arm, "Okay, I am sorry, mate," Seraphina chuckled, looking at him with puppy eyes. "I promise I will tone down my happiness."

Regulus sighed, but returned to walking beside her, "If I am lucky, my ears will freeze off soon."

"I told you to take a hat," Seraphina half-scolded him. She was wearing a green and white Slytherin hat that matched hers, Regulus and every other Slytherins' scarf. "But I suppose you didn't want to ruin your perfect hair."

"You are confusing me for my brother," Regulus snorted.

At the mention of Sirius, Seraphina's mood faltered a little. Memories of last Christmas when they had all been together at the Potter Manor now felt sour. She recalled their moment under the mistletoe, their first kiss, last Christmas and now they weren't even talking. How quickly things could change.

"Hello?" Regulus said. "Are you still with me?"

"Sorry," Seraphina said, "what were you saying?"

"I asked where you wanted to go first?" Regulus repeated, frowning a little at her sudden drop in excitement. For all his complaints, he didn't want to bring her down.

"Uh," Seraphina thought. Usually, when she went to Hogmaede they had a tradition of visiting Honeydukes, Zonko's Joke Shop and the Three Broomsticks. But Regulus would definitely be miserable at Zonko's, there would be far too many people at the Three Broomsticks since it was cold outside and Honeydukes, they could stop by on their way back. "Tomes and Scrolls maybe. I want to see if they have gotten any new books on dragons."

"Sounds good," Regulus nodded. "I have never understood your obsession with dragons."

"How come no one understands it?" Seraphina asked in disbelief. "They are fire-breathing reptiles, what's not to love?"

"Spontaneously, I'd say that they can roast you alive," Regulus deadpanned.

"But they will look magnificent doing it," Seraphina smirked. "Imagine having a dragon. I mean, they are untamable, and wild - but it would have been awesome."

"You with a dragon, I can imagine no worse duo," Regulus scoffed. "And there were once men who could tame dragons, and even talk to them. The Dragonlords of old. Although all of them were killed thousands of years ago. Merlin was the last one, I believe."

"I know," Seraphina smiled slightly, looking down at the snowy ground. "The dragonlords connected with their dragons; they spoke with them in a shared language as kin and that's when the dragons had no other choice but to obey. Today a lot of witches and wizards try to control the dragons without understanding them. That's why they lash out and burn them."

"Or they unleash their fire on everyone they consider food," Regulus snorted just as they reached the book shop. He opened the door and allowed her to enter first, and they were both greeted by the familiar scent of books.

Once inside, she walked over to the section where she knew the books about dragons were located. She scanned the shelves, seeing many books that she had either read in the library or that had been gifted to her. But then, her eyes landed on an unfamiliar book-spine.

She pulled it out and read the title. It was a rather old and large book about Kilgharrah, The Great Dragon; a mighty and ancient dragon that had been captured during the Great Purge which was a brutal reform over a thousand years ago where hundreds of sorcerers were executed, several magical creatures was near extinction and the dragonlords were hunted down and slaughtered. Kilgharrah was imprisoned underneath the castle of Camelot for years until he was freed by Merlin.

"Either you buy it or you put it back," the shop owner, a grumpy old man, told her. "This is not a library."

Seraphina rolled her eyes, but put the book back just as Regulus walked over, "Did you find anything?"

"Yes," Seraphina said. "I guess it's something to put on my wishlist for Christmas."

"Are you ready to go, or do you want to look around more?" Regulus wondered. "Personally, my will to buy something is not increased by having someone breathing down my neck," he said annoyedly. "Does Madam Pince have a brother I do not know about?"

"I considered that too," Seraphina admitted as the two exited the book shop. "And if they aren't siblings, imagine them together. Their house would be filled with thousands of books that no one is allowed to read, only look at."

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