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YOU ARE LIKE A NIFFLER✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Seraphina froze momentarily because she had not expected James and Sirius to be there. They weren't members of the Slug Club and while she knew they liked roaming around the castle at odd hours of the night, they usually kept hidden. But judging from the way Sirius had been leaning against the wall, arms crossed and James had been pacing back and forth, they had been waiting for someone.

Thinking that this probably was one of James's attempts to hang out with Lily, Seraphina continued her walk. "Sephy, wait," James called out.

She stopped and turned around. Things did not have to be weird between them. Seraphina wasn't petty enough to completely pretend like they didn't know each other; she wasn't about to completely ignore them because that would only make this into a bigger deal than it was.

"Is there something you need, James?" Seraphina asked politely. "Because if not, I need to get back to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow."

"You have been ignoring us," James said gently.

"No, I have not." Seraphina told him.

"Yes, you have. I've barely seen you out of class for weeks," James told her with a frown.

"I have not been avoiding you, I have simply not been seeking you out," Seraphina said calmly. "I have spent time in the Slytherin Common Room and I have eaten at the Slytherin table much like you have been spending time in the Gryffindor Common Room whilst eating by the Gryffindor table. We have all been where we are supposed to be."

"We miss you, Sephy," Sirius said, stepping closer. "I am sorry about how we acted after the game. You know I am a sore loser and all of the guilt I felt for hitting you got mixed up with anger and-"

"I do not fault you for hitting me with that Bludger - even though I do think it was rather hypocritical of you to accuse us of cheating during the game after you tried to kill our Seeker when he was nowhere near the Snitch and looking the other way," Seraphina narrowed her eyes at him.

Noticing how both James and Sirius were about to argue, she added, "I accept your apology. But that does not change things."

"Why not?" James asked. "Come on, Sephy, it was just a stupid fight-"

"That's the problem, isn't it," Seraphina sighed in annoyance. "For you, it was a stupid fight. For me, it was something that has been bothering me for years. Had I not decided to hold my tongue every time one of you made a snide comment about Slytherins, we would have had this argument a hundred times every year."

"We don't care that you are a Slytherin. You are not-"

"If you say that I am not 'like the other Slytherins' one more time I will hex you," Seraphina threatened, growing angry. "What the bloody hell is so difficult for you to understand? I am a Slytherin so stop telling me I am not because that is one of the reasons we clearly can't be friends. The two of you have to fool yourself into thinking that I am not a Slytherin to justify being near me. Because in your mind, Slytherins are wannabe Death Eaters and pureblood supremacists. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?"

"That's not true," James argued. "We all love you-"

"Could any of you ever truly love anyone who wears a green tie?" Seraphina scoffed. "Just leave me be, it's easier this way."

"No! It's not," Sirius protested. "You are usually never wrong but right now, you are completely mistaken on two accounts. I have always cared about you and I am not just gonna give up on us."

Seraphina looked at him sadly. For a moment, she almost forgot James was there as she thought back to their shared moments that summer. Their kiss the night he ran away from home, their visit to Andromeda and when he told her that he wasn't giving up on her.

"You can't give up on something that never truly existed," Seraphina muttered. "Good night."

She turned to walk away when both James and Sirius blocked her path. Before she could say anything, a voice behind her did it for her. "She told you that she doesn't want to speak with you," Regulus said in a bored tone. "That is usually a sign to sod off."

"Don't put your nose where it doesn't belong, Regulus," Sirius sneered.

"Know when you are not wanted, Sirius," Regulus sneered back. "You should know what that looks like by now."

That definitely struck a nerve. Sirius gave his younger brother a deadly glare and Seraphina decided to interfere before this could escalate into a fist fight, or more likely a duel. "Reggie, come on, let's go," Seraphina told him. "We have practice tomorrow."

Regulus passed his brother and before the two Gryffindor boys could say anything, they were walking in the opposite direction. "Are you okay?" Regulus wondered.

"Are you?" Seraphina retorted.

"Sirius and I have not gotten along since before we started school. This is new for you. I know you miss them," Regulus told her. "But for you, well, this is all new."

"It's just, for so many years I tricked myself into thinking that it didn't matter that I am a Slytheirn," Seraphina admitted. "My family didn't like it and most of my friends were in Gryffindor, but I convinced myself that for as long as I didn't bring it up and didn't act any differently to them, it would not matter. It went on for so long that I honestly don't know what parts of my personality that are real, and what I have constructed to fit in."

"I am definitely not defending them," Regulus told her. "I would rather die. But - I don't think they would dislike you for who you truly are. It's not like you are hiding a psychotic monster underneath all that sarcasm."

"You don't know that. For all you know, I could be the worst of the worst," Seraphina gave him her deadliest glare.

"You are like a Niffler," Regulus scoffed.

Seraphina looked at him in confusion, "Are you saying I have a big nose? Or that I am freakishly adorable?

"No, I am saying that most of the time you are gentle by nature and affectionate towards those you love," Regulus told her. "But you also turn vicious if provoked. However, at the end of the day, you are still like a fluffy teddy-bear."

"I am choosing to take that as a compliment."

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