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I FAILED YOU ALREADY ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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When Seraphina woke up a few hours later, she found herself back in 'her' room inside the Malfoy Manor. At first she was slightly confused about what happened since the last thing she recalled was falling. Instead of the hard and uneven ground, Seraphina laid down on the comfortable bed.

She half-expected to be alone when she woke up and a startled gasp came out of her when she spotted Tom sitting by the foot of her bed reading a book, staring passively at the pages like he hadn't heard her move around.

"At least you didn't vomit," he commented dryly, referring to her warning when he told her to try again.

"Fainting is cleaner, but somehow it feels less dignified," Seraphina said, scooting up to sit up with her back against the headboard. Much to her relief — not that she really expected anything else — she wore the same clothes she had earlier. "I don't know what happened. Maybe I'm getting sick or I've eaten something-"

"You're pregnant," Tom bluntly stated, putting down his book for the first time.

Seraphina blinked repeatedly, certain she'd misheard him. "Pre — pregnant?" she stuttered weakly.

"You're with child, yes," Tom repeated. After Seraphina fainted in the woods, he brought her back to the Malfoy Manor and had Narcissa Malfoy fetch their family's healer. The elderly woman arrived quickly and after a quick examination determined that the young witch was pregnant. Upon hearing the news he removed the healer's memories of the examination and sent her away.

At first, he'd been furious that Seraphina kept it a secret. Though judging by her reaction — the way her blue eyes widened in horror at the revelation — he guessed this came as a shock to her too.

"No, I can't be," Seraphina shook her head in denial. "You're wrong."

Tom raised an eyebrow at her tone — no one spoke to him like that — and calmly stated, "I am not." Observing her reaction closely, he then said, "Tell me, who is the father."

Seraphina stared blankly ahead of her, barely registering his question as she tried to process the news. A battle raged inside her head between panic and the knowledge that the Dark Lord sat watching her every move.

"Seraphina, who is the father?" Tom repeated, though he already had his suspicions about who it was. At that moment, Seraphina had no idea what to say. She couldn't exactly lie — somehow it felt like that would make everything worse — but at the same time didn't want to mention Sirius.

Seraphina never wanted Sirius's name to cross Lord Voldemort's mind. If he ever got hurt because of his connection to her, Seraphina would never forgive herself.

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