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I AM A SLYTHERIN✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Seraphina only noticed how much her ribs were truly hurting once the adrenaline from the game had disappeared.

"I feel like after this, you should name your firstborn after me," Seraphina told Regulus with a pout. "I only wish that I would be alive to see it."

"Does it really hurt that much?" Regulus asked, a little concerned about her well-being. Usually, she would dismiss the notion of being injured instead complaining about it.

"Only when I breathe," Seraphina told him.

"That's it, we are going to the Hospital Wing," Regulus decided, grabbing her arm.

"But I don't want to hear Madam Pomfrey's scolding," Seraphina whined like a child.

"And I don't want to hear you whine for the upcoming month about how much your ribs hurt," Regulus shot back as the two of them walked back up towards the castle.

When they entered the castle, Seraphina noticed the Marauders and the Gryffindor Sixth Year girls were waiting for her. Regulus immediately glared at his brother who returned the favour, "You don't have to speak with them," Regulus told her.

"No, it's fine," Seraphina told him, knowing that there was no way she could avoid this, so it was better to just rip off the bandage. "Just give me a minute." She slowly walked towards her friends who were looking a bit too serious for her liking, "Here to congratulate me on my victory?"

"What the bloody hell was that?" James was the first to ask, looking at her angrily.

"What was what?" Seraphina asked.

"The game," James clarified.

"It was quite brilliant, don't you think," Seraphina said. "I guess that means I am two for two."

"Well, it's not very difficult to win when you are a bloody cheat," Sirius accused her.

"A cheat?" Seraphina snorted. "We won fair and square."

"You played dirty!"

"No, I played Quidditch," Seraphina retorted. "And if you are all going to be sore losers about it, then I think we should wait and talk about this once the bitter sting of losing has disappeared."

"Sera, you must admit that you did play dirty," Lily told her. "Avery almost killed Marlene with that Bludger-"

"Lily, I know Quidditch isn't your thing, so I am going to give you a little summary of what the Beater's purpose is: They have these bats that they use to try to shoot down the opposite team's players," Seraphina said sarcastically.

"Don't talk to her like that," James, of course, came to Lily's defence. "It's not her fault you can't control your own players."

"Avery didn't do anything I didn't tell him to," Seraphina told them.

"You told that slimy git to knock me off my broom?" Marlene asked in disbelief.

"No, I told him you'd be inexperienced and uncertain and that we could take advantage of that," Seraphina explained.

"That's not what friends do-"

"No, it's what you do in Quidditch. I watched my opponents, noticed what their weaknesses were and then I made sure we used that against them. We won because we were the better team and had you done the same against us, I would have accepted the defeat without blaming it on cheating!"

"You almost killed our Seeker!" Sirius exclaimed angrily. "He is unconscious in the Hospital Wing right now!"

"And that's sad and I hope he makes a full recovery," Seraphina said calmly. "But the Wronski Feint is not against any rule." A sarcastic smile spread across her face, "Even players who aren't Slytherins have used it. I mean, I wish we could take credit for Joseph Wronski, but unfortunately he wasn't one of us."

When she got absolutely no response, Seraphina sighed, "I don't know what you want me to do. I won't apologise because you are sore losers-"

"You cheated!" James and Sirius exclaimed simultaneously. Then James added, "But I suppose we shouldn't expect better from your team of snakes-"

"You know what?" Seraphina yelled, making them flinch a bit at the way she raised her voice. "That's what the real problem is here. This morning when we left the Great Hall, people booed because they thought we deserved it. When you walked to the Quidditch field this morning, you expected us to cheat. None of you even gave us a chance of playing fair before you started whining about us cheating."

"You cheat everytime-"

"Shut it, Black, I am not done," Seraphina snapped at him. "I've heard every single one of you complain about how prejudiced Slytherins are - but you are all prejudiced against us. You see a green tie and immediately assume that we are slimy gits."

"We have never called you that," Remus tried to pacify the situation. "But you have to admit that some of your housemates - Rosier, Mulciber, Avery, Snape - they are-"

"Not the definition of a Slytherin," Seraphina told him. "This might surprise all of you, but during the Sorting Ceremony, the Sorting Hat did not mention anything about being a wannabe Death Eater when he motivated his decision."

"Are you seriously defending them?" James asked in disbelief. "Don't you remember what Snivellus said to Lily last term?"

"And because of what Snape did all Slytherins are pureblood supremacists," Seraphina laughed in disbelief. "I am glad you all think so highly of me."

"We have never said that," Sirius told her, almost looking hurt that she would say that. "You are not like the rest of them."

"I am a Slytherin," Seraphina smiled sadly. She was so tired of this - so done. "So every time you claim that all Slytherins are arseholes, all Slytherins are cheats or all Slytherins are Death Eaters - that includes me too. But I suppose that's how things have always been - Gryffindors and Slytherins are just meant to hate each other. So I was an idiot to think that we could all stay friends."

"Don't say that, Sera," Alice pleaded, tears forming in her kind eyes.

"Eight against one," Seraphina motioned to how the eight Gryffindors stood in front of her. All wearing yellow and red robes or scarfs that clashed against her own green and silver robes. It was so painfully clear that she didn't belong with them. "Let's stop fooling ourselves. I am not one of you guys and I never will be."

With that she turned around and stormed away. She turned around a corner to find Regulus waiting for her there with an almost pitiful expression. Seraphina, who had felt her emotions get the best of her, tried to not cry in front of him, "Did you hear that?"

"Are you okay?" he asked carefully.

"No," Sera shook her head. "I don't think so." In an attempt to hide her pain she joked, "These potential tears are just because I think my ribs are broken."

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