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YOU THINK I AM A BETTER CHASER THAN JAMES?✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"... I am Tom."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tom," Seraphina said, shaking his hand. She couldn't put a finger on why, but a sense of darkness filled her as his cold, thin fingers touched hers. Every alarm about 'stranger-danger' rang through her head. The basement was most likely rather empty meaning that both running away and playing along could be a bad idea. "I'm Sera."

"Do you attend Hogwarts?" Tom inquired, folding his arms so that his hands once more were hidden behind his back.

"Yes, I am starting my last year," Seraphina told him. On the inside, talking to a stranger in a vast library basement made her panic but on the outside her demeanour never changed. Not even when she felt something push against her mental barriers again.

"Which house?" Tom — much like any other older British wizard or witch — asked.

"Slytherin," Seraphina explained. A near unnoticeable quirk of the lip was the only visible reaction she received. "Were you a Slytherin?"

"Many years ago," Tom said. "Now I shan't keep you busy any longer, Sera. Good luck on your N.E.W.T:s."

With that said he walked past her and when Seraphina looked over her shoulder, he had disappeared. Blinking repeatedly, Seraphina tried to process the strange interaction. Something about it made her feel uneasy. Like there was a darkness hidden behind Tom's charming smile.

Shrugging it off, Seraphina decided she'd have enough shopping for one day.

. • ⚯͛ • .

By the end of August, Seraphina had pondered over her future relationship with Sirius for nearly two months. And the more she thought about it, the more she realised that there wasn't much to consider. Her feelings for Sirius had confused her for a long time.

Admitting her feelings frightened her because Seraphina — always the pessimist — always thought about what would happen if they broke up rather than the possibility of a happy ending between them. Sirius's reputation as a notorious womaniser made it a greater risk for her heart to place a bet on a future for them; but the higher the risk, the greater the reward.

Deciding she wanted to talk to him before term started, Seraphina sent a letter addressed to him claiming they needed to talk. The response she received was a simple question when and where she wanted to see him. Finding a smooth opportunity to leave the house proved to be more difficult than she thought but then one night Molly gave her the perfect excuse to leave the house alone.

After dinner Molly panicked when realising that she was out of flour, sugar and blueberries that she needed to bake a pie the next day. Since the store had closed for the day and Arthur needed to leave early for work the next day, Seraphina offered to go to the store instead so that Molly didn't have to leave the kids alone.

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