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I CAN'T AFFORD A CASTLE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Easter break came far too quickly for Seraphina's liking.

Ever since Christmas, when Regulus revealed the fate that awaited him during the next break, a constant concern and anxiety had been nagging at the back of her head. Sometimes, due to the fact that they hadn't talked about it since then, Sera could almost convince herself that the time never would come.

Usually, those months between Christmas and Easter passed in slow motion. The weather was grey, all excitement people had for the holidays had disappeared and summer was nowhere in sight. This year, however, it all passed by in a blur. First with the Slytherin Cup and then all the Rosier drama. Suddenly, Seraphina found herself climbing onto the Hogwarts Express that would take them to London.

In the past years, Seraphina stayed at Hogwarts during the Easter holiday that came with a two week break, one on each side of Easter Sunday. During her Fifth Year, studying for her O.W.L:s had been a priority and before that it just felt like a hassle for everyone to go home. Especially when the Marauders all usually stayed in the castle.

"Could you please stop looking at me like we are travelling to my funeral?" Regulus asked, sending Seraphina an annoyed glare over his book. Judging by how his leg bounced up and down constantly – something that was highly unlikely for Regulus since he usually sat straight and still like a statue – she knew he was anxious about returning home. About officially joining the Dark Lord's ranks.

"Why would we be travelling together to your funeral?" Seraphina deadpanned. She leaned against the wall closest to the window and brought her knees up to her chest.

"I don't know," Regulus shrugged, returning to pretending to read his book when she knew very well he wasn't since he hadn't turned a page in at least fifteen minutes. "Maybe it's a joint funeral."

"No, my funeral is going to be my moment," Seraphina scoffed. "I'm not sharing it with you." Then as an afterthought she added, "And if it's a joint funeral, I wouldn't be able to look at you like we are travelling to your funeral because I'd be equally dead."

"Fair point," Regulus said. "Now let's go back to ignoring the hippogriff in the room."

"More like the basilisk in the room," Seraphina muttered in response.

"You can't really ignore a basilisk, Sera," Regulus retorted without looking up.

"Basilisk kills you with his eyes. If I ignore it, I won't look at it, hence, it won't kill me," Seraphina argued.

"It could still eat you," Regulus deadpanned, lifting his gaze from the book to give her a patronising look.

"Well, a hippogriff could kick you in the face if you tried to ignore it," Seraphina countered. "And I'm not avoiding it, you are."

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