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I JUST WANT TO ENJOY MY PANCAKES IN PEACE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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On Saturday, the second week of May, Slytherin played their last Quidditch game of the year against Hufflepuff. Training up a new Keeper at the end of the school year was no easy task. Much bad could be said about Rosier but he was at least a good Keeper.

Hufflepuff had Gwenog Jones who unfortunately was lethal with a Beater's bat; although not Rosier-lethal because she at least managed to hit the Bludger instead of someone's head.

The only reason they eventually won the game — with a twenty point margin — was that Regulus caught the Snitch forty minutes into the game. However, after the loss against Ravenclaw their chances of winning the Quidditch Cup relied on Ravenclaw's ability against Gryffindor.

In the Slytherin Dungeon a victory party was in full swing. Although, the lingering tension between those who still held bitterness towards Sera for kicking Rosier off the team and everyone else assured that everyone knew this victory was not the same as the others.

Even the Quidditch team was split into two groups — which had been slightly noticeable during the game too — so they couldn't even properly celebrate the narrow victory.

Regulus — the hero of the evening — excused himself quite early, leaving her alone. As usually she kept to the sidelines, finding a leather couch in a corner where she wouldn't be bothered.

"Captain," Avery said, plopping down on the couch beside her, "congratulations on managing this game without a visit to the Hospital Wing."

"Thank you," Seraphina snorted.

"As always, you manage to look miserable," Avery smirked, "so why do you torture yourself? Black has already called it a night."

"Let's just say that my dormitory is currently being used for activities that I'd rather not witness," Seraphina shuddered in disgust. "I am considering sending an anonymous complaint to Slughorn out of pure spite. Where is Pucey?"

"He is doing unspeakable things in our dormitory," Avery said with an equally disgusted expression. "I would also send an anonymous complaint, only I've voiced my complaints out loud so many times he'd probably figure out who sent it. At least the two of you had the decency to find a broom-closet."

Seraphina picked up a pillow and slammed it into Avery's face, "Git," she chuckled a little. "Now I hope Pucey drags this one out."

"Nah, I like to think that I know him fairly well from sharing a dorm with him for six years," Avery said, "and I can see when it's a quick shag and when it's not."

"As much as I enjoy hearing about Pucey's shags, I am growing a bit tired of having Rosier, Mulciber, Barry Junior and the rest of the gang scowling at me," Seraphina stood up. "And I'm hungry. So I think it's time for a nightly visit to the kitchen."

"I'll come with you," Avery offered, standing up. "I'd fancy a midnight chicken sandwich —- And his name is Barty."

"I know," she shrugged. "I'd any prefects or Filch catch us, it's every man for himself," Seraphina warned him. The two left the Slytherin dungeon and ventured into the desolate hallways.

Considering both the kitchens and the Slytherin Common Room were located below the ground, one would think it was extremely easy getting there undetected. But getting from the dungeons to the entrance required them first going up to the ground floor and then climbing the staircase leading to Hufflepuff's Common Room.

Seraphina peeked around a corner to make sure no Hufflepuff's were near and then the two jogged over to the fruit portrait. Sera tickled the pear and a knob appeared. Swinging the portrait open she stepped in only to freeze upon seeing four familiar young men in there.


"Boys," Seraphina responded, an awkward smile stretching across her lips. The four Gryffindor boys sat by one of the four long tables, huddled together with butterbeers in hand. Avery stood silently behind her, rolling back and forth on his heels.

"Mistress Seraphina, how lovely to see you," Sunny, one of the elves working at Hogwarts, said as she appeared in front of her. "Sunny wants to congratulate you on winning today's game. Sunny was worried about young Seraphina after what happened during the previous game."

"Thank you, Sunny," Seraphina said. "I try to keep my head injuries to a minimum now."

"Is there anything Sunny can do to help mistress?" Sunny then asked excitedly. "Olly and Sunny could make Miss. Seraphina's favourite hot chocolate or maybe blueberry pancakes?"

"Blueberry pancakes would be perfect," Seraphina said, mood significantly brightening at the mere thought of pancakes. Behind her, Avery cleared his throat. "Oh, and Avery would like some chicken sandwiches, if it's not too much of a bother."

"Sunny is only happy to help mistress Seraphina," Sunny assured her and then apparated away. That left the two Slytherin students alone with the four Gryffindors again.

"So, are you here to celebrate your victory?" James broke the silence. "Congrats, by the way."

"Thank you," Seraphina said. "It was really thanks to Reggie – and we're just here because we got hungry and bored. Why are you four here?"

"A midnight snack could never hurt," Sirius told her and for the first time ever, he didn't scowl or glare at her Slytherin friend. "Do you two want to join us?" His question visibly shocked both his friends and the two Slytherins.

Seraphina shared a quick look with Avery who was watching the four like they were lions ready to bite his head off. Eventually he shrugged and followed Seraphina as she sat down on one of the benches.

A short awkward silence followed. One that Remus broke by asking, "Sephy, have you started your essay about the 14th Century Wizarding Economic Bubble?"

"Eh, no, I've planned to start it tomorrow," Seraphina explained. "These last few days have been dedicated to Quidditch."

"Do you want to start it together?" Remus wondered.

"Sure," Seraphina responded. "You are a better study partner than Avery and Pucey anyways."

"Oi, I take offence to that, princess," Avery faked a glare.

"When we studied for the pop quiz on the Owl Airforce your only achievement was folding a piece of parchment into a bird and making it fly," Seraphina reminded him.

"I was helping one of the First Years with his Charm's homework," Avery defended himself.

"You set the paper-bird and nearly the poor boy's robes on fire," Seraphina cocked an eyebrow.

"Right," Avery said. "I definitely forgot about that."

Seraphina rolled her eyes and turned back to Remus, "Do you want to meet up in the library tomorrow after breakfast?"

"Yes, that's perfect," Remus said, clearly happy about her agreeing to study with him. Sunny and Olly arrived with Seraphina's pancakes and a plate of sandwiches for Avery.

Avery grinned, rubbing his hands together while looking at the sandwiches, "Who said Pucey got to have all the fun tonight."

"Do you have to put those images in my head while I'm eating?" Seraphina complained. "I just want to enjoy my pancakes in peace."

"How come the house-elves never offer to make me pancakes," Sirius pouted.

"That's because you aren't as loveable as I am, Black."

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