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GOODNIGHT, IDIOTS✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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On Christmas morning, after eating breakfast with her family opening the gifts, Seraphina used the Floo Network to stop by the Potter Manor. Wearing her newest knitted jumper - red of course - Seraphina stepped out of the fireplace and was almost immediately greeted by a hug from Mrs. Potter.

"Oh, Happy Christmas dear girl," Mrs Potter said cheerfully.

"Happy Christmas, Mia," Seraphina returned the hug. "Have the boys behaved this break?"

"No, but I have given up on that," Mia sighed. "I swear, since they turned seventeen I haven't had a calm moment. They are both up in their rooms right now."

Thanking Mrs. Potter for the information, Seraphina climbed up the stairs to the second floor where James and Sirius had their rooms. The door to Sirius room stood ajar and she could see him lying in bed reading some muggle magazine about motorbikes.

"Where is your Christmas spirit?" Seraphina asked him, leaning against the doorframe.

Sirius dropped the magazine and in seconds he'd stumbled out of bed with a wide grin. Meeting him halfway, Seraphina wrapped her arms around his neck while Sirius' arms encircled her waist, picking her up in the air.

"That's better," Seraphina laughed. Her feet touched the ground again and Sirius wasted no time kissing her deeply.

"I missed you," Sirius muttered against her lips.

"You saw me a few days ago," Seraphina pointed out, concealing that she too had missed him. "Are you going to act like it's been years since we saw each other every time we are apart for a few days."

"Every day spent without seeing you feels like a century of torture," Sirius dramatically stated, kissing her again. Then he abruptly pulled back and ran over to the desk, returning seconds later with a poorly wrapped gift. "For you, my lady."

"It's not going to explode in my face, right?" Seraphina asked carefully. One too many prank-gifts made her cautious of ever opening a present from any of the Marauders.

"No, what kind of boyfriend do you think I am?" Sirius said in mock offence. "I reserve all the pranks for your birthdays."

"Thank you," Seraphina sarcastically said before she started unwrapping the gift. With the green wrapping paper away, she now held a dark box in her hands. Sirius watched in anticipation as she opened the lid to reveal a silver necklace with a beautifully carved dragon pendant. The dragon's eyes were made out of two small emeralds that almost glowed in a bright green colour.

"It's so beautiful," Seraphina gasped, admiring the details of the dragon. Brushing her finger against it, she felt every little scale. "Thank you, Sirius."

"May I?" he asked, taking the necklace from her and circling around Seraphina so that he stood behind her. She assisted him by lifting up her red hair, giving him room to clasp the necklace around her neck.

He pressed a quick kiss against the bare skin and spun her around. "Stunning," he told her, clearly not referring to the necklace since his eyes remained glued to hers.

Playfully rolling her eyes, Seraphina said, "Do you want your Christmas gift now or so you want to continue staring at me?"

"Hmm, tough choice," Sirius pretended to think. "I can't do both? It's Christmas after all."

"Here you go," Seraphina handed Sirius his neatly wrapped gift. Ripping the paper apart he dropped it to the floor and opened the box to reveal a penknife. "It can unlock doors," she explained, since the gift otherwise could be considered peculiar. "Even if a door is charmed so that Alohomora can't unlock it, that knife can."

"Really?" Sirius said in awe, picking the knife up to observe it. "That's brilliant." Careful to not accidentally stab her, Sirius kissed her in thanks, "How did you find it? I don't reckon it's something they sell in Diagon Alley. Knockturn Alley maybe."

"I have a brother with sketchy friends," Seraphina shrugged. "So Bilius helped me. It's maybe not the nicest gift-"

"It's perfect," Sirius assured her, looking down at the penknife in admiration. "Just like you," he added with a cheeky smile.

"Ease up on the compliments," Seraphina warned him. "I might get used to it."

"I plan on it."

. • ⚯͛ • .

Seraphina spent the remainder of Christmas Day at the Burrow. She built a snowman with Bill and Charlie — charming it to dance much to her nephews' enjoyment — and then read a few tales for them from The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

After tucking Bill and Charlie in, Seraphina returned downstairs to find only Fabian and Gideon in the living room. Molly and Arthur were nowhere to be seen. "They went for a walk," Gideon explained before she could even ask.

Seraphina looked out the window to see a light snowfall outside. "I hope they put on their waaaaarmest clothes so they don't get sick," Seraphina said, dropping down on the couch. Earlier that day when they wanted to play in the snow, Molly forced all of them to change into warmer clothes and forced them to wear mittens, hats and scarfs.

Looking between the twins, Seraphina casually asked, "So, what are the two of you doing with your lives?"

"What do you mean?" Fabian asked, casually playing with the pillow leaned against the armrest.

"You've both graduated," Seraphina deadpanned. "Sooo, how is job hunting going?"

"Eh, good enough," Gideon shrugged, sharing a quick glance with his twin.

Over Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Prewett asked their sons over and over again what they planned on doing with their lives. Every single time, the twins gave vague answers about how they wanted to test the field and find their passions.

The Prewett's weren't happy about their sons' lack of ambition — especially when both of them graduated with fairly good grades —but Seraphina had a feeling they'd be even more horrified if they knew what their sons truly were doing: fighting the Death Eaters for the Order of the Phoenix.

"You two are terrible liars," Seraphina told the twins bluntly. She understood why they had to lie to their family — she'd been keeping secrets from her family since she started at Hogwarts — but she also couldn't fully understand their reasoning for joining the Order at such a young age.

Of course she understood how they wished to fight for a better world, but they had just graduated from school. Most of the Death Eaters were adult wizards that had experience in duelling. Surely recruiting aurors would be better than eighteen year old witches and wizards that a year earlier weren't even allowed to use magic outside of school.

"Liars?" Fabian asked, raising an eyebrow in faux confusion.

"Yes," Seraphina stood up. "Liars." Narrowing her eyes at the Prewett twins, she then gave them a small smirk, "Goodnight, idiots."

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