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YOUR WORRY FOR ME IS TOUCHING✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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During her third year at Hogwarts, Seraphina had been injured during the Quidditch final; a bludger had been sent by the Hufflepuff beater, hitting her in the back of the head, knocking her out cold.

She didn't remember the incident itself, but what she could remember was waking up in the Hospital Wing a day later, with a throbbing headache.

The headache she had when she woke up in the Hospital Wing a few hours after having fainted on the school grounds reminded her of that. Although this time she could remember everything. Regulus waking her up in the middle of the night, her running out to save Snape, almost getting killed by Remus, fighting with Sirius and then blacking out.

With a groan she opened her eyes, one hand immediately going up to touch the back of her head. The spot that previously had been cracked open was now healed by Madam Pomfrey but while the wound was gone some of the pain remained.

The Hospital Wing was dark but beside every bed stood a small lamp and at first she could only see the blue curtains that surrounded her bed to give her some privacy. Then she noticed a movement on the floor.

Her eyes flickered down to see a black German Shepard dog on the floor. She blinked, not knowing if her brain was playing tricks on her. But the dog remained, he even sat up, looking up at her with a pair of familiar grey eyes.

In her light-headed state it took her a bit longer to connect the dots. His eyes were the giveaway. She had never seen him in his animagus form before but she'd recognise those striking grey eyes anywhere.

The intense anger she had felt earlier slowly vanished, perhaps because it took most of her strength to keep herself awake. It made her wonder of Madam Pomfrey had given her some kind of sleeping potion.

"Come here," Sera scooted over slightly and patted on the empty space on the bed beside her.

The dog didn't hesitate before jumping up, lying down on the covers, placing his head on his front paws. She ran her hand from the dogs head down to his neck, scratching him behind the ear.

"I'm still mad at you," Sera laid down on the side, feeling her drowsiness return. "And I'm sure Remus is too - but I'm sorry for saying those things to you."

Her eyes became heavier and heavier and the last thing she saw was the dog using his teeth to move the blanket so it was covering her again.

. • ⚯͛ • .

When Seraphina woke up the next morning, the dog was gone. But she was not alone; for by her bedside sat none other than Regulus who reading a book. He didn't seem to have noticed that she woke up.

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