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ARE YOU TRYING TO BLACKMAIL ME?✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Much like after their kiss, Seraphina had attempted to avoid Sirius to the best of her abilities after catching him coming out of a broom cupboard with Gwenog Jones. Although, she tried to convince herself it was because he had spotted her on her alone in the corridors in the middle of the night and she knew Sirius never let anything go.

Unfortunately, that proved to be more difficult since Sirius definitely wasn't avoiding her. Every opportunity he got he used to question her about why she had been roaming around the castle that late alone. By now she was actually considering punching him.

At the moment, Sirius was walking behind her through the library while she was searching for a book for her Charms homework. "How bad could it be? If you just tell me-"

"Why are you continuing to pester me about this?" Seraphina spun around to face him, a harsh glare on her face. "You don't see me asking for details about what you and Jones were doing in that broom cupboard - and don't tell me!"

"You do realise that you not telling me just makes me more curious, right?" Sirius told her. "You could have lied at the spot but instead you made a run for it - and you, Sephy, do not run."

Seraphina silently cursed herself for not just coming up with a lie, like that she was visiting the kitchens or something. "I was going out for a midnight snack-"

"You were on the first-floor, Sephy," Sirius deadpanned. "The kitchens are in the basement and the Slytherin Common Room in the dungeons. If you are going to lie, at least put some effort into it."

"I'm just going to pretend like you are not here," Seraphina told him before continuing to scan the bookshelves for her book.

Had it not been for him standing close enough to cast a shadow over her, she would have thought he disappeared when he changed tactics from pestering her to just silently following her like a dutifully puppy. 

When she finally located the book she reached up to take it, but she could not reach it. Just as Sera was about to search for a ladder, a warm body pressed up against her back as Sirius took it down for her.

It reminded her of the flour incident at the Potter Manor that Christmas and that brought her thoughts to another memory that she had to force out of her mind. Her teeth gritted together as she slowly turned around.

Sirius was smiling charmingly down at her, holding her book in one hand. She tried to take it but Sirius held it out of reach from her. "Funny," Sera said sarcastically, attempting to take it again. This time he held it up over his head, too high up for her to grab it without jumping. "I will hurt you-"

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