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I LOATH VALENTINE'S DAY✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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February 14th was by far the most nauseating day at Hogwarts.

By the time Seraphina reached the Great Hall that morning she was already ready to punch somebody. Once inside she stopped dead in her tracks - eyes widened in horror.

Somebody had decorated it to look like the inside of Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. Pink and heart-shaped snowflakes were falling from the ceiling, the walls had been decorated with pink and red roses and ribbons.

Not having the energy to spend her breakfast getting harassed by the more creepy guys in her House, Seraphina opted for sitting by the Gryffindor girls.

"I loath Valentine's Day," Sera plopped down on the bench next to Marlene.

"I'm with you, sister," Marlene said and the two high fived.

"Whoever decorated the Great Hall should go to Azkaban for life," Seraphina added, looking around in disgust.

"There they are," Dorcas pointed at the entrance to see the Marauders confidently walking in. James eyes searched the Gryffindor table and a wide grin spread across his face when they landed on a certain green-eyed girl. "Here we go!" she then grinned, sharing an excited smile with Marlene.

"Please kill me now," Lily muttered under her breath and it took a few seconds for Sera to understand what they were talking about. Every Valentine's Day since their third year James had found a very elaborate way to ask Lily to Hogsmaede.

"I'm still trying to figure out how he managed to capture the unicorn he rode into the Great Hall on last year," Marlene said thoughtfully.

"I don't think I've seen McGonagall so close to a heart attack before," Sera snorted, watching in amusement as James confidently strode forward.

However, her amusement completely disappeared when Peter aimed a confetti cannon into the air, causing pink and red confetti to completely cover everyone that sat close to Lily.

For a moment none of them could see anything, due to all the confetti that was floating in the air. "My dear Lilypad," James went down on one knee.

"No, Potter," Lily interrupted him before he could even ask. "I won't be your date to Hogsmaede."


"No," Lily gave him a firm glare, turning back to her porridge that now was covered in confetti.

"Better luck next time, Prongs," Remus patted him on the shoulder. "Can I sit here?" he asked Sera who nodded in the response. Much to Lily's dismay the rest of the Marauders also sat down next to them.

"So, I heard you four are responsible for this abomination," Sera pointed around the hallway.

"You don't like it?" Sirius asked, forcing Marlene and Seraphina away so he could squeeze in between them.

"It's like my worst nightmare," Seraphina shuddered.

"I like it," Alice smiled sweetly, a dreamy tone in her voice.

"That's because you are sweet and romantic, Alice," Dorcas smiled, "while Sera is cynical-"

"It's not about being cynical," Sera argued. "It's not my fault that Valentine's Day is the worst holiday."

"You are just saying that because you always spend Valentine's Day alone," Sirius smirked at her.

Underneath the table Sera stomped on his foot, making him wince in pain, "Trust me. If I wanted a date for Valentine's Day, I would have a date," she told him. "Which is one of the reasons I hate it: all the guys in the castle seems to think it's okay to harass girls for a date even when they say 'no'."

"And all the couples seem to think that it's okay to snog everywhere," Marlene added, pointing at a Ravenclaw couple that had decided to eat each others' faces instead of the breakfast.

"Is that bitterness I hear?" Sirius mocked them. "I thought all girls loved romance and love."

Seraphina scoffed, "Yes, just like all boys love the colour blue and wrestling in the mud. The only Valentines tradition I can stand behind is that you can eat as much chocolate as you want-"


Seraphina winced at the high-pitched squeal close to her ear and barley had time to react before a brown haired girl launched herself at Sirius, crashing her lips to his.

"Permanent ear damage," Sera covered her ear with her hand.

Everyone at the table suddenly looked very uncomfortable as Sirius and the girl were snogging like there was no tomorrow. Seraphina didn't know her name but judging by her tie, it was a Gryffindor.

Seraphina didn't know why, because it definitely wasn't the first time she had seen Sirius with a girl, but it didn't sit right with her. Their little moment at Christmas flashed before her eyes but she forced herself to not think about it. Sirius and her were friends. Just friends.

And friends didn't get angry when their friend kissed someone else. They could however become annoyed when a strange girl practically sat down on her to get better access to Sirius.

She saw her chance when Sirius head came into view for her and she used the palm of her hand to smack him across the forehead. "Do you two want me to move so you can get more space?" she asked sarcastically.

The rest of the Fifth Year Gryffindors watched silently as the girl, Sera did not know the name of, turned around, looked her up and down and scorned, "Yes. You should go back to your own table anyways. With the rest of the snakes."


"No, Sirius, she is right," Sera smiled sweetly. "Believe it or not, but getting harassed by Rosier and Mulciber over breakfast is actually a better dinner entertainment than whatever this is."

"Take me with you," Marlene begged her, catching Sera's arm, receiving a nasty girl from the girl Sera now realised was familiar because it was Mary MacDonald's friend who had looked at Sera like she was dirt under her shoe a few days earlier.

"Sephy, come on. Casey was just joking," Sirius told her. He didn't want her to leave either. Casey was his date for Hogsmade that day, but he'd much rather spend time with Sera. Even though it was just as friends.

Casey huffed, "No, I didn't."

Sera laughed, ignoring the younger girl, "To be honest, I'm heading down to the kitchen because James ruined all the food here with his confetti."

"You don't have to ask me twice," Marlene stood up immediately.

"I didn't ask you," Sera told her.

"Let's go!" Marlene practically started to drag her away, Dorcas, Lily and Alice following close behind them. "The only date I need for Valentine's Day are cookies and ice cream!"

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