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I THINK YOU BROKE MY FOOT✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Halfway through July, Seraphina finally accepted Mrs. Potter's invitation to spend a day at the Potter Manor and sleep over one night. Even though it might be awkward considering her fall-out with the Marauders she didn't have the heart to disappoint Mrs. Potter.

Upon her arrival, Euphemia wrapped Sera into a tight hug and the two chatted for at least twenty minutes before the older woman urged her to find the boys while Polly brought her trunk upstairs. Before leaving, Mrs. Potter also told her to inform the boys that lunch would be served in half an hour.

It was a rather sunny day, Seraphina noticed, when she first stepped out into the large garden surrounding the manor. Since she'd use the Floo Network to get there, she hadn't actually stepped a foot outside before. Mrs. Potter had mentioned that the boys were hanging out in the shed, followed by a few grumbles about their 'unnecessarily dangerous project'  that left Seraphina wondering what the hell they were doing in there.

As she neared the shed, Seraphina heard clangs, shuffling and a few curses from inside. No matter how many times she guessed, Sera never would have considered that the project James and Sirius were working on involved a large motorbike. What didn't surprise her however was James jumping around the garage waving his hand in the air with a pained expression on his face and a hammer in the other hand.


"James Fleamont Potter," Seraphina gasped dramatically, "do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"Sephy!" James exclaimed, a grin replacing his scowl. Spreading his arms, he walked towards her, intending to pull her into a hug.

"Don't hit me with that hammer!" Seraphina warned him, eyeing the hammer in his hands warily. Knowing James, he could wave it in her face by mistake or something.

"Oh, right," James said, dropping the hammer carelessly to the ground before pulling her into a tight hug.

"You are sweaty," Seraphina realised, pushing him away jokingly. "When did you get one of these? Motorbikes, right?" Her knowledge in the muggle vehicle was limited to having heard Sirius speak about it a few times and she'd seen pictures in a few muggle magazines he read.

"It's Padfoot's," James explained, turning to the bike. "Moony, Wormtail and I bought it for him – for his eighteenth birthday."

"Were there no brooms in stock?" Seraphina wondered.

James gave her a deadpan look, "You know how much Padfoot wanted one of these and after we read through every sales add in a few muggle newspapers-" he noticed Seraphina's raised eyebrow he corrected himself, "-after Remus read through the adds, we found a man selling this for basically nothing."

"It doesn't surprise me," Seraphina said, observing the bike sceptically. She did not know much, yet one did not need extensive knowledge to conclude that it was old, rusty and worn down.

"It's a working project," James told her. "Now we have something to do during the summer."

"It misses a wheel," Serpahina noted.

"Prongs! I finally got the wheel round again," Sirius announced proudly, walking into view holding a wide wheel in his arms, muscles straining in effort to hold it up. And Seraphina knew this because for some reason – maybe the warm weather – Sirius decided to not wear a shirt. Upon noticing her presence, he stopped in his tracks and grinned widely. "You're here," he dropped the wheel to the ground carelessly, making it roll.

In seconds, Sirius picked her up by the waist and spun her around in a circle. What prompted him to greet her with such enthusiasm she did not know but she couldn't bring herself to complain, too busy trying to comprehend how unfairly good-looking Sirius was.

"BLOODY HELL!" James screamed again, this time because the wheel had fallen over his foot. He jumped around the shed on one leg, muttering profanities under his breath. Seraphina's and Sirius's eyes widened at the scene. They shared a look and both burst out laughing. The black haired boy glared at them, "You wanker, Padfoot," he said angrily, "I think you broke my foot."

"Ever heard about moving when a wheel is rolling towards you?"

"Ever heard about not dropping wheels at people?"

During their bickering, Seraphina realised Sirius hand remained resting at the small of her back. Had it not been for James being too busy focusing on his poor foot, he probably would have pushed them apart already – that's what he always did when Sirius got too close.

After a few more minutes – yes, minutes – of James whining and Sirius telling him to not behave like a baby, James decided to get some ice for his foot and apparated out of the shed; both him and Sirius turned seventeen months earlier and could therefore take and pass the test already.

The moment Seraphina and Sirius were left alone, the tension in the air grew. It took more self-control than she'd like to admit for Seraphina to keep her gaze from Sirius's toned abs and muscled arms. It wasn't even the first time she'd seen him shirtless, she tried to remind herself.

"Sooo, this piece of garbage is yours?" Seraphina asked, breaking the silence.

Sirius gasped, clutching his heart dramatically, "How dare you speak of her like that?"

"Her?" Seraphina asked disbelievingly.

"Don't be jealous, darling," Sirius teased, winking at her.

"Jealous of what? The fact that she is so old that if I kick her, she will fall apart?" Seraphina asked. To prove her point, she took a step towards the bike only to stop when Sirius grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to him and spinning her around to face him. Bracing herself from stumbling, Seraphina placed her hands against his chest and froze when she found his startling grey eyes staring down at her intently.

... if you give me a chance, I will do everything in my power to make sure you won't regret it...

... Take the summer if you want ...

Sirius' words repeated like a mantra in her head. Despite everything that had happened in the past, it became more and more difficult denying that she felt something towards Sirius she'd never felt before.

For the second time, it was Sirius that pulled them out of their daze, clearing his throat, "We should probably head back inside, I think Mia needs help setting the table for lunch."

"Yes, she said it would be ready soon," Seraphina nodded, reluctantly taking a step back. Her hands left the warmth of his chest and despite the summer weather, it made her feel a little cold. "Maybe you should – uh – put on a shirt though," she pointed out. "This isn't really appropriate lunch attire," she waved her hand in front of him.

"As my lady commands," Sirius smirked. "But only because I don't want to distract you to the point where you might stab James's hand by mistake."

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