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THEY ARE CHEATING!✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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When the game started again, Seraphina ignored the pain in her ribs and gave it everything she got. As per her instructions, the Slytherin Team had a new strategy. Seraphina would never lower herself to actually cheat, or to play dirty enough for somebody to be seriously hurt outside of what one could expect during a Quidditch game.

She couldn't really be mad at Sirius for almost knocking her off her broom; not only was it her own fault for deciding to block the Bludger, but it was also a part of the game for Beaters to direct the Bludgers at the opposite team's players. All she could be mad at him for was almost hurting his little brother when his back was turned.

"Potter passes the Quaffle to - oh, no, Weasley intercepts and passes the Quaffle over to Pucey who passes it back to Weasley - but McKinnon takes it and she is flying towards the goal - NO! Avery shoots a Bludger straight at her!"

Seraphina caught the ball when Marlene dropped while attempting to dodge the Bludger, only for it to grace her arm, almost knocking her off the broomstick. Since Marlene was about to fall off her broom, James, who was the closest, had to help her which meant only one Chaser was left and he didn't have a chance stopping Sera before she scored for Slytherin.

"And another score for Slytherin," Smith said very unenthusiastically.

"That's a foul!" James yelled, flying over towards Madam Hooch, followed by the rest of the Gryffindor Team who looked just as angry. "Avery is clearly targeting her. They are cheating!"

"The Beaters' purpose in the game is to protect their own teammates and aim the Bludgers against the opposite team," Seraphina argued, growing angry at their whining. "Why should we be punished just because their Beaters can't do their job?"

Sirius and James sent deadly glares her way. "This is the third time Avery almost kill her!" James yelled angrily.

Seraphina laughed in disbelief. All she had done was find their weakness and used it against them. And she had instructed Avery to aim with care so he didn't cause any serious injury. "I am playing Quidditch, Potter. So don't blame me because your team of brainless buffoons are stupid enough to fall for the same play three times in a row."

"Do you want to say that again?" Sirius asked and then the two of them were in each other's faces again.

"That's enough," Madam Hooch said firmly.

"They are cheating!"

"I got hit by a Bludger too, James," Seraphina snapped at him. "But you don't see me crying about it. If you can't handle the game, don't play it."

James looked like she had just smacked him in the face by a Bludger but Seraphina didn't care. Now it just felt like everything they did was called cheating out of principle. Soon it would be cheating when they scored a goal.

"And the game continues," Smith announced when they began again. "It seems like Seraphina Weasley has decided to show once and for all that there is a snake hidden behind all that - Oh, no, Pucey is racing towards the goal and - I guess that's another score for Slytherin. Now back to Weasley-"

"Avery, do you recall what we discussed earlier?" Seraphina called over to the Beater. "I think we can afford a foul right now."

"Princess, you just made my day," Avery smirked and just when Smith started an entire monologue about how Seraphina looked in her Quidditch attire, one of the Bludgers flew towards him and almost knocked him out.

Madam Hooch's whistle rang through the air and she angrily yelled, "Bumphing is not allowed, Mr. Avery. Penalty to Gryffindor!"

Seraphina flew past Avery and high-fived him, "Thank you," she said because it was totally worth getting a foul if it meant rattling Smith enough to stop his objectifying and insulting way to comment on a game.

"It was my pleasure," Avery said, not looking even a bit remorseful. Not even when James scored a goal on their penalty.

The game continued and the Slytherins were in the lead with one-hundred-and-thirty to the Gryffindors one-hundred-and-ten, when Regulus made a quick dive towards the ground, closely followed by the Gryffindor Seeker, Townes. "Black seems to have spotted the Golden Snitch and Townes is close behind him. This will be a tight race and they are closing in on the ground - I wonder if - ouch!"

Almost everyone in the crowd winced when Townes crashed into the ground while Regulus pulled up from the dive at the last second. The Slytherin stands cheered and Smith sounded mildly impressed as he said, "It seems Black just pulled off the Wronski Feint!"

The Gryffindor team flew down to the ground and circled their injured player alongside Madam Hooch while Seraphina, who was respectful enough not to cheer when someone was injured, just flew over to Regulus and patted his shoulder, "I told you, you could do it Reggie!"

Regulus just shrugged casually, "You were right, Townes would be too impulsive to resist."

Seraphina did feel a bit bad when Townes was carried out from the field on a stretcher; but she comforted herself with the fact that it was all a part of the game. The Wronski Feint wasn't against any rule.

The Gryffindor team mounted their brooms again, all of them glaring at the Slytherins. They probably knew that the game practically was lost now that their Seeker was injured. And they were right because only five minutes later, the Golden Snitch was spotted by Regulus who caught it without a problem now when there was no competition.

"And Slytherin wins!" Smith said with absolutely no enthusiasm.

The Slytherin stand broke out in cheers while the team flew a victory lap. Once they landed, Seraphina was quick to hug Regulus tightly who this time actually returned the hug properly instead of just standing there awkwardly, "You did it again!"

"Are you going to be surprised every time I catch the Snitch?" Regulus rolled his eyes.

"No, not surprised because I have full faith in you," Seraphina ruffled his dark hair and for once he didn't protest because the rain had already completely ruined all of their hairstyles. "Just positively surpriseeeeeee!" she squealed when Avery picked her up from behind and spun her around.

The rest of the team circled them as well as they celebrated that they had another great start to the year. However then Seraphina's eyes landed on Sirius, Marlene and James who alongside the rest of the Gryffindor team was watching them angrily, and her face fell.

This wouldn't be good.

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