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DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"How did you know I would be here?" Regulus asked, standing leaned against the railing upon the Astronomy Tower.

"I have said this once, and I will say it again," Seraphina said as she walked closer, "you Blacks have a weird obsession with stars."

It was past midnight and when Regulus hadn't shown up in the common room she grew concerned. First she had checked the Trophy room, since he had hidden there during Christmas break. When she found it empty, there was really only one other place she could imagine him hiding. Too bad that it was freezing cold up there and she hadn't thought to wear something warmer.

Seraphina leaned her elbows against the railing next to him and followed his gaze up on the stars. It was one of those nights when there were no clouds in sight and the stars upon the sky shone like bright lights on a dark canvas.

"At the risk of getting an obvious answer, what are we looking at?" Seraphina wondered.

"To give you an obvious answer: the stars," Regulus retorted. "Do you know what Hydra looks like?"

"Theeeeeee Water Snake," she said after a moment of thinking. "It looks like a - snake?"

"And you are at the top of your class," Regulus snorted. "Hydra becomes more visible as Spring comes closer. Most of the stars in it are fairly dim, but can you see the star that has a warm orange colour?"

Seraphina followed his gaze, squinted as she searched the night sky, "I think so."

"That star is the Heart of the Snake," Regulus explained. "Alphard."

"Oh," was all she could say.

"It suited him," Regulus admitted. "In a way, he was the heart of our family when he lived. He made everyone feel – accepted. Tried to defend Andromeda when she left and Sirius when he was disowned."

"He sounds like a good man," Seraphina smiled.

"The brightest star in Hydra," Regulus continued. "And of course we know that the brightest star in the sky is..."

"Sirius," Seraphina finished for him. After she told him about Alphard's death, Sirius had skipped the rest of their classes. It hurt her to not be able to comfort him.

Sirius was the master of trying to appear like he was okay. He'd rather hide his pain behind a lazy smirk and jokes. Likely he was grieving somewhere alone and while she didn't want that, Seraphina couldn't come running back to him every time he needed her.

However, that didn't make her feel better. It didn't make the guilt go away.

"Also known as the Dog Star because of its part in the constellation Canis Major," Seraphina continued, a small smile appearing on her lips despite everything. "To find it," she looked up at the sky, "you use the belt of Orion. The three stars of the belt point downward toward Sirius on the left."

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