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THEY ARE VERY RED✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"It's official: I'm never having children," Seraphina said, leaning back in the rickety wooden chair outside the maternity ward at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Earlier that day Molly had gone into labour which prompted the Weasley family to rush to the hospital. One could think that after three births it would be smooth sailing, yet somehow it ended up being complete chaos each time.

Per usual, Seraphina had been put in charge of her nephews. Molly and Arthur left first to get to St Mungo's while she made sure the boys were properly dressed and got to eat their lunch before they made sure they also left for the hospital where Fabian and Gideon met up with them.

For a few minutes, Arthur needed to leave and out of the couple's younger siblings, Seraphina had been chosen to keep Molly company for the five minutes Arthur was gone. Needless to say it was some of the most traumatising five minutes of her life.

Across from her, Gideon and Fabian chuckled at her comment. In response, Gideon teased, "You're doing the world a favour."

"Imagine a child that is half beast, half Sirius Black," Fabian added with a mock shudder. "It's frightening."

"Why don't you want children, Aunt Sera?" Bill wondered, seated on the chair to her right. Charlie sat on the chair to her left while Percy sat on his aunt's lap, playing with one of her red locks sleepily as he leaned his head against her shoulder.

"Because I am perfectly content with having wonderful little nephews," Seraphina ruffled his hair playfully.

"That's good," Charlie nodded seriously. "Then you'll always have time for us."

"No matter, I'll always have time for all of you," Seraphina told them. Her nephews were like younger brothers to her. She grew up with them and couldn't imagine a life without them in it.

Just then, Arthur walked out into the waiting room with a wide grin, "They are here!" he announced jovially. They had known it would be twins for some time now – which of course pleased Fabian and Gideon the most.

"Boys or girls?" Fabian asked eagerly.

"Or one boy and one girl?" Gideon suggested.

"Boys," Arthur revealed, causing the twins to curse under their breaths while Seraphina cheered.

"Ha! I knew it," Seraphina smugly stated. "I will take my five galleons the next time I see you two."

"You know Molly doesn't like it when you bet," Arthur scolded them half-heartedly. "So don't tell her about it." Clapping his hands together, he looked at his sons, "Now, would you like to meet your new baby brothers?"

Bill and Charlie nodded excitedly while Percy shyly did the same, continuing playing with Seraphina's hair as she carried him on her hip through the corridors. Charlie and Bill walked on each side of her, while the twins and Arthur led the way.

"Now remember," Seraphina told the boys, "your mum is very tired. So you have to be calm around her. No yelling or running."

"We promise," Bill and Charlie said in choir. Arthur held the door open for them as they walked into the ward and passed a few empty beds until they reached one obscured by light green curtains but the unmistakable cries of two newborn babies echoed through the room. Fabian pulled them aside, allowing the group to see the new mother holding onto her two sons.

Molly's red hair was even more tousled than usual and pulled away from her face in a messy bun at the nape of her neck. Her warm brown eyes were glazed over in exhaustion and what Seraphina assumed to be tears of joy.

"They are very red," Charlie noted with a light frown, having been lifted up by his father to get a better view of the twins.

"Unfortunately, being red is not something Weasleys grow out of," Seraphina snorted, knowing very well that her nephew referred to their faces, but her joke earned a snort from Arthur. "Say hi to your younger brothers, Perce," Seraphina whispered, noticing how Percy still hid his face in her shoulder.

Up until that day, he'd been the youngest in the family so it was his first time greeting new siblings. Serahpina understood it could be overwhelming for him. Especially when the twins went from being calm to screaming in a matter of seconds.

"What are their names?" Gideon wondered, assisting Bill in sitting on the bed by his mother's feet.

Molly looked over at Arthur, an almost sheepish smile on her face, "I had such a feeling these two would be girls – I have not really thought of many boy names." Seraphina had been the first Weasley girl in generations which proved that for some reason boys were more common in their family yet Molly and Arthur had both been convinced that the twins would be girls.

"I still vote for Fred and George," Seraphina told the others, looking down at the crying twins with a warm smile. "F and G after their uncles," she looked over at the Prewett twins.

"I like it!" Bill announced with a serious nod.

"Me too," Charlie said.

"I was actually thinking," Molly smiled at her younger brothers, "since Bill's middle name is Arthur, Charlie's is Septimus after his grandfather, Percy's is Ignatius after our uncle – that the twins should have middle names after their uncles." Grins appeared on the older twins' faces as they both went to hug their sister, mindful of the babies in her arms.

"Sooo, what I am hearing," Seraphina said, "is Fred Gideon Weasley and George Fabian Weasley?"

"That actually sounds splendid," Arthur agreed, looking down at his wife for confirmation.

"I agree," Molly said, making Seraphina's smile wider since her name suggestion won.

"Oh, and a reminder for when you two have a daughter," Seraphina smiled playfully. "My name is spelled S-E-R-A-P-H-I-N-A."

"Which one is which?" Fabian asked.

"Fred is the oldest," Molly said, looking down at the one to her left. "George is a few minutes younger." As if they heard their new names, the twins' cries grew louder and Molly struggled to comfort both at once. "Sera, could you take one?" Molly asked sheepishly.

"Of course," Seraphina said, placing Percy on the bed beside Bill before she took one of the bundles, careful to support his head as she held him.

Gideon moved to stand beside her and asked, "Which one is this now?"

"It's Fred, knucklehead," Seraphina deadpanned, rocking the baby gently and he immediately quieted down. Instead the newborn stared up at his aunt curiously.

"Are you sure?" Gideon asked. "Should we draw an 'F' on his forehead to make sure we don't mix them up?"

"I feel like we owe mum an apology for all the times we gave her a hard time about not being able to tell us apart," Fabian rubbed his neck, looking between his newborn nephews. Hopefully they'll grow less alike with the years.

"Something tells me these two will be more of a menace than you two," Seraphina said. "It's April Fool's Day after all. They are practically born to cause trouble."

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