Chapter 118

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"Come on, let's eat meat!"

The old man put the prepared food in the dog bowl. A group of huskies had just dragged the goods and were so tired that they got down on the ground. After hearing the sound, they struggled to get up to eat the food. They were indeed very tired. Only food could cheer up the group of huskies.

Not far away, Arnold, who was sneaking out his head, looked around twice, as if to make sure if Iman was here.

"Arnold?" Apparently, the old man recognized Arnold. He took two steps forward and waved at Arnold. Arnold was still very vigilant and didn't move forward. If it was the same as in the past, he would definitely come over with his tail wagging. some goodies.

The food here for the old man is more delicious than the venison in the forest.

While rubbing against the old man's leg, Arnold forgot all the ferocity of the wolf, while taking advantage of the old man's inattention, he picked up the piece of meat in the old man's hand, gnawed on it two or three times, and almost choked.

The old man patted the wolf's neck helplessly, and said, "What's the hurry? I haven't eaten for a few days, why are you so hungry?"

Of course, it was impossible for Arnold not to eat, purely because the food here was more delicious. He licked his paws, and let the old man touch his head in a good temper. Although the Siberian wolf's head can't be touched casually, the food is not counted.

This kind of life without worrying about eating and drinking is exactly what it wants, and Arnold feels very comfortable. If it is not because Iman is always here and is too aggressive, Arnold might eat and drink here for a whole winter like last year.

The group of huskies next to him stared at Anol, and Anol howled viciously, and the huskies immediately raised their heads and howled, and kept backing away, hiding together with a few heads, but they did not forget to howl too.

"Did you owe a beating?" The old man unceremoniously smashed the rice bowl on Arnold's head. The rice bowl sounded loud, but the actual damage was not much, but Arnold's ears immediately pressed down.

Although Arnold's ears were pressed down, his paws still grabbed the piece of meat, and he didn't forget to drag the meat to the side to chew, it was really not a waste at all.

After eating and drinking, it opened its mouth and yawned, rolled on the ground, opened its paws in a good mood, looked at the old man contentedly, and then went back to the forest. After all, it had already smelled Iman and wanted to slip away before Iman came back.

Arnold didn't understand why Iman was here all the time. The most logical explanation was that Iman had designated this place as his own territory.

Sure enough, not long after Arnold left, Iman came back. It smelled Arnold's smell, looked around but found no trace of Arnold, and then lay down not far from the hut, watching the old man feed a few huskies calmly, and gave them all kinds of delicious food.

"Eat and drink." Iman licked his paw, and was also being fed, but it was obviously a different experience from these huskies.


When Huo Bei came back from patrolling the territory, he stopped slightly on the road. He lowered his head and sniffed lightly. A trace of helplessness flashed in his long and narrow wolf eyes. He looked away from the bushes, pretending that he didn't know anything, and continued walking forward.

Sure enough, when he reached the side of the bush, a figure rushed over, Huo Bei was thrown into his arms impartially, fell backwards, and was crushed under him.

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