Chapter 91

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Written: December 27, 2020

Does anyone play Valorant? Asia server?



I can tell that it's ready day time even though I haven't open my eyes yet... Not that I can't, I just don't want to. Why? Because I might not see anything again just like I did earlier.

The bright red light that's just behind my eyelids, telling me that there is sunlight once I open my eyes.

I feel an arm firmly wrapped around me  as I can hear a gentle heartbeat on my right ear. I couldn't help but twitched my finger, to check if I can feel anything as of now.

Luckily the pain that I was feeling for three days straight is finally gone, well...not completely gone. I can feel the bad sore throughout my entire body as I curl my toes, hearing a light pop from the joints.

A hand is placed on top of my forehead as I feel an arm just under my head, I couldn't help but think that Onii-chan is the one holding me right now since he's the only person who does this sleeping posting to me.

It's where he place his left arm under my head for me to sleep on and then place his left hand either on my forehead of on top of my eyes to keep the sunlight away. And then his right arm is tightly wrapped around my body in a hug.

I slowly parted my lips carefully, immediately noticed how dried and cracked it currently is from dehydration.

Finally letting out soft groan, a painful sting shoots through my inner throat as I slowly open my eyes. Meeting up with a white shirt of my brother as I continue to listen to his heart beat.

I couldn't help but slowly squint my eyes open as my eyes adjusts from the sudden light exposure, noticing how the windows of the hospital room does not have any curtains tk cover theight source.

"O-o-onii....chan" I weakly call out, my throat hurting. It's like needles are stuck in there, it's very painful.

I lift up my left hand and placed it on the side of my sleeping brother, gently patting his side to hopefully wake him up since I don't really have any strength to do anything.

I can suddenly hear soft shuffles just at the far side of the room, a pair of footsteps makes its way towards us quietly.

"Good morning, Princess" A very familiar soft voice greets as I looked at the very corner of my eyes, seeing Kakashi-sensei with a closed eye smile. Looking very happy that I'm finally awake.

"Let's get you out of there and let your brother sleep for a little longer" He says as he approach me, softly lifting Onii-chan's hands away from me and then gently scoops me out of the bed, leaving Onii-chan there alone.

"I-it hurts...." I quietly whimper out as I can feel my very sore body being moved as Kakashi-sensei brings me over to the empty sofa couch, where I see a warm steaming mushroom soup and a carton of fresh strawberries, along with apple juice.

"I know it does, but I'm sure that you'll be okay. It'll just take some time for you to naturally heal" He softly says with a smes as he gently place me on the soft surface.

"I knew you were going to wake up sooner or later, I made the boys get some breakfast so you can eat peacefully. It'll take them a while to get back so take your time" HE says reassuringly as he a cup of warm water and then gently hands it to me.

I shakily near my hand tk the mug of water, only for Kakashi-sensei to notice my weak body strength for now and then let out a hum, putting it back on the table and quickly pulls out a straw out of no where.

"Seems like you can't grip onto things yet. Which is normal, don't worry about it okay? I'll help you and feed you as well" HE says with a chuckle  as he pops the straw inside the mug and then brings the tip of the straw on my mouth.

"I couldn't help but give him a very shaky smile before I started slowly drinking it. The warm water makes its way down my throat, feeling a small sting on its way since its the first drink I've had in four days.

" Alright, drink every last drop of it" He gently says with a smile while lightly patting my head happily.

I quickly finished my drink, panting a little since I wasn't really breathing and literally vacuummed the liquid very quickly. Hearing Kakashi-sensei chuckle a little with a smile before placing the mug back down on the table and then grabbed the bowl of warm mushroom soup.

"Careful now, it's a little bit too hot" He says before pulling down his mask, revealing his bare face as he blows on the metal spoon to make sure that I don't burn my tongue or my throat.

I couldn't help but nod silently as I continue to watch him blow the spoon filled with soup in silence. I couldn't hold a proper conversation anyway, and I like the silence between us as well.

"You have no idea how happy I am right now to see you well and awake...." He says with a soft smile, I couldn't help but shakily smile back at him as he brings the spoon in front of my mouth.

"Careful now" He says before parting his lips, motioning me to open my mouth as well to drink the soup.

I shakily open up my mouth and then sipped the mushroom flavored soup. My mouth, swelling a little from the warmth and flavor of it as I suddenly feel small tears prick in my eyes.

"Mmhm, tastes good right? Don't cry, there's plenty more for you to get" HE says with a chuckle before taking another spoonful and then gently blows on it to make the heat more bearable for my sensitive throat.

"I-I'm sorry...." I weakly say while looking down on my shaking hands in guilt.

"Hmm? For what?"

"F-for letting y-you see my v-vulnerable side.... Now you might think that I-I'm weak and annoying...." I whimper out in a stutter and pain as I force out my voice even though my throat is hurting very badly.

"Honey, don't be're not weak okay? You're a very strong girl, for you to be able to bear all that pain the whole time is admirable. You are amazing, okay? Not annoying" He softly explains with a soft smile as he place down the bowl of soup and then pulls a tissue from the box.

"Don't cry, okay? You were amazing" He says with the same soft smile while wiping my tears with the tissue paper. I couldn't help but just nod in response as I avoid his look.

"Now let's finish this up so you can go back to bed and sleep. You're going to have to rest for a little longer if you want to heal properly" HE says with a sme before picking up the bowl of soup again.

"T-they'll see you without your m-mask..." I stutter out in anxiousness as I glance at the closed door in fear, hoping that no one comes in the room so early, or else they might see Sensei's mask less face.

"Don't worry, they won't" HE says with a chuckle  before blowing on the spoon again.


Here's a small Papashi and Babyzuki Moment❤️❤️❤️




I hope you enjoyed this short chapter!.

See you on the next one!

Bye Potatoes!

Stay fab!!




FOR BNHA FANS! Check out my new story "WILLPOWER" in my profile! ❤️ Would love to hear your thoughts about it❤️

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