Chapter 69 ;)

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Written : November 8, 2020


- 3rd Person-

Nothing much for the rest of the day, with Naruto ending up tying Mizuki's waist  so she won't get lost again after that small hole incident. Both boys still continues to argue about what they will be feeding Mizuki this evening in the resting area, while Kakashi quietly stay beside a gloomy and anxious Sakura.

The group did not decided to take a break even after walking even if it is already sunset, not listening to Kakashi's protest to take a rest, Mizuki pressed him to continue walking, which made the whole group very confused on why she's acting like that.

It's currently eleven in the evening, with only a few more hours of walking to reach the nearby village that they were once in a few days ago.
A small torch lights up their path as they all continues to walk down the seemingly never ending path.

The loud crickets and the crunching of leaves, along with the wind were heard as the group peacefully continues to walk. Their feet hurting due to the continues movement for nine hours straight.

Mizuki walks between Naruto and Sasuke as she takes a sip of water from her botel. Naruto yawning in exhaustion and Sasuke silently holding up the torch so they can see their surroundings.

Just behind them were Kakashi and Sakura, with the Hatake also holding up a torch himself  as he rubs the back of his neck in exhaustion.

The group just passed by a cave that they used to be in before, about three hours ago, meaning that it'll take them a little while longer for them to reach the next nearby cave.

"We should take a short break, after walking for nine hours... I think we deserve it" Kakashi suddenly announces with an exhausted sigh as he spots a nearby opening for the group to rest in.

This made Mizuki stop on her tracks and slowly turned to Kakashi with a nervous look, making the man raise a very curious brow on her.

"Is there something wrong, Mizuki?" He asks worridly as he stares down at his little student while motioning the ground to follow him to the resting spot.

"N-no...I just...don't like the dark" She lies with an innocent nervous smile as she sits down on the fallen tree trunk, watching as both Naruto and Sasuke quickly gather up wood so they can make fire.

"Well, we'll just a take a break for an hour or two then we'll get back on track, okay? Looks like everyone is very tired" Kakashi states as both him and Mizuki looks at the very tired Naruto and Sakura. Sasuke didn't really look that tired but it was there.

Mizuki looks at her tired brother then frowned, suddenly feeling guilty that she made the whole team walk continuously for nine hours straight. She didn't even notice that it's been nine hours since she was way too busy thinking and worrying on what will happen in five days....

Will she even reach Konoha in five days?

Just by that thought, it scared her so much that she couldn't even think straight. Not even able to notice her surroundings since either Naruto or Sasuke would pull her away if she unconsciously goes to a tree or to a wrong direction.

"I-it's okay...we all deserve a r-rest..." She replies with a smile, the sadness laced on her voice, which caught Kakashi's attention.

It starting to make him worry as well, why is she suddenly acting like this? Did something else happened without him knowing? Is he doing a bad job as a mentor? To the point that his students are hiding something from him? This made him feel so useless... What did he lack?

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