Chapter 25

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EDITED: JULY 2, 2020
Ahaaaaa, Yeet me out of existence! This is going to be so hard to write since it's a fight scene :'D

-3rd Person-

The two girls under the root of the gigantic tree snaps their attention towards where the voice came from.

They watch as a group of Sound Genins approach them slowly with smug grins plastered on their faces, seeing how there are two defenseless girls protecting their two other team members.

"What do you want?" Sakura says as pulls out a kunai from her pouch and holds it close to her just incase they suddenly attacks them, pulling Mizuki behind her to hide her since she isn't in the right condition to fight.

"We want to fight the Uchiha, wake him up" A man with bandages wrapped around his face demands as he takes a step closer to the territory of Team 7.

"Oi! If you're going to make a trap! Then do it properly! The leaves doesn't even match the ground!" A guy with wind pipes in his palms says angrily while looking at the obvious trap.

"You better go away! Or you'll regret it!" Sakura exclaims with a threatening voice as she glares at the three sound genins.

Aren't they the group that Mizuki bumped into back in the first part of the Chuunin exams? The guy made Bokuta vomit and crack his glasses.

Mizuki quietly peeks her head out to look at the three genins as they prepare themselves to launch an attack towards them.

"OH? Or what pinky? You're going to cry? Throw a rock at us?" the girl of the team taunts with a smirk, as she scans her eyes to the unconscious figures of the boys.

"Kin, take care of the girl for us will you?" The leader says with a snicker as the three of them launch themselves towards the tree where Team 7 is currently at.

Sakura watched the three go to their direction with a smrik then cuts a thin wire. Hearing a small creak at first then suddenly a huge log suddenly swings it self towards the enemies.

"How weak" The leader comments as he raise his arms and placed it in front of the log, shattering it with the use of sound.

"W-what?" Sakura stutters, her eyes widening in disbelief as she watch the log break into small pieces. She sat there on the ground with trembling hands as she sees them go nearer.

"Leaf Hurricanes!!" A voice shouts up in the air as a familiar figure appears out of no where and round house kicks the three enemies away from Team 7.

"And who the hell are you?"

"I am the beautiful blue beast of the Leaf Village, Rock Lee! And I will be your opponent!" Lee exclaims in determination as he stands infront of Sakura.

"Zaku....I'll give you Sasuke" The leader says as he runs up to Lee, stretching back his right arm where his metal sound box is attached.

Rock Lee immediately punched his fist into the ground, colliding into dirt surface as it rose up to form into some shield to protect them from the attack.
Launching himself up in the ground with one arm as he appears behind the leader in an incredible amount of speed, the bandages that's wrapped around his arms, loosens and wraps itself around the body of the leader tightly.

Both of their bodies falls into the ground, Lee planning to crash the leader's head on it but was caught off guard when Zaku suddenly buries his hands on the ground and shoots out a stream of wind to cushion the fall of his leader, making Lee jump off of him and distance himself from the enemies.

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