Chapter 87

2.9K 117 53

Written: December 23, 2020





".......I can't belive THAT I'm seeing you again for the nth time this month....I'm so sick of your face " A familiar giant fix groans out in annoyance as we both have a stare down contest.

I just gave him an innocent smile as I climb up his fluffy tail with no problem, watching him roll his eyes at me.

"I-I know you loove meee" I sing out in a tune, earning an irk mark from Ku-chan as he raises the tail that I am currently on in his eye level. His red ruby eyes, stares through my very souls in confusion and annoyance.

"Seriously, this is probably the fifth time you have visited me this month and it's not even voluntarily" HE deadpan with a sweat drop while continously stares at me with boredom.

"I can't believe you're still alive, holy fox" He says with a deep relieved sigh, making me smile at him even more since he looked so happy that I'm still alive.

"W-well. If it  weren't for you trying to  stop the poison for over two months then I would've b-been dead a long time ago" I say with a smile while laying my back on his fluffy tail.

The last thing that I can partially remember was that I was eating barbeque with Onii-chan, Kakashi-sensei, Shikamaru, Kiba and Choji. Right after barbeque, I had this really painful headache, to the point where I forced myself to go to sleep for it to hopefully go away by the time that I wake up.

But that didn't happen in a good way, what woke me up was this very very painful feeling. It was like someone was pushing something sharp inside my opened lungs.

I look back at Ku-chan, to see him still staring at me in annoyance. I smiled back at him to annoy him even more before looking back up at the dark colored ceiling.

It seems so peaceful, comparing to earlier where I felt like I was being tortured. It felt like I was being skinned alive and it felt very traumatizing. Made me realize to never go near a snake ever again.

I was able to calm down earlier when Kakashi-sensei tried to hum in tunes, even if they sounded very bad. Now I know that he isn't much of a sjnger, but it made me happy that he was trying his best to calm me down.

I was sure that Shikamaru was beside me, looking like he was about to faint or something and it made feel very bad that he had to see this side of me and also in my worst condition. It made me feel somewhat ashamed since I acted so much out of my character.

It made wonder who was the woman that I keep on seeing, she was very beautiful but the bags under her eyes tells me that she doesn't get enough sleep at night...but maybe I'm the reason whg she couldn't sleep.....but whoever that woman was was amazing, she was absolutely precise with her hands.

Even though it was excruciating to even think back on what I felt, I can't tell how long the operation is.

While I was screaming out in pain, there was this weird scary shadow that suddenly pops out of the woman's spine and it really  scared me so much since it looked like it came out of some horror book or picture.

But for some reason, even though I was very body somehow felt like it was turning into jelly as well, like...I suddenly wasn't able to feel the pain. Feeling like I was drenched in anesthesia or I was injected with five gallons of anesthesia or something. It really amazed me and it also made me very curious on how that happened.

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