Chapter 63

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Written:  October 30, 2020

The threats won't stop me from trolling you all with a fake update✨

I'm such a great author mwuahahaha!


-3rd Person-

Naruto slowly and gently cradles Mizuki, in attempt to get her back to sleep so that she won't suffer from her facial injuries. Having to bite back a sob as he strokes her messy strand of hair away from her tear stained face.

Hearing her breathing pattern slowly calming down as her eyes starts to droop close once again, breathing through her mouth, Mizuki drowsily shifts her head a little to look at her older brother. Hoping to see a glimpse of him one last time before fatigue and sleep takes over.

"You sleepy?" He softly ask with a soft shaky smile, looking down at his injured little sister. Feeling a small weak nod from her with an attempt to let out a small hmm, only for her throat and nose to sting from the attempt.

"I thought you'd be" He chuckles with a smile, wrapping his arms around her small frame, giving her the warmest but no the tightest hug since she'll get hurt even more.

"Get some rest okay? I'll be here if you ever wake up okay? Don't hesitate to ask me for water if you ever need some" He says, cheering her up with a  smile before planting a soft kiss on the uninjured area of her forehead.

Mizuki couldn't help but whimper in response as she suddenly feels him shift his position, telling her that he's about to lay her down on her sleeping bag and leave her. She tightens her grip on his sweater, not wanting for Naruto to let her go.

"Come on, Mizuki. You won't be able to sleep properly if you cling onto me" He chuckles softly, feeling warm at his sister's clinginess. He missed that, even if they just seperate for a couple of hours, earlier this day. It just felt like they were seperate for days.

"N-no...." Mizuki says, forcing out the single word before feeling like she's about to cry again. Her eyes starting to water again as she clutch the sweater of her brother in fear, fear of being seperate from him again.

"Don't cry, please? I won't leave you again, okay? I'll be just here beside you, I promise that we won't seperate from each other again" He reassures, feeling a slight panic in his chest. Hating the fact that Mizuki is crying again because of him.

Pulling her closer to him in a warm hug, he continues to stroke her hair lovingly. Patiently waiting for her to fall asleep as he watch the dancing flames of the campfire as she starts to cradle her again like an infant. Giving her gently pats in the back while humming a random tune of melody.

A single tear escapes his right eye as he continues to stare into the fire, feeling very anxious on what is about to happen next after this night... Will she be able to walk? Will Kurama start healing her while she's asleep? What if she suddenly gets a nightmare later? What will happen tomorrow? Did Kogaine survive the crashing of the air ship? Did anyone survive from that?

Multiple questions swarms his head as he stares into the flames, unknown to him, the little sister that in his arms finally falls back into slumber as her body slowly softens and goes limp, using Naruto's body as the only support, leaning onto his chest as he continues to cradle her.

Just beside him was a calm Uchiha who is peacefully reading a book that he bought from the village a few days ago. Skimming through the pages, he couldn't help but glance at the suffering red head every now and then. Having the urge to comfort her and give something warm to eat that isn't ramen.

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