Special/OVA #3

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Written: August 20, 2020

Let's take a small break shall we?

This chapter consists of more than 5,500 words so YOU GUYS BETTER LIKE IT!! 😩😩




Currently exiting out the vegetable shop while carrying a brown paper bag filled with vegetables.

Making my way back to the house to prepare dinner since Onii-chan is out training with Jiraiya-San.... Probably by the bathhouse though...

Loud chatters from vendors and and customers surrounds me as I walk my way out.

It's apparently harvest day in the village, so almost everyone is currently here in the market to get themselves some fresh fruits and vegetables and I couldn't help myself but go here as well since I had the feeling that we'll have visitors later?


My thoughts were suddenly cut off when someone suddenly run into me, making me release my groceries as I fall on my butt.


"Crap! I'm so sorry!!! I was trying to find my friend but I got lost!" A voice exclaims in panic as I rub my butt, feeling sore from the fall.

"Are you okay?! Do you need medicine? A-ahhh-- do I need to take you to the hospital?! Wait, I know basic healing jutsus!!! " The voice panics while hearing shuffling before being helped up from the ground.

Finally squinting my eyes open to see a very panicked boy who looks like he's the same age as Onii-chan.

He's got short dyed black hair with a patch of red just on the root of his hair, saying that it needs to be colored again. His bright blue eyes looking at me with a panicked look.

"M-M-MO---- A-are you okay?! Please talk!" He panics again while bending down on the ground while quickly picking up the spilled groceries and handing it back to me.

"A-ah, yes! I'm okay! Are you? D-did you hurt yourself?" I asked him, looking at him with a worried look. Seeing him tense up in response and turn red before nodding very quickly.


"I-I haven't seen you here before, are you perhaps n-new residents?" I ask him, hoping to change the topic and calm him down in the process.

"No, I'm a t-traveling performer journeying from village to village" He says while scratching the back of his head.

"A-aren't you a bit too young to travel that much?" I ask him in a questioning tone, observing his clothes... It looks so foreign.

"I travel with my friend and Sensei, but I kinda lost them in the process... And was kinda chased by a dog as well...." He trails with a sweat drop before shaking his head.

"W-what's your friends name? W-we can find him if you want! B-but maybe not now though... It's kinda getting late...and I-I need to start preparing din---- OH! D-do you wanna have dinner with me and my brother?" I say with a smile, waiting for his response.

" My friend's name is Boruto! He's got blonde hair and blue eyes, and sure! I'll happily accept" He says with a shaky smile before taking back my groceries from my arms.

"Y-you can help me prepare dinner!" I cheered then started walking through the bustling crowd again with the older boy following me from my side.

"W-what's your name? I-it would be kinda weird if I invite a p-person over dinner without knowing their name" I say with a small giggle as I look up at him.

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