Chapter 9

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I was wondering why it was all Mizuki's POV, almost questioning my old shayne? Are you that attached to your OC?


"Zabuza Momochi... Also known as The demons of the Mist... Specialises Silent Killing Techniques" Kakashi-sense says as he backs up a little from the man that suddenly appeared out of no where.

Moooo moooo-chi!  I giggled Inwardly but then winced Because of the cut on my cheek.

"Oh so you've Heard of me" Zabuza smirks, jumping down from the tree branch that he was previously on.

Slowly making his was to us, I tugged Sasuke-san's shirt signaling him that we should go. Kicking Onii-chan who was still on the ground a bit caught the signal as we watch the assassin make his way over to us to get his huge sword.

"Kakashi of the sharingan... Sorry, I need the old man" He growled reaching his hand out to grab the hilt of his sword then pulled it off the tree beside us. He was completely ignoring us, which was good since that would mean we're not his main priority to get rid of....

For a second, I felt Sasuke-san's body tense. Is he scared? Probably not but even though he is, I'm sure he can handle the situation in his own way.

"Sorround and protect Tazuna no matter what happens, do not interfere this fight.... " Sensei orders, pulling out a kunai from the small bag that's attached on his upper right thigh.

"H-hai/Hai! "We exclaimed, forming a small circle that surrounds Tazuna-San. Kunai tightly held in my hands as mist starts to appear out of no where. Is this the technique of the Hidden mist village? This is definitely a strong asset to an assassin...

" The mist... " Sasuke-san warns, pushing me back a little more making it look like I was hiding behind him again.

I puffed my cheeks in annoyance and moved forward a bit, only to be pushed back again. This time it was Onii-chan who was pushing me back.

The fog became thicker and thicker until my vision couldn't really see anything but grey. It was very silent, hearing the jingle of my senbon needles that's inside my small waist bag.

A sudden gush of wind came to us, moving the thick fog a bit. Being able to atleast see Kakashi-sense and the Rogue ninja.

They were by the lake, standing on top of the water. They were talking about something but I couldn't comprehend since all I could hear was my pounding heart, and the ragged breath of Tazuna-San.

Not only that but I also felt like we are currently being watched, I don't know where nor am I sure if I should believe on my instincts but it was there. The feeling of being watched was there.

Suddenly two large pillars of water rose from the lake, turning into two huge water dragons. They appeared behind Sensei and Zabuza, it was as if Sensei was copying the hand signs of the man.

"We need to do something! We can't just let Sensei get hurt and us not doing anything...." Onii-chan whispered where only our small group could hear. He was looking around just incase there was another person that's ready to ambush us.

Then he appeared in front of us...Zabuza appeared but it wasn't really was a clone. The real one was still by the lake.

I reached out for a shuriken that is located on my back pocket bag, I feel Tazuna-san help me by opening it by the button clip silently, with a small silent jingle, finally able to feel the sharp weapons, I pulled out a couple of them.

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