Chapter 31

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EDITED: JULY 12, 2020.
Sorry for the inconsistent updates, I've been mentally exhausted lately. :'D



Fluttering my eyes open as I stare at the cream colored ceiling that is protecting me, I looked at the wall clock and see that it is currently nine in the morning.

Cringing a little bit from the time, since I don't really wake up that late in the morning and would normally wake up at 7 or 8 in the morning.

I looked at my side and saw Onii-chan not there, it's either that he is out to train or out to get some food for the both of us.

I'm not really sure on what I am supposed to do, now that I won my small battle back un the second part of the Chuunin Exams. Like, I should probably train...but I don't really know what to train  since it looks like everyone is so busy with their lives to the point that I don't want to even bother them.

I hopped off the bed and walked towards the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, not really in the mood to take a shower since I didn't really anything yesterday other than eat sushi.

Pushing the door of our bathroom open and flipping the light switch on, I stand in front of the sink and looked at my puffed up face.

"E-eew" I said to my reflection in disgust then pulled my hair up and tied it in a ponytail so that it won't get wet when I wash myself.

Opening the sink while still looking at myself in the mirror, I closed my eyes and splashed my face with water. My other hand pumping out the face cleanser from a bottle just beside me and cleaned my face with my eyes shut close.

Grabbing the towel that is hanged on the wall, I patted my face dry and opened my eyes. Looking down at the towel and then to my wrist.

Eh? Since when did I start getting bruises?

I raised a confused brow while examining my purple-is green spot that suddenly appeared on my wrist. Poking it, it didn't even hurt or anything. Like it feels like my skin is normal but it's t in rning into a painless bruise? Huh?

I shook that thought away as I hear the main front door open and Onii-chan calling out that he brought breakfast.

Thinking that I should probably brush my teeth later after eating. Just hoping that it isn't ramen since I'm really in the mood to eat noodles or any type of carbs.

"Mizukiii! I brought chickeeenn" Onii-chan called out from the otherside of the bathroom door while gently knocking on it, I can literally feel the grin in his voice.

"I-I'll be out in a second" I replied while continuing to pat my face dry while looking at the mirror, feeling my eye sight suddenly lost focus for a mere second.



"So I was actually to just train with Pervy-sage the whole day, I'm going to be by the water falls if you need me okay?" I tell my little sister as we eat the two whole grilled chickens that I bought, hearing that she ate sushi yesterday afternoon with Kakashi-sensei and that Duckass, I am pretty sure she doesn't want to eat any noodle or rice for a while.

" Y-yeah, I'll try to look around t-the village to see if they sell a-ankle weights" She says with a smile while sitting down in front of me, across the small wooden table that we have. I looked at her confusingly, wondering on why she suddenly want to buy ankle weights.

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