Chapter 14

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EDITED: JUNE 24, 2020
Soooo I just woke up and saw comments and Personal messages that I should sleep earlier and that I shouldn't over work myself.

Well! YOU SEE!

Not that I'm proud though cuz it gives me so much headaches and less sleeping hours :'>

But I assure you guys that I am taking care of myself properly! :D

Waking up to start another morning, rays of sunlight hitting my closed eyes. Ah yes, the feeling of Nature ambushing you from your slumber. Charming. Ugh.

I groaned out a bit before stretching my back, arms and legs widely then quickly sat up. The room was empty and messy, makes me want to clean and dispose everything I see.

Standing up rather quickly I made my way downstairs, thinking what I should do with Choco and Late? Watch Onii-chan and Sasuke-San train for today? Accompany Sakura-San? Or.....

Let Kakashi-sensei play with my hair, He keeps on looking at it whenever I brush it! So maybe he wanna touch it? I mean like....

( ͡❛ ‿っ ͡❛) I do have some really soft hair........... ¯\_( ͡❛ ‿っ ͡❛)_/¯

I opened the door and made my way downstairs and saw Kakashi-sdnsei sitting by the living room. Since Sasuke-San isn't here....then....

More tomatoes for me!! Yay!

"Good morning, How's your Injury? Does it still hurt? " Sensei greets with a smile while standing up from a wooden chair and walked towards the dining table.

"I-injury?....oh, I almost forgot that I-I was actually injured in the first Pl-place" I laugh nervously while scratching the back of my head, pulling a chair out in front of me and sat down behind the dinner table.

Sakura-San greets me as she exits the kitchen with three plates filled with tomatoes, eggs, rice, and bacon. Placing it down infront of me and Kakashi-sensei, we both thanked her and started eating.

Tazuna-San, and his family isn't really around right now, they're probably in the main village buying something or they are probably by the bridge.

Kakashi-sensei was reading his book, with his plate untouched----- since when did he even take a bite? Eh? He's plate was clean?.....he eats fast...very fast. Sakura-San continues to eat, asking questions from time to time.

Speaking of questions.... ( ͡❛ ᴗ ͡❛)


"N-ne...Kakashi-sensei....Sakura-san..." I started earning their attention almost immediately.

"Hmm? / Yes?" they replied with a curious look, Kakashi-sensei lowering his book to look at me and Sakura-san swallow her food and sat up straight.

"I-I have a very....important question..." I trail, playing with my hands.

"What is it?"

"I swear, if this is one of your weird questio-----"

"Si-since bat wings are just stretched skin form the hands...d-does that mean they fly through the power of ja-jazz hands?"

I hear both of them choke.
-3rd Person-

After that very surprising question that appeared out of no where, Kakashi can now understand WHY Sakura is a bit weirded out by Mizuki.

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